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()is not the ultimat goal for us college students





更多 “ ()is not the ultimat goal for us college students A.DiplomatB.DiplomaC.Discipline ” 相关考题
考题 The missiles missed their _________, so the research group did not reach its _________. A.target, targetB.goal, goalC.goal, targetD.target, goal

考题 Students: Professor Lance, your lecture on cloning is very interesting!Professor: .Are you a student of biology?Students: No, I major in chemistry.A. I think soB. I'm glad to hear thatC. It must beD. It's not so interesting

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考题 Teaching activities must be based on the students' cognitive development level and the existing experienced knowledge, thus, students' personal knowledge, students' life world and are also the important curriculum resources except textbook.A.game activities B.labour activities C.attitude D.direct experience

考题 Teaching activities must be based on the students' cognitive development level and theexistingexperiencedknowledge,thus,students'personal knowledge,students' Lifeworld and__________ are also the important curriculum resources except textbook. A.game activities B.labour activities C.attitudes D.direct experience

考题 Teaching activities must be based on the students' cognitive development level and the existing experienced knowledge, thus, students' personal knowledge, students' life world and__________ are also the important curriculum resources except textbook. A.game activities B.labour activities C.attitude D.direct experience

考题 声明并创建一个学生类Student的对象s,下列语法格式正确的是()。A.Student s = Student();B.Student s;C.Student s = new Student();D.Student s = new ();

考题 创建students对象,_______语句可以选出第二个同学的身高。 students数据如下: age height weight 1 19 170 68 2 20 165 65 3 18 175 65A.students[1,'height']B.students.loc[2,'height']C.students.iloc[1, 1]D.students['height'][3]

考题 【单选题】按照年龄的升序显示学生信息,正确的命令是?A.db.students.find().sort({"age":1})B.db.students.find().sort({"age":-1})C.db.students.find().sort("age")D.db.students.find().sort({"age":"asc"})

考题 创建students对象,_______语句可以选出第二个同学的身高。 students数据如下: age height weight 1 19 170 68 2 20 165 65 3 18 175 65A.students.loc[2,'height']B.students.iloc[1, 1]C.students[1,'height']D.students['height'][3]