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(c) On the assumption that the administrators of Noland’s estate will sell quoted shares in order to fund the

inheritance tax due as a result of his death, calculate the value of the quoted shares that will be available to

transfer to Avril. You should include brief notes of your treatment of the house and the shares in Kurb Ltd.

(9 marks)

Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 apply throughout this



更多 “ (c) On the assumption that the administrators of Noland’s estate will sell quoted shares in order to fund theinheritance tax due as a result of his death, calculate the value of the quoted shares that will be available totransfer to Avril. You should include brief notes of your treatment of the house and the shares in Kurb Ltd.(9 marks)Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 apply throughout thisquestion. ” 相关考题
考题 3 The managers of Daylon plc are reviewing the company’s investment portfolio. About 15% of the portfolio is represented by a holding of 5,550,000 ordinary shares of Mondglobe plc. The managers are concerned about the effect on portfolio value if the price of Mondglobe’s shares should fall, and are considering selling the shares. Daylon’s investment bank has suggested that the risk of Mondglobe’s shares falling by more than 5% from their current value could be protected against by buying an over the counter option. The investment bank is prepared to sell an appropriate six month option to Daylon for £250,000.Other information:(i) The current market price of Mondglobe’s ordinary shares is 360 pence.(ii) The annual volatility (variance) of Mondglobe’s shares for the last year was 169%.(iii) The risk free rate is 4% per year.(iv) No dividend is expected to be paid by Mondglobe during the next six months.Required:(a) Evaluate whether or not the price at which the investment bank is willing to sell the option is a fair price.(10 marks)

考题 2 Graeme, aged 57, is married to Catherine, aged 58. They work as medical consultants, and both are higher ratetaxpayers. Barry, their son, is aged 32. Graeme, Catherine and Barry are all UK resident, ordinarily resident anddomiciled. Graeme has come to you for some tax advice.Graeme has invested in shares for some time, in particular shares in Thistle Dubh Limited. He informs you of thefollowing transactions in Thistle Dubh Limited shares:(i) In December 1986, on the death of his grandmother, he inherited 10,000 £1 ordinary shares in Thistle DubhLimited, an unquoted UK trading company providing food supplies for sporting events. The probate value of theshares was 360p per share.(ii) In March 1992, he took up a rights issue, buying one share for every two held. The price paid for the rightsshares was £10 per share.(iii) In October 1999, the company underwent a reorganisation, and the ordinary shares were split into two newclasses of ordinary share – ‘T’ shares and ‘D’ shares, each with differing rights. Graeme received two ‘T’ and three‘D’ shares for each original Thistle Dubh Limited share held. The market values for the ‘T’ shares and the ‘D’shares on the date of reorganisation were 135p and 405p per share respectively.(iv) On 1 May 2005, Graeme sold 12,000 ‘T’ shares. The market values for the ‘T’ shares and the ‘D’ shares on thatday were 300p and 600p per share respectively.(v) In October 2005, Graeme sold all of his ‘D’ shares for £85,000.(vi) The current market value of ‘T’ shares is 384p per share. The shares remain unquoted.Graeme and Catherine have owned a holiday cottage in a remote part of the UK for many years. In recent years, theyhave used the property infrequently, as they have taken their holidays abroad and the cottage has been let out asfurnished holiday accommodation.Graeme and Catherine are now considering selling the UK country cottage and purchasing a holiday villa abroad.Initially they plan to let this villa out on a furnished basis, but following their anticipated retirement, would expect tooccupy the property for a significant part of the year themselves, possibly moving to live in the villa permanently.Required:(a) Calculate the total chargeable gains arising on Graeme’s disposals of ‘T’ and ‘D’ ordinary shares in May andOctober 2005 respectively. (7 marks)

考题 (b) Explain the capital gains tax (CGT) and inheritance tax (IHT) implications of Graeme gifting his remaining ‘T’ordinary shares at their current value either:(i) to his wife, Catherine; or(ii) to his son, Barry.Your answer should be supported by relevant calculations and clearly identify the availability and effect ofany reliefs (other than the CGT annual exemption) that might be used to reduce or defer any tax liabilitiesarising. (9 marks)

