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(c) In August 2004 it was discovered that the inventory at 31 December 2003 had been overstated by $100,000.
(4 marks)
Advise the directors on the correct treatment of these matters, stating the relevant accounting standard which
justifies your answer in each case.
NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three matters.
更多 “ (c) In August 2004 it was discovered that the inventory at 31 December 2003 had been overstated by $100,000.(4 marks)Required:Advise the directors on the correct treatment of these matters, stating the relevant accounting standard whichjustifies your answer in each case.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three matters. ” 相关考题
3 The directors of Panel, a public limited company, are reviewing the procedures for the calculation of the deferred taxprovision for their company. They are quite surprised at the impact on the provision caused by changes in accountingstandards such as IFRS1 ‘First time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards’ and IFRS2 ‘Share-basedPayment’. Panel is adopting International Financial Reporting Standards for the first time as at 31 October 2005 andthe directors are unsure how the deferred tax provision will be calculated in its financial statements ended on thatdate including the opening provision at 1 November 2003.Required:(a) (i) Explain how changes in accounting standards are likely to have an impact on the provision for deferredtaxation under IAS12 ‘Income Taxes’. (5 marks)
Additionally the directors wish to know how the provision for deferred taxation would be calculated in the followingsituations under IAS12 ‘Income Taxes’:(i) On 1 November 2003, the company had granted ten million share options worth $40 million subject to a twoyear vesting period. Local tax law allows a tax deduction at the exercise date of the intrinsic value of the options.The intrinsic value of the ten million share options at 31 October 2004 was $16 million and at 31 October 2005was $46 million. The increase in the share price in the year to 31 October 2005 could not be foreseen at31 October 2004. The options were exercised at 31 October 2005. The directors are unsure how to accountfor deferred taxation on this transaction for the years ended 31 October 2004 and 31 October 2005.(ii) Panel is leasing plant under a finance lease over a five year period. The asset was recorded at the present valueof the minimum lease payments of $12 million at the inception of the lease which was 1 November 2004. Theasset is depreciated on a straight line basis over the five years and has no residual value. The annual leasepayments are $3 million payable in arrears on 31 October and the effective interest rate is 8% per annum. Thedirectors have not leased an asset under a finance lease before and are unsure as to its treatment for deferredtaxation. The company can claim a tax deduction for the annual rental payment as the finance lease does notqualify for tax relief.(iii) A wholly owned overseas subsidiary, Pins, a limited liability company, sold goods costing $7 million to Panel on1 September 2005, and these goods had not been sold by Panel before the year end. Panel had paid $9 millionfor these goods. The directors do not understand how this transaction should be dealt with in the financialstatements of the subsidiary and the group for taxation purposes. Pins pays tax locally at 30%.(iv) Nails, a limited liability company, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Panel, and is a cash generating unit in its ownright. The value of the property, plant and equipment of Nails at 31 October 2005 was $6 million and purchasedgoodwill was $1 million before any impairment loss. The company had no other assets or liabilities. Animpairment loss of $1·8 million had occurred at 31 October 2005. The tax base of the property, plant andequipment of Nails was $4 million as at 31 October 2005. The directors wish to know how the impairment losswill affect the deferred tax provision for the year. Impairment losses are not an allowable expense for taxationpurposes.Assume a tax rate of 30%.Required:(b) Discuss, with suitable computations, how the situations (i) to (iv) above will impact on the accounting fordeferred tax under IAS12 ‘Income Taxes’ in the group financial statements of Panel. (16 marks)(The situations in (i) to (iv) above carry equal marks)
4 Ryder, a public limited company, is reviewing certain events which have occurred since its year end of 31 October2005. The financial statements were authorised on 12 December 2005. The following events are relevant to thefinancial statements for the year ended 31 October 2005:(i) Ryder has a good record of ordinary dividend payments and has adopted a recent strategy of increasing itsdividend per share annually. For the last three years the dividend per share has increased by 5% per annum.On 20 November 2005, the board of directors proposed a dividend of 10c per share for the year ended31 October 2005. The shareholders are expected to approve it at a meeting on 10 January 2006, and adividend amount of $20 million will be paid on 20 February 2006 having been provided for in the financialstatements at 31 October 2005. The directors feel that a provision should be made because a ‘valid expectation’has been created through the company’s dividend record. (3 marks)(ii) Ryder disposed of a wholly owned subsidiary, Krup, a public limited company, on 10 December 2005 and madea loss of $9 million