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to speak of

to swell up

to insert

to straighten out

to bandage up

1.I ________ my key into the lock and turned it, but I could not open the door. 2.We’ve had no rain to ________, only a few drops. 3.The doctor has already _________ her broken ankle. 4.There is a series of bends, then the road _________. 5.Her ankle _________ after the fall.


更多 “ to speak ofto swell upto insertto straighten outto bandage up1.I ________ my key into the lock and turned it, but I could not open the door. 2.We’ve had no rain to ________, only a few drops. 3.The doctor has already _________ her broken ankle. 4.There is a series of bends, then the road _________. 5.Her ankle _________ after the fall. ” 相关考题
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