考题 (c) Assuming that Joanne registers for value added tax (VAT) with effect from 1 April 2006:(i) Calculate her income tax (IT) and capital gains tax (CGT) payable for the year of assessment 2005/06.You are not required to calculate any national insurance liabilities in this sub-part. (6 marks)

考题 (b) (i) Calculate the inheritance tax (IHT) that will be payable if Debbie were to die today (8 June 2005).Assume that no tax planning measures are taken and that there has been no change in the value of anyof the assets since David’s death. (4 marks)

考题 (c) Advise Alan on the proposed disposal of the shares in Mobile Ltd. Your answer should include calculationsof the potential capital gain, and explain any options available to Alan to reduce this tax liability. (7 marks)

考题 6 Assume today’s date is 16 April 2005.Henry, aged 48, is the managing director of Happy Home Ltd, an unquoted UK company specialising in interiordesign. He is wealthy in his own right and is married to Helen, who is 45 years old. They have two children – Stephen,who is 19, and Sally who is 17.As part of his salary, Henry was given 3,000 shares in Happy Home Ltd with an option to acquire a further 10,000shares. The options were granted on 15 July 2003, shortly after the company started trading, and were not part ofan approved share option scheme. The free shares were given to Henry on the same day.The exercise price of the share options was set at the then market value of £1·00 per share. The options are notcapable of being exercised after 10 years from the date of grant. The company has been successful, and the currentvalue of the shares is now £14·00 per share. Another shareholder has offered to buy the shares at their market value,so Henry exercised his share options on 14 April 2005 and will sell the shares next week, on 20 April 2005.With the company growing in size, Henry wishes to recruit high quality staff, but the company lacks the funds to paythem in cash. Henry believes that giving new employees the chance to buy shares in the company would help recruitstaff, as they could share in the growth in value of Happy Home Ltd. Henry has heard that there is a particular sharescheme that is suitable for small, fast growing companies. He would like to obtain further information on how sucha scheme would work.Henry has accumulated substantial assets over the years. The family house is owned jointly with Helen, and is worth£650,000. Henry has a £250,000 mortgage on the house. In addition, Henry has liquid assets worth £340,000and Helen has shares in quoted companies currently worth £125,000. Henry has no forms of insurance, and believeshe should make sure that his wealth and family are protected. He is keen to find out what options he should beconsidering.Required:(a) (i) State how the gift of the 3,000 shares in Happy Home Ltd was taxed. (1 mark)

考题 2 Benny Korere has been employed as the sales director of Golden Tan plc since 1994. He earns an annual salary of£32,000 and is provided with a petrol-driven company car which has a CO2 emission rate of 187g/km and had alist price when new of £22,360. In August 2003, when he was first provided with the car, Benny paid the company£6,100 towards the capital cost of the car. Golden Tan plc does not pay for any of Benny’s private petrol and he isalso required to pay his employer £18 per month as a condition of being able to use the car for private purposes.On 1 December 2006 Golden Tan plc notified Benny that he would be made redundant on 28 February 2007. Onthat day the company will pay him his final month’s salary together with a payment of £8,000 in lieu of the threeremaining months of his six-month notice period in accordance with his employment contract. In addition thecompany will pay him £17,500 in return for agreeing not to work for any of its competitors for the six-month periodending 31 August 2007.On receiving notification of his redundancy, Benny immediately contacted Joe Egmont, the managing director ofSummer Glow plc, who offered him a senior management position leading the company’s expansion into EasternEurope. Summer Glow plc is one of Golden Tan plc’s competitors and one of the most innovative companies in theindustry, although not all of its strategies have been successful.Benny has agreed to join Summer Glow plc on 1 September 2007 for an annual salary of £39,000. On the day hejoins the company, Summer Glow plc will grant him an option to purchase 10,000 ordinary shares in the companyfor £2·20 per share under an unapproved share option scheme. Benny can exercise the option once he has beenemployed for six months but must hold the shares for at least a year before he sells them.The new job will require Benny to spend a considerable amount of time in London. Summer Glow plc has offeredBenny the exclusive use of a flat that the company purchased on 1 June 2003 for £165,000; the flat is currentlyrented out. The flat will be made available from 1 September 2007. The company will pay all of the utility billsrelating to the flat as well as furnishing and maintaining it. Summer Glow plc has also suggested that if Benny wouldrather live in a more central part of the city, the company could sell the existing flat and buy a more centrally locatedone, of the same value, with the proceeds.On 15 March 2007 Benny intends to sell 5,800 shares in Mahana plc, a quoted company, for £24,608. Histransactions in the company’s shares have been as follows:£June 1988 Purchased 8,400 shares 6,744February 1996 Sale of rights nil paid 610January 2005 Purchased 1,300 shares 2,281The sale of rights, nil paid, was not treated as a part disposal of Benny’s holding in Mahana plc.Benny’s shareholding in Mahana plc represents less than 1% of the company’s issued ordinary share capital. He willnot make any other capital disposals in 2006/07.In addition to his employment income, Benny receives rental income of £4,000 (net of deductible expenses) eachyear. He normally submits his tax return in August but he has not yet prepared his return for 2005/06. He expectsto be very busy in December and January and is planning to prepare his tax return in late February 2007.Required:(a) Calculate Benny’s employment income for 2006/07. (4 marks)

