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This is quite a __________ occurrence.






更多 “ This is quite a __________ occurrence. A、generalB、commonC、universalD、ordinary ” 相关考题
考题 48 A. much B. still C. hardly D. quite

考题 4. The big bus can carry__________ more people than that small one.A.manyB.veryC.much 'D.quite

考题 The book was()interestingthat I read it in two hours. A.veryB.soC.suchD.quite

考题 Thelittlemanwas_____morethanonemetrefiftytall.(A)nearly(B)quite(C)hardly(D)almost

考题 Thelittlemanwas_____morethanonemeterfiftytall.(A)nearly(B)quite(C)hardlyD)almost

考题 共用题干 DreamsEveryone can dream. Indeed,everyone does dream. Those who_________(51)that they never dream atall actually dream_________(52)as frequently as the rest of us,______(53)they may not remember anything about it. Even those of us who are perfectly_________(54)of dreaming night after night very seldom remember those dreams in_________(55)detail but merely retain an untidy mixture of seeminglyunrelated _________(56).Dreams are not simply visual一we dream with all our_________(57),so that we appear to experience sound,touch,smell,and taste.One of the world's oldest_________(58)written documents is the Egyptian Book of Dreams.This volume is about five thousand years old,so you can see_________(59)dreams were believed to have a special significance even then. Many ancient civilizations believed that you_________(60)never wake a sleeping person as,during sleep,the soul had left the body and might not be able to return_________(61)time if the sleeper were suddenly awoken.From ancient times to the present_________(62),people have been making attempts to interpret dreams and to_________(63)their significance. There are many books available on the_________(64)of dream interpretation,although unfortunately there are almost as many meanings for a particular dream _________(65)there are books._________(52)A:alsoB:justC:onlyD:quite

考题 共用题干 Highways in the USThe United States is well-known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time.________(51)these wide. modern roads are generally smooth and well maintained,with__________(52)sharp curves and many straight sections,a direct route is not always the most__________________(53)one.Large highways often pass_________(54)scenic areas and interesting small towns.Furthermore,these highways generally_______________(55)large urban centers which means that they become crowded with_(56)traffic during rush hours,when the"fast,direct" way becomes a very slow route.However,there is_____________(57)always another route to take if you are not in a hurry.Not far from the____________(58)new"superhighways",there are often older,________________(59) heavily traveled roads which go through the countryside._________(60)of these are good two-lane roads;others are uneven roads ________ (61)through the country.These secondary routes may go up steepslopes along hilly__________ (62)or down frightening hillsides to towns___________(63)in deep valleys.Though these are less direct routes,longer and slower,they generally go to places____________(64)the airis clean and the scenery is beautiful,and the driver may have a chance to get a fresh,clean_____________ (65) of the world._________(57)A:yetB:stillC:almostD:quite

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