on the transaction in the group financial statements. As at 31 October 2005, Ryder had nointention of selling the subsidiary which was material to the group. The directors of Ryder have stated that therewere no significant events which have occurred since 31 October 2005 which could have resulted in a reductionin the value of Krup. The carrying value of the net assets and purchased goodwill of Krup at 31 October 2005were $20 million and $12 million respectively. Krup had made a loss of $2 million in the period 1 November2005 to 10 December 2005. (5 marks)(iii) Ryder acquired a wholly owned subsidiary, Metalic, a public limited company, on 21 January 2004. Theconsideration payable in respect of the acquisition of Metalic was 2 million ordinary shares of $1 of Ryder plusa further 300,000 ordinary shares if the profit of Metalic exceeded $6 million for the year ended 31 October2005. The profit for the year of Metalic was $7 million and the ordinary shares were issued on 12 November2005. The annual profits of Metalic had averaged $7 million over the last few years and, therefore, Ryder hadincluded an estimate of the contingent consideration in the cost of the acquisition at 21 January 2004. The fairvalue used for the ordinary shares of Ryder at this date including the contingent consideration was $10 per share.The fair value of the ordinary shares on 12 November 2005 was $11 per share. Ryder also made a one for fourbonus issue on 13 November 2005 which was applicable to the contingent shares issued. The directors areunsure of the impact of the above on earnings per share and the accounting for the acquisition. (7 marks)(iv) The company acquired a property on 1 November 2004 which it intended to sell. The property was obtainedas a result of a default on a loan agreement by a third party and was valued at $20 million on that date foraccounting purposes which exactly offset the defaulted loan. The property is in a state of disrepair and Ryderintends to complete the repairs before it sells the property. The repairs were completed on 30 November 2005.The property was sold after costs for $27 million on 9 December 2005. The property was classified as ‘held forsale’ at the year end under IFRS5 ‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations’ but shown atthe net sale proceeds of $27 million. Property is depreciated at 5% per annum on the straight-line basis and nodepreciation has been charged in the year. (5 marks)(v) The company granted share appreciation rights (SARs) to its employees on 1 November 2003 based on tenmillion shares. The SARs provide employees at the date the rights are exercised with the right to receive cashequal to the appreciation in the company’s share price since the grant date. The rights vested on 31 October2005 and payment was made on schedule on 1 December 2005. The fair value of the SARs per share at31 October 2004 was $6, at 31 October 2005 was $8 and at 1 December 2005 was $9. The company hasrecognised a liability for the SARs as at 31 October 2004 based upon IFRS2 ‘Share-based Payment’ but theliability was stated at the same amount at 31 October 2005. (5 marks)Required:Discuss the accounting treatment of the above events in the financial statements of the Ryder Group for the yearended 31 October 2005, taking into account the implications of events occurring after the balance sheet date.(The mark allocations are set out after each paragraph above.)(25 marks)
(b) Ambush loaned $200,000 to Bromwich on 1 December 2003. The effective and stated interest rate for thisloan was 8 per cent. Interest is payable by Bromwich at the end of each year and the loan is repayable on30 November 2007. At 30 November 2005, the directors of Ambush have heard that Bromwich is in financialdifficulties and is undergoing a financial reorganisation. The directors feel that it is likely that they will onlyreceive $100,000 on 30 November 2007 and no future interest payment. Interest for the year ended30 November 2005 had been received. The financial year end of Ambush is 30 November 2005.Required:(i) Outline the requirements of IAS 39 as regards the impairment of financial assets. (6 marks)
(ii) Explain the accounting treatment under IAS39 of the loan to Bromwich in the financial statements ofAmbush for the year ended 30 November 2005. (4 marks)
2 Misson, a public limited company, has carried out transactions denominated in foreign currency during the financialyear ended 31 October 2006 and has conducted foreign operations through a foreign entity. Its functional andpresentation currency is the dollar. A summary of the foreign currency activities is set out below:(a) Misson has a 100% owned foreign subsidiary, Chong, which was formed on 1 November 2004 with a sharecapital of 100 million euros which has been taken as the cost of the investment. The total shareholders’ equityof the subsidiary as at 31 October 2005 and 31 October 2006 was 140 million euros and 160 million eurosrespectively. Chong has not paid any dividends to Misson and has no other reserves than retained earnings in itsfinancial statements. The subsidiary was sold on 31 October 2006 for 195 million euros.Misson would like to know how to treat the sale of the subsidiary in the parent and group accounts for the yearended 31 October 2006. (8 marks)Required:Discuss the accounting treatment of the above transactions in accordance with the advice required by thedirectors.(Candidates should show detailed workings as well as a discussion of the accounting treatment used.)