考题 (ii) Explain, with reasons, the relief available in respect of the fall in value of the shares in All Over plc,identify the years in which it can be claimed and state the time limit for submitting the claim.(3 marks)

考题 (d) Explain how Gloria would be taxed in the UK on the dividends paid by Bubble Inc and the capital gains taxand inheritance tax implications of a future disposal of the shares. Clearly state, giving reasons, whether ornot the payment made to Eric is allowable for capital gains tax purposes. (9 marks)You should assume that the rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.

考题 (b) Calculate the inheritance tax (IHT) liability arising as a result of Christopher’s death. (11 marks)

考题 (c) For commercial reasons, Damian believes that it would be sensible to place a new holding company, Bold plc,over the existing company, Linden Limited. Bold plc would also be unquoted and would acquire the existingLinden Limited shares in exchange for the issue of its own shares.If the new structure is implemented, Bold plc will provide management services to Linden Limited, but theamount that will be charged for these services is yet to be determined.Required:(i) State the capital gains tax (CGT) issues that Damian should be aware of before disposing of his sharesin Linden Limited to Bold plc. Your answer should include details of any conditions that will need to besatisfied if an immediate charge to tax is to be avoided. (4 marks)

考题 (b) For this part, assume today’s date is 1 May 2010.Bill and Ben decided not to sell their company, and instead expanded the business themselves. Ben, however,is now pursuing other interests, and is no longer involved with the day to day activities of Flower Limited. Billbelieves that the company would be better off without Ben as a voting shareholder, and wishes to buy Ben’sshares. However, Bill does not have sufficient funds to buy the shares himself, and so is wondering if thecompany could acquire the shares instead.The proposed price for Ben’s shares would be £500,000. Both Bill and Ben pay income tax at the higher rate.Required:Write a letter to Ben:(1) stating the income tax (IT) and/or capital gains tax (CGT) implications for Ben if Flower Limited were torepurchase his 50% holding of ordinary shares, immediately in May 2010; and(2) advising him of any available planning options that might improve this tax position. Clearly explain anyconditions which must be satisfied and quantify the tax savings which may result.(13 marks)Assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2005 and the income tax rates and allowancesfor the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.

考题 (c) Briefly outline the corporation tax (CT) issues that Tay Limited should consider when deciding whether toacquire the shares or the assets of Tagus LDA. You are not required to discuss issues relating to transferpricing. (7 marks)

