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Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting (71) files are linkedtogether to make an executable application.


A. assembler

B. source

C. library

D. object


更多 “ Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting (71) files are linkedtogether to make an executable application.(71)A. assemblerB. sourceC. libraryD. object ” 相关考题
考题 ●In C program,all variables must be (70) before use,usually at the beginning of the function before any (71) statements.(70) A.statedB.writedC.illustratedD.declared(71) A.operateB.activeC.executableD.processing

考题 ●A computer virus is a computer program that is created to make and spread (72) of itself.(72) A.programsB.virusC.copiesD.files

考题 ● (71) means that a program written for one computer system can be compiled and run on another system with little or no modification.(71)A. PortabilityB. ReliabilityC. AvailabilityD. Reusability

考题 ●Traditional structured analysis techniques focus upon the flow of(71)within a system Object-oriented analysis emphasizes the building of real-world models It examines requirements from the perspective of the classes and objects found in the vocabulary of the(72)domainTraditional system design method emphasizes the proper and effective structure of a complex systemObject-oriented design method encompasses the process of object-oriented decomposition and a(73)for depicting both logical and physical as well as static and dynamic models of the system under designObject-oriented programming is a method of implementation in which programs are organized as cooperative collections of objects, each of which represents an(74)of some class, and whose classes are all members of a hierarchy of classes united via(75)relationships(71)A.control B.program C.data D.reference(72)A.problem B.solution C.data D.program(73)A.mark B.picture C.symbol D.notation(74)A.instance B.example C.existence D.implementation(75)A.control B.inheritance C.inference D.connection

考题 ● Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting ___(71)___ files are linked ether to make an executable application.(71)A. assembler B. source C. library D. object

考题 Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting(73) files are linked ether to make an executable application.A.objectB.sourceC.assemblerD.library

考题 ● To document your code can increase program (72) and make program easier to (73).(72)A. reliabilityB. securityC. readabilityD. usability(73)A. executeB. interpretC. compileD. maintain

考题 试题(71)Which of the following would require real-time processing?(71)(71)A.Playing a computer gameB.Executing a program that predicts the state of economyC.Printing labelsD.Listening the music

考题 A transport layer protocol has several responsibilities. One is to create a process-to-process (program-to-program) communication; TCP uses port (71) to accomplish this. Another responsibility of a transport layer protocol is to create a (72) and error-control mechanism at the transport level. TCP uses a sliding (73) protocol to achieve flow control. It uses the acknowledgment packet, time-out, and retransmission to achieve (74) control. The transport layer is also responsible for providing a connection mechanism for the application program. The application program sends (75) of data to the transport layer. It is the responsibility of the transport layer at the sending station to make a connection with the receiver.(71)A.numbersB.connectionsC.diagramsD.resources

考题 Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting.(71)files are linked ether to make an executable application。A.assemblerB.libraryC.objectD.source

考题 ●The prototyping method is a dynamic design processes, which requires people who use prototyping method to have the following capability of (71).(71)A. proficient program expertiseB. immediately acquire requirementC. coordinate&organize eloquentlyD. handle tools smartly

考题 Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting (71) files are linked together to make an executable application.A.assemblerB.sourceC.libraryD.object

考题 Password is a secret series of(69)that enables a user to access a file, computer, or program. On multi-user systems, each user must enter his or her password before the computer will respond to(70). The password helps ensure that(71)users do not access the computer. In addition, data files and programs may require a password.A.symbolB.signC.charactersD.characteristic

考题 Inside the computer, the operation system(of another software module called a data communication(71))must decide which program will get control next. Each program remember, is associated(72). a particular front -end port. If a program's data have not yet reached its front - end buffer, there is no point giving that program control. Thus the data communication monitor sends its own(73)signal to the front -end devices next port is polled. Note that the(74)computer speed. The computer never has to wait for a terminal or a communication line. Instead, it is the expressive front - end processor that waits for the slower system(75)to respond.A.memoryB.controlC.monitorD.charge