(b) Misson has purchased goods from a foreign supplier for 8 million euros on 31 July 2006. At 31 October 2006,the trade payable was still outstanding and the goods were still held by Misson. Similarly Misson has sold goodsto a foreign customer for 4 million euros on 31 July 2006 and it received payment for the goods in euros on31 October 2006. Additionally Misson had purchased an investment property on 1 November 2005 for28 million euros. At 31 October 2006, the investment property had a fair value of 24 million euros. The companyuses the fair value model in accounting for investment properties.Misson would like advice on how to treat these transactions in the financial statements for the year ended 31October 2006. (7 marks)Required:Discuss the accounting treatment of the above transactions in accordance with the advice required by thedirectors.(Candidates should show detailed workings as well as a discussion of the accounting treatment used.)
3 Seejoy is a famous football club but has significant cash flow problems. The directors and shareholders wish to takesteps to improve the club’s financial position. The following proposals had been drafted in an attempt to improve thecash flow of the club. However, the directors need advice upon their implications.(a) Sale and leaseback of football stadium (excluding the land element)The football stadium is currently accounted for using the cost model in IAS16, ‘Property, Plant, and Equipment’.The carrying value of the stadium will be $12 million at 31 December 2006. The stadium will have a remaininglife of 20 years at 31 December 2006, and the club uses straight line depreciation. It is proposed to sell thestadium to a third party institution on 1 January 2007 and lease it back under a 20 year finance lease. The saleprice and fair value are $15 million which is the present value of the minimum lease payments. The agreementtransfers the title of the stadium back to the football club at the end of the lease at nil cost. The rental is$1·2 million per annum in advance commencing on 1 January 2007. The directors do not wish to treat thistransaction as the raising of a secured loan. The implicit interest rate on the finance in the lease is 5·6%.(9 marks)Required:Discuss how the above proposals would be dealt with in the financial statements of Seejoy for the year ending31 December 2007, setting out their accounting treatment and appropriateness in helping the football club’scash flow problems.(Candidates do not need knowledge of the football finance sector to answer this question.)
(d) Player tradingAnother proposal is for the club to sell its two valuable players, Aldo and Steel. It is thought that it will receive atotal of $16 million for both players. The players are to be offered for sale at the end of the current football seasonon 1 May 2007. (5 marks)Required:Discuss how the above proposals would be dealt with in the financial statements of Seejoy for the year ending31 December 2007, setting out their accounting treatment and appropriateness in helping the football club’scash flow problems.(Candidates do not need knowledge of the football finance sector to answer this question.)