考题 1 Alvaro Pelorus is 47 years old and married to Maria. The couple have two children, Vito and Sophie, aged 22 and19 years respectively. Alvaro and Maria have lived in the country of Koruba since 1982. On 1 July 2005 the familymoved to the UK to be near Alvaro’s father, Ray, who was very ill. Alvaro and Maria are UK resident, but not ordinarilyresident in the tax years 2005/06 and 2006/07. They are both domiciled in the country of Koruba.On 1 February 2007 Ray Pelorus died. He was UK domiciled, having lived in the UK for the whole of his life. For thepurposes of inheritance tax, his death estate consisted of UK assets, valued at £870,000 after deduction of allavailable reliefs, and a house in the country of Pacifica valued at £94,000. The executors of Ray’s estate have paidPacifican inheritance tax of £1,800 and legal fees of £7,700 in respect of the sale of the Pacifican house. Ray leftthe whole of his estate to Alvaro.Ray had made two gifts during his lifetime:(i) 1 May 2003: He gave Alvaro 95 acres of farm land situated in the UK. The market value of the land was£245,000, although its agricultural value was only £120,000. Ray had acquired the land on1 January 1996 and granted an agricultural tenancy on that date. Alvaro continues to own theland as at today’s date and it is still subject to the agricultural tenancy.(ii) 1 August 2005: He gave Alvaro 6,000 shares valued at £183,000 in Pinger Ltd, a UK resident tradingcompany. Gift relief was claimed in respect of this gift. Ray had acquired 14,000 shares inPinger Ltd on 1 April 1997 for £54,600.You may assume that Alvaro is a higher rate taxpayer for the tax years 2005/06 and 2006/07. In 2006/07 he madethe following disposals of assets:(i) On 1 July 2006 he sold the 6,000 shares in Pinger Ltd for £228,000.(ii) On 1 September 2006 he sold 2,350 shares in Lapis Inc, a company resident in Koruba, for £8,270. Alvarohad purchased 5,500 shares in the company on 1 September 2002 for £25,950.(iii) On 1 December 2006 he transferred shares with a market value of £74,000 in Quad plc, a UK quoted company,to a UK resident discretionary trust for the benefit of Vito and Sophie. Alvaro had purchased these shares on1 January 2006 for £59,500.Alvaro has not made any other transfers of value for the purposes of UK inheritance tax. He owns the family housein the UK as well as shares in UK and Koruban companies and commercial rental property in the country of Koruba.Maria has not made any transfers of value for the purposes of UK inheritance tax. Her only significant asset is thefamily home in the country of Koruba.Alvaro and his family expect to return to their home in the country of Koruba in October 2007 once Ray’s affairs havebeen settled. There is no double taxation agreement between the UK and Koruba.Required:(a) Calculate the inheritance tax (IHT) payable as a result of the death of Ray Pelorus. Explain the availabilityor otherwise of agricultural property relief and business property relief on the two lifetime gifts made by Ray.(8 marks)

考题 (b) Calculate Alvaro Pelorus’s capital gains tax liability for the tax year 2006/07 on the assumption that allavailable reliefs are claimed. (8 marks)

考题 2 Clifford and Amanda, currently aged 54 and 45 respectively, were married on 1 February 1998. Clifford is a higherrate taxpayer who has realised taxable capital gains in 2007/08 in excess of his capital gains tax annual exemption.Clifford moved into Amanda’s house in London on the day they were married. Clifford’s own house in Oxford, wherehe had lived since acquiring it for £129,400 on 1 August 1996, has been empty since that date although he andAmanda have used it when visiting friends. Clifford has been offered £284,950 for the Oxford house and has decidedthat it is time to sell it. The house has a large garden such that Clifford is also considering an offer for the house anda part only of the garden. He would then sell the remainder of the garden at a later date as a building plot. His totalsales proceeds will be higher if he sells the property in this way.Amanda received the following income from quoted investments in 2006/07:£Dividends in respect of quoted trading company shares 1,395Dividends paid by a Real Estate Investment Trust out of tax exempt property income 485On 1 May 2006, Amanda was granted a 22 year lease of a commercial investment property. She paid the landlorda premium of £6,900 and also pays rent of £2,100 per month. On 1 June 2006 Amanda granted a nine yearsub-lease of the property. She received a premium of £14,700 and receives rent of £2,100 per month.On 1 September 2006 Amanda gave quoted shares with a value of £2,200 to a registered charity. She paid broker’sfees of £115 in respect of the gift.Amanda began working for Shearer plc, a quoted company, on 1 June 2006 having had a two year break from hercareer. She earns an annual salary of £38,600 and was paid a bonus of £5,750 in August 2006 for agreeing tocome and work for the company. On 1 August 2006 Amanda was provided with a fully expensed company car,including the provision of private petrol, which had a list price when new of £23,400 and a CO2 emissions rate of187 grams per kilometre. Amanda is required to pay Shearer plc £22 per month in respect of the private use of thecar. In June and July 2006 Amanda used her own car whilst on company business. She drove 720 business milesduring this two month period and was paid 34 pence per mile. Amanda had PAYE of £6,785 deducted from her grosssalary in the tax year 2006/07.After working for Shearer plc for a full year, Amanda becomes entitled to the following additional benefits:– The opportunity to purchase a large number of shares in Shearer plc on 1 July 2007 for £3·30 per share. It isanticipated that the share price on that day will be at least £7·50 per share. The company will make an interestfreeloan to Amanda equal to the cost of the shares to be repaid in two years.– Exclusive free use of the company sailing boat for one week in August 2007. The sailing boat was purchased byShearer plc in January 2005 for use by its senior employees and costs the company £1,400 a week in respectof its crew and other running expenses.Required:(a) (i) Calculate Clifford’s capital gains tax liability for the tax year 2007/08 on the assumption that the Oxfordhouse together with its entire garden is sold on 31 July 2007 for £284,950. Comment on the relevanceto your calculations of the size of the garden; (5 marks)