考题 C++ is used with proper(71)design techniques.A.object-orientedB.object-basedC.face to objectD.face to target

考题 Each program module is compiled separately and the resulting ______ files are linked to make an executable application.A.assemblerB.sourceC.libraryD.object

考题 The(71) program is generally translated to an object program, which is in a form. directly understandably by the computer。A.transferB.assembleC.sourceD.compile

考题 A computer virus is a computer program that is created to make and spread(71)of itself.A.programsB.virusC.copiesD.files

考题 The part of the computer that runs the program is known as(71)A.sofiwareB.memoryC.CPUD.storage

考题 The(71)is a combination of keys that allows the user to activate a program function without clicking a series of menus options.(71)A.shortcut-keyB.quick-keyC.fast-keyD.rapid-key

考题 ●A management domain typically contains a large amount of management information. Each individual item of( 71)information is an instance of a managed object type. The definition of a related set of managed (72) types is contained in a Management Information Base (MIB)module. Many such MIB modules are defined. For each managed object type it describes, a MIB( 73) defines not only the semantics and syntax of that managed object type, but also the method of identifying an individual instance so that multiple (74) of the same managed object type can be distinguished. Typically, there are many instances of each managed object (75) within a management domain(71) A.rotationB.switchC.managementD.transmission(72) A.pathB.objectC.routeD.packet(73) A.connectionB.windowC.moduleD.destination(74) A.packetsB.searchesC.statesD.instances(75) A.deviceB.stateC.typeD.packet

考题 A management domain typically contains a large amount of management information. Each individual item of(71) information is an instance of a managed object type. The definition of a related set of managed (72)types is contained in a Management Information Base (MIB)module. Many such MIB modules are defined. For each managed object type it describes, a MIB (73) defines not only the semantics and syntax of that managed object type, but also the method of identifying an individual instance so that multiple () of the same managed object type can be distinguished. Typically, there are many instances of each managed object (75) within a management domainA.packets B.searches C.states D.instances

考题 A management domain typically contains a large amount of management information. Each individual item of(71) information is an instance of a managed object type. The definition of a related set of managed (72)types is contained in a Management Information Base (MIB)module. Many such MIB modules are defined. For each managed object type it describes, a MIB (73) defines not only the semantics and syntax of that managed object type, but also the method of identifying an individual instance so that multiple (74) of the same managed object type can be distinguished. Typically, there are many instances of each managed object () within a management domainA.device B.state C.type D.packet

考题 A management domain typically contains a large amount of management information. Each individual item of(71) information is an instance of a managed object type. The definition of a related set of managed ()types is contained in a Management Information Base (MIB)module. Many such MIB modules are defined. For each managed object type it describes, a MIB (73) defines not only the semantics and syntax of that managed object type, but also the method of identifying an individual instance so that multiple (74) of the same managed object type can be distinguished. Typically, there are many instances of each managed object (75) within a management domainA.path B.object C.route D.packet

考题 A management domain typically contains a large amount of management information. Each individual item of(71) information is an instance of a managed object type. The definition of a related set of managed (72)types is contained in a Management Information Base (MIB)module. Many such MIB modules are defined. For each managed object type it describes, a MIB () defines not only the semantics and syntax of that managed object type, but also the method of identifying an individual instance so that multiple (74) of the same managed object type can be distinguished. Typically, there are many instances of each managed object (75) within a management domainA.connection B.window C.module D.destination

考题 A customer purchased a new PC with Windows XP but wants to run a program designed forWindows 98. Which of the following will allow this program to run under Windows XP?()A、Change the file permissions for the executable file.B、Use the convert utility to change the attributes of the executable file.C、Make sure that Windows XP has FAT32 file system.D、Run the executable file under compatibility mode.

考题 单选题Many restaurants offer fixed-price courses that make the meal less costly ______ if each dish were ordered separately.A elseB whereasC ratherD than