(ii) The property of the former administrative centre of Tyre is owned by the company. Tyre had decided in the yearthat the property was surplus to requirements and demolished the building on 10 June 2006. After demolition,the company will have to carry out remedial environmental work, which is a legal requirement resulting from thedemolition. It was intended that the land would be sold after the remedial work had been carried out. However,land prices are currently increasing in value and, therefore, the company has decided that it will not sell the landimmediately. Tyres uses the ‘cost model’ in IAS16 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ and has owned the propertyfor many years. (7 marks)Required:Advise the directors of Tyre on how to treat the above items in the financial statements for the year ended31 May 2006.(The mark allocation is shown against each of the above items)
(iv) Tyre recently undertook a sales campaign whereby customers can obtain free car accessories, by presenting acoupon, which has been included in an advertisement in a national newspaper, on the purchase of a vehicle.The offer is valid for a limited time period from 1 January 2006 until 31 July 2006. The management are unsureas to how to treat this offer in the financial statements for the year ended 31 May 2006.(5 marks)Required:Advise the directors of Tyre on how to treat the above items in the financial statements for the year ended31 May 2006.(The mark allocation is shown against each of the above items)
(c) Wader is reviewing the accounting treatment of its buildings. The company uses the ‘revaluation model’ for itsbuildings. The buildings had originally cost $10 million on 1 June 2005 and had a useful economic life of20 years. They are being depreciated on a straight line basis to a nil residual value. The buildings were revalueddownwards on 31 May 2006 to $8 million which was the buildings’ recoverable amount. At 31 May 2007 thevalue of the buildings had risen to $11 million which is to be included in the financial statements. The companyis unsure how to treat the above events. (7 marks)Required:Discuss the accounting treatments of the above items in the financial statements for the year ended 31 May2007.Note: a discount rate of 5% should be used where necessary. Candidates should show suitable calculations wherenecessary.
5 Financial statements have seen an increasing move towards the use of fair values in accounting. Advocates of ‘fairvalue accounting’ believe that fair value is the most relevant measure for financial reporting whilst others believe thathistorical cost provides a more useful measure.Issues have been raised over the reliability and measurement of fair values, and over the nature of the current levelof disclosure in financial statements in this area.Required:(a) Discuss the problems associated with the reliability and measurement of fair values and the nature of anyadditional disclosures which may be required if fair value accounting is to be used exclusively in corporatereporting. (13 marks)
(b) (i) Discusses the principles involved in accounting for claims made under the above warranty provision.(6 marks)(ii) Shows the accounting treatment for the above warranty provision under IAS37 ‘Provisions, ContingentLiabilities and Contingent Assets’ for the year ended 31 October 2007. (3 marks)Appropriateness of the format and presentation of the report and communication of advice. (2 marks)
2 The draft financial statements of Choctaw, a limited liability company, for the year ended 31 December 2004 showeda profit of $86,400. The trial balance did not balance, and a suspense account with a credit balance of $3,310 wasincluded in the balance sheet.In subsequent checking the following errors were found:(a) Depreciation of motor vehicles at 25 per cent was calculated for the year ended 31 December 2004 on thereducing balance basis, and should have been calculated on the straight-line basis at 25 per cent.Relevant figures:Cost of motor vehicles $120,000, net book value at 1 January 2004, $88,000(b) Rent received from subletting part of the office accommodation $1,200 had been put into the petty cash box.No receivable balance had been recognised when the rent fell due and no entries had been made in the pettycash book or elsewhere for it. The petty cash float in the trial balance is the amount according to the records,which is $1,200 less than the actual balance in the box.(c) Bad debts totalling $8,400 are to be written off.(d) The opening accrual on the motor repairs account of $3,400, representing repair bills due but not paid at31 December 2003, had not been brought down at 1 January 2004.(e) The cash discount totals for December 2004 had not been posted to the discount accounts in the nominal ledger.The figures were:$Discount allowed 380Discount received 290After the necessary entries, the suspense account balanced.Required:Prepare journal entries, with narratives, to correct the errors found, and prepare a statement showing thenecessary adjustments to the profit.(10 marks)
5 The directors of Quapaw, a limited liability company, are reviewing the company’s draft financial statements for theyear ended 31 December 2004.The following material matters are under discussion:(a) During the year the company has begun selling a product with a one-year warranty under which manufacturingdefects are remedied without charge. Some claims have already arisen under the warranty. (2 marks)Required:Advise the directors on the correct treatment of these matters, stating the relevant accounting standard whichjustifies your answer in each case.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three matters
(b) During the inventory count on 31 December, some goods which had cost $80,000 were found to be damaged.In February 2005 the damaged goods were sold for $85,000 by an agent who received a 10% commission outof the sale proceeds. (2 marks)Required:Advise the directors on the correct treatment of these matters, stating the relevant accounting standard whichjustifies your answer in each case.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three matters.