考题 (b) The directors of Carver Ltd are aware that some of the company’s shareholders want to realise the value in theirshares immediately. Accordingly, instead of investing in the office building or the share portfolio they areconsidering two alternative strategies whereby, following the sale of the company’s business, a payment will bemade to the company’s shareholders.(i) Liquidate the company. The payment by the liquidator would be £126 per share.(ii) The payment of a dividend of £125 per share following which a liquidator will be appointed. The paymentby the liquidator to the shareholders would then be £1 per share.The company originally issued 20,000 £1 ordinary shares at par value to 19 members of the Cutler family.Following a number of gifts and inheritances there are now 41 shareholders, all of whom are family members.The directors have asked you to attend a meeting to set out the tax implications of these two alternative strategiesfor each of the two main groups of shareholders: adults with shareholdings of more than 500 shares and childrenwith shareholdings of 200 shares or less.Required:Prepare notes explaining:– the amount chargeable to tax; and– the rates of tax that will applyin respect of each of the two strategies for each of the two groups of shareholders ready for your meetingwith the directors of Carver Ltd. You should assume that none of the shareholders will have any capitallosses either in the tax year 2007/08 or brought forward as at 5 April 2007. (10 marks)Note:You should assume that the rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 will continue to apply for theforeseeable future.

考题 (c) Calculate and explain the amount of income tax relief that Gerard will obtain in respect of the pensioncontributions he proposes to make in the tax year 2007/08 and contrast this with how his position could beimproved by delaying some of the contributions that he could have made in 2007/08 until 2008/09. Youshould include relevant supporting calculations and quantify the additional tax savings arising as a result ofyour advice.You should ignore the proposed changes to the bonus scheme for this part of this question and assume thatGerard’s income will not change in 2008/09. (12 marks)

考题 5 Crusoe has contacted you following the death of his father, Noland. Crusoe has inherited the whole of his father’sestate and is seeking advice on his father’s capital gains tax position and the payment of inheritance tax following hisdeath.The following information has been extracted from client files and from telephone conversations with Crusoe.Noland – personal information:– Divorcee whose only other relatives are his sister, Avril, and two grandchildren.– Died suddenly on 1 October 2007 without having made a will.– Under the laws of intestacy, the whole of his estate passes to Crusoe.Noland – income tax and capital gains tax:– Has been a basic rate taxpayer since the tax year 2000/01.– Sales of quoted shares resulted in:– Chargeable gains of £7,100 and allowable losses of £17,800 in the tax year 2007/08.– Chargeable gains of approximately £14,000 each tax year from 2000/01 to 2006/07.– None of the shares were held for long enough to qualify for taper relief.Noland – gifts made during lifetime:– On 1 December 1999 Noland gave his house to Crusoe.– Crusoe has allowed Noland to continue living in the house and has charged him rent of £120 per monthsince 1 December 1999. The market rent for the house would be £740 per month.– The house was worth £240,000 at the time of the gift and £310,000 on 1 October 2007.– On 1 November 2004 Noland transferred quoted shares worth £232,000 to a discretionary trust for the benefitof his grandchildren.Noland – probate values of assets held at death: £– Portfolio of quoted shares 370,000Shares in Kurb Ltd 38,400Chattels and cash 22,300Domestic liabilities including income tax payable (1,900)– It should be assumed that these values will not change for the foreseeable future.Kurb Ltd:– Unquoted trading company– Noland purchased the shares on 1 December 2005.Crusoe:– Long-standing personal tax client of your firm.– Married with two young children.– Successful investment banker with very high net worth.– Intends to gift the portfolio of quoted shares inherited from Noland to his aunt, Avril, who has very little personalwealth.Required:(a) Prepare explanatory notes together with relevant supporting calculations in order to quantify the tax reliefpotentially available in respect of Noland’s capital losses realised in 2007/08. (4 marks)

