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You ______her at the beginning, but now it is too late.

A. ought to have refused

B. ought to refuse

C. ought have refused

D. needn’t refuse


更多 “ You ______her at the beginning, but now it is too late.A. ought to have refusedB. ought to refuseC. ought have refusedD. needn’t refuse ” 相关考题
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考题 Where ________ you ________?A.are/beB.have/beC.is/beD.have/been

考题 9. _______you _______ stay at home today?A. Do ; have toB. Must; have toC. Have; toD. Do ; must

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考题 You look() What()you()?Atire;did;doBtiring;have;doneCtired;do;doDtired;have;been doing