2 The draft financial statements of Rampion, a limited liability company, for the year ended 31 December 2005included the following figures:$Profit 684,000Closing inventory 116,800Trade receivables 248,000Allowance for receivables 10,000No adjustments have yet been made for the following matters:(1) The company’s inventory count was carried out on 3 January 2006 leading to the figure shown above. Salesbetween the close of business on 31 December 2005 and the inventory count totalled $36,000. There were nodeliveries from suppliers in that period. The company fixes selling prices to produce a 40% gross profit on sales.The $36,000 sales were included in the sales records in January 2006.(2) $10,000 of goods supplied on sale or return terms in December 2005 have been included as sales andreceivables. They had cost $6,000. On 10 January 2006 the customer returned the goods in good condition.(3) Goods included in inventory at cost $18,000 were sold in January 2006 for $13,500. Selling expenses were$500.(4) $8,000 of trade receivables are to be written off.(5) The allowance for receivables is to be adjusted to the equivalent of 5% of the trade receivables after allowing forthe above matters, based on past experience.Required:(a) Prepare a statement showing the effect of the adjustments on the company’s net profit for the year ended31 December 2005. (5 marks)
(b) Advise on the capital gains implications should Trent Limited’s old building be sold as proposed. Support youradvice with relevant calculations. (4 marks)
(c) Pinzon, a limited liability company and audit client, is threatening to sue your firm in respect of audit fees chargedfor the year ended 31 December 2004. Pinzon is alleging that Bartolome billed the full rate on air fares for auditstaff when substantial discounts had been obtained by Bartolome. (4 marks)Required:Comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of the above matters and their implications,if any, for the continuation of each assignment.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.
(c) Lamont owns a residential apartment above its head office. Until 31 December 2006 it was let for $3,000 amonth. Since 1 January 2007 it has been occupied rent-free by the senior sales executive. (6 marks)Required:For each of the above issues:(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Lamont Co for the year ended31 March 2007.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.
(b) You are the audit manager of Petrie Co, a private company, that retails kitchen utensils. The draft financialstatements for the year ended 31 March 2007 show revenue $42·2 million (2006 – $41·8 million), profit beforetaxation of $1·8 million (2006 – $2·2 million) and total assets of $30·7 million (2006 – $23·4 million).You are currently reviewing two matters that have been left for your attention on Petrie’s audit working paper filefor the year ended 31 March 2007:(i) Petrie’s management board decided to revalue properties for the year ended 31 March 2007 that hadpreviously all been measured at depreciated cost. At the balance sheet date three properties had beenrevalued by a total of $1·7 million. Another nine properties have since been revalued by $5·4 million. Theremaining three properties are expected to be revalued later in 2007. (5 marks)Required:Identify and comment on the implications of these two matters for your auditor’s report on the financialstatements of Petrie Co for the year ended 31 March 2007.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the matters above.
During the year the internal auditor of Mulligan Co discovered several discrepancies in the inventory records. In astatement made to the board of directors, the internal auditor said:‘I think that someone is taking items from the warehouse. A physical inventory count is performed every three months,and it has become apparent that about 200 boxes of flat-packed chairs and tables are disappearing from thewarehouse every month. We should get someone to investigate what has happened and quantify the value of theloss.’Required:(c) Define ‘forensic accounting’ and explain its relevance to the statement made by the internal auditor.(5 marks)
(c) Identify and discuss the ethical and professional matters raised at the inventory count of LA Shots Co.(6 marks)
The goods ()shipped already if your L/C had arrived by the end of December last.A、would beB、must have beenC、had beenD、would have been
One of your audit clients is Tye Co a company providing petrol, aviation fuel and similar oil based products to the government of the country it is based in. Although the company is not listed on any stock exchange, it does follow best practice regarding corporate governance regulations. The audit work for this year is complete, apart from the matter referred to below.As part of Tye Co’s service contract with the government, it is required to hold an emergency inventory reserve of 6,000 barrels of aviation fuel. The inventory is to be used if the supply of aviation fuel is interrupted due to unforeseen events such as natural disaster or terrorist activity.This fuel has in the past been valued at its cost price of $15 a barrel. The current value of aviation fuel is $120 a barrel. Although the audit work is complete, as noted above, the directors of Tye Co have now decided to show the ‘real’ value of this closing inventory in the financial statements by valuing closing inventory of fuel at market value, which does not comply with