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● (73) are essential for the protection of data.


A. Memory

B. Backups

C. Files

D. Blocks


更多 “ ● (73) are essential for the protection of data.(73)A. MemoryB. BackupsC. FilesD. Blocks ” 相关考题
考题 ● The program and the data are kept inside the computer in a place called (73) .A. bus B. cache C. CPU D. memory

考题 ●In low-speed network,it is usually adequate to wait for congestion to occur and then react to it by telling the source of packets to slow down.In high-speed networks, this approach often works poorly, because in the (71) between sending the notification and notification arriving at the source, thousands of additional (72) may arrive.In ATM network , a major tool for preventing (73) is (74) control.When a host wants a new virtual (75) ,it must describe the traffic to be offered and the service expected.(71) A.intervalB.timeC.slotD.delay(72) A.packetsB.cellsC.messageD.files(73) A.collisionB.congestionC.dropD.delay(74) A.flowB.admissionC.trafficD.time(75) A.pathB.routC.circuitD.way

考题 ● A well-designed system should be(73).①easily understood②reliable③straightforward to implement④straightforward to maintain(73)A.①②B.①③④C.②③④D.①②③④

考题 ● The program and the data are kept inside the computer in a place called(73) .(73)A. busB. cacheC. CPUD. memory

考题 城市越大,环境保护措施越是必不可少。(essential, protection)(中译英)

考题 The "main storage" normally means that part of internal storage into which instructions and other data must be loaded for subsequent execution or processing. In large computing systems, the term "main storage" is(71) to "memory". "Buffer" mainly indicates a special-purpose storage or storage area allowing, through(72) storage, the data transfer between two functional units having different transfer characteristics. A buffer storage is used between non-synchronized devices or where one is(73) and the other is parallel or between those having different trans far rates. "(74) (memory)" is also a special-purpose buffer storage, smaller and faster than main storage, used to hold a copy of instructions and data obtained from main storage and likely to be needed next by the processor. "Register" is commonly composed of a part of internal storage having a specified storage(75) and usually intended for a specific purpose.A.suitableB.optionalC.choiceD.preferred

考题 试题(73)Tool for defining activities is(73).(73)A.Dependency DeterminationB.Precedence Diagramming methodC.Rolling Wave PlanningD.Schedule network Templates

考题 ● __(73)__ are the four major activities of software configuration management.①configuration identification ②statement report ③change control④preparation of requirement document ⑤configuration auditing(73)A.①②③④ B.①②④⑤ C.①②③⑤ D.②③④⑤

考题 In low-speed network,it is usually adequate to wait for congestion to occur and then react to it by telling the source of packets to slow down.In high-speed networks,this approach often works poorly,because in the(71)between sending the notification and notification arriving at the source,thousands of additional(72)may arrive.In ATM network,a major tool for preventing(73)is(74)control.When a host wants a new virtual(75),it must describe the traffic to be offered and the service expected.A.packets B.cells C.message D.files

考题 月末结转已销A产品成本73,500元,企业应作如下账务处理:A.借:主营业务成本 73,500 贷:库存商品——A产品 73,500B.借:主营业务成本 73,500 贷:原材料——A产品 73,500C.借:库存商品——A产品 73,500 贷:生产成本——A产品 73,500D.借:生产成本--A产品 73,500 贷:库存商品--A产品 73,500E.借:其他业务成本 73,500 贷:原材料——A产品 73,500F.借:主营业务成本 73,500 贷:本年利润 73,500G.借:生产成本--A产品 73,500 贷:制造费用 73,500