考题 3 Spica, one of the director shareholders of Acrux Ltd, has been in dispute with the other shareholders over plans toexpand the company’s activities overseas. In order to resolve the position it has been agreed that Spica will sell hershares back to the company. Once the purchase of her shares has taken place, the company intends to establish anumber of branches overseas and acquire a shareholding in a number of companies that are resident and trade inoverseas countries.The following information has been obtained from client files and meetings with the parties involved.Acrux Ltd:– An unquoted UK resident company.– Share capital consists of 50,000 ordinary shares issued at £1·90 per share in July 2000.– None of the other shareholders has any connection with Spica.The purchase of own shares:– The company will purchase all of Spica’s shares for £8 per share.– The transaction will take place by the end of 2008.Spica:– Purchased 8,000 shares in Acrux Ltd for £2 per share on 30 September 2003.– Has no income in the tax year 2008/09.– Has chargeable capital gains in the tax year 2008/09 of £3,800.– Has houses in the UK and the country of Solaris and divides her time between them.Investment in non-UK resident companies:– Acrux Ltd will acquire between 15% and 20% of each of the non-UK resident companies.– The companies will not be controlled foreign companies as the rates of tax in the overseas countries will bebetween 23% and 42%.– There may or may not be a double tax treaty between the UK and the overseas countries in which the companiesare resident. Where there is a treaty, it will be based on the OECD model treaty.– None of the countries concerned levy withholding tax on dividends paid to UK companies.– The directors of Acrux Ltd are concerned that the rate of tax suffered on the profits of the overseas companieswill be very high as they will be taxed in both the overseas country and in the UK.Required:(a) (i) Prepare detailed calculations to determine the most beneficial tax treatment of the payment Spica willreceive for her shares; (7 marks)

考题 1 Stuart is a self-employed business consultant aged 58. He is married to Rebecca, aged 55. They have one child,Sam, who is aged 24 and single.In November 2005 Stuart sold a house in Plymouth for £422,100. Stuart had inherited the house on the death ofhis mother on 1 May 1994 when it had a probate value of £185,000. The subsequent pattern of occupation was asfollows:1 May 1994 to 28 February 1995 occupied by Stuart and Rebecca as main residence1 March 1995 to 31 December 1998 unoccupied1 January 1999 to 31 March 2001 let out (unfurnished)1 April 2001 to 30 November 2001 occupied by Stuart and Rebecca1 December 2001 to 30 November 2005 used occasionally as second homeBoth Stuart and Rebecca had lived in London from March 1995 onwards. On 1 March 2001 Stuart and Rebeccabought a house in London in their joint names. On 1 January 2002 they elected for their London house to be theirprincipal private residence with effect from that date, up until that point the Plymouth property had been their principalprivate residence.No other capital disposals were made by Stuart in the tax year 2005/06. He has £29,500 of capital losses broughtforward from previous years.Stuart intends to invest the gross sale proceeds from the sale of the Plymouth house, and is considering twoinvestment options, both of which he believes will provide equal risk and returns. These are as follows:(1) acquiring shares in Omikron plc; or(2) acquiring further shares in Omega plc.Notes:1. Omikron plc is a listed UK trading company, with 50,250,000 shares in issue. Its shares currently trade at 42pper share.2. Stuart and Rebecca helped start up the company, which was then Omega Ltd. The company was formed on1 June 1990, when they each bought 24,000 shares for £1 per share. The company became listed on 1 May1997. On this date their holding was subdivided, with each of