relevant accounting standards. The draft financial statements of Tye Co currently show a profit of approximately $500,000 with net assets of $170 million.Required:(a) List the audit procedures and actions that you should now take in respect of the above matter. (6 marks)(b) For the purposes of this section assume from part (a) that the directors have agreed to value inventory at$15/barrel.Having investigated the matter in part (a) above, the directors present you with an amended set of financialstatements showing the emergency reserve stated not at 6,000 barrels, but reported as 60,000 barrels. The final financial statements now show a profit following the inclusion of another 54,000 barrels of oil in inventory. When queried about the change from 6,000 to 60,000 barrels of inventory, the finance director stated that this change was made to meet expected amendments to emergency reserve requirements to be published in about six months time. The inventory will be purchased this year, and no liability will be shown in the financial statements for this future purchase. The finance director also pointed out that part of Tye Co’s contract with the government requires Tye Co to disclose an annual profit and that a review of bank loans is due in three months. Finally the finance director stated that if your audit firm qualifies the financial statements in respect of the increase in inventory, they will not be recommended for re-appointment at the annual general meeting. The finance director refuses to amend the financial statements to remove this ‘fictitious’ inventory.Required:(i) State the external auditor’s responsibilities regarding the detection of fraud; (4 marks)(ii) Discuss to which groups the auditors of Tye Co could report the ‘fictitious’ aviation fuel inventory;(6 marks)(iii) Discuss the safeguards that the auditors of Tye Co can use in an attempt to overcome the intimidationthreat from the directors of Tye Co. (4 marks)
There has been significant divergence in practice over recognition of revenue mainly because International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have contained limited guidance in certain areas. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as a result of the joint project with the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers. IFRS 15 sets out a five-step model, which applies to revenue earned from a contract with a customer with limited exceptions, regardless of the type of revenue transaction or the industry. Step one in the five-step model requires the identification of the contract with the customer and is critical for the purpose of applying the standard. The remaining four steps in the standard’s revenue recognition model are irrelevant if the contract does not fall within the scope of IFRS 15.Required:(a) (i) Discuss the criteria which must be met for a contract with a customer to fall within the scope of IFRS 15. (5 marks)(ii) Discuss the four remaining steps which lead to revenue recognition after a contract has been identified as falling within the scope of IFRS 15. (8 marks)(b) (i) Tang enters into a contract with a customer to sell an existing printing machine such that control of the printing machine vests with the customer in two years’ time. The contract has two payment options. The customer can pay $240,000 when the contract is signed or $300,000 in two years’ time when the customer gains control of the printing machine. The interest rate implicit in the contract is 11·8% in order to adjust for the risk involved in the delay in payment. However, Tang’s incremental borrowing rate is 5%. The customer paid $240,000 on 1 December 2014 when the contract was signed. (4 marks)(ii) Tang enters into a contract on 1 December 2014 to construct a printing machine on a customer’s premises for a promised consideration of $1,500,000 with a bonus of $100,000 if the machine is completed within 24 months. At the inception of the contract, Tang correctly accounts for the promised bundle of goods and services as a single performance obligation in accordance with IFRS 15. At the inception of the contract, Tang expects the costs to be $800,000 and concludes that it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognised will occur. Completion of the printing machine is highly susceptible to factors outside of Tang’s influence, mainly issues with the supply of components.At 30 November 2015, Tang has satisfied 65% of its performance obligation on the basis of costs incurred to date and concludes that the variable consideration is still constrained in accordance with IFRS 15. However, on 4 December 2015, the contract is modified with the result that the fixed consideration and expected costs increase by $110,000 and $60,000 respectively. The time allowable for achieving the bonus is extended by six months with the result that Tang concludes that it is highly probable that the bonus will be achieved and that the contract still remains a single performance obligation. Tang has an accounting year end of 30 November. (6 marks)Required:Discuss how the above two contracts should be accounted for under IFRS 15. (In the case of (b)(i), the discussion should include the accounting treatment up to 30 November 2016 and in the case of (b)(ii), the accounting treatment up to 4 December 2015.)Note: The mark allocation is shown against each of the items above.Professional marks will be awarded in question 4 for clarity and quality of presentation. (2 marks)