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更多 “ ()是由费斯汀格于1957年提出的。 A.双因素理论B.内外归因理论C.认知失调理论D.智力三元理论 ” 相关考题
考题 一般内河船舶的旋回性优于航向稳定性。( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 如果销售目标多次沟通,还是达不成共识的话,最后必须要以公司下达的目标为目标。( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 下列应作为报表重要项目的说明披露的有()。 A、应交税费的构成及期初、期末余额B、长期借款的构成及期初、期末余额C、期末逾期借款的相关信息D、或有事项

考题 our company uses network access protection (NAP) to enforce policies on client computers that connect to the network. Client computes run windows vista. A group policy is used to configure client computers to obtain updates from WSUS. Company policy requires that updates labeled important and critical must be applied before client computers can access network resources. You need to ensure that client computers meet the company policy requirement. What should you do?()A.Enable automatic updates on each client.B.Enable the security center on each client.C.Quarantine clients that do not have all available security updates installed.D.Disconnect the remote connection until the required updates are installed.

考题 Anadministratorneedsthefastestread/writecapabilitieswiththemostredundancy,costisnotafactor.Thecurrentdatarequirementis750GBbutwilldoubleinthenextyear.Whichofthefollowing BESTmeetstheserequirements?() A.UseRAID1withten300GBharddrives.B.UseRAID6withseven300GBharddrives.C.UseRAID5withsix300GBharddrives.D.UseRAID10withten300GBharddrives.

考题 ()是指将网络作为调查内容的传播工具,广泛调查的调查方法。 A.网上调查B.邮件调查C.BBS调查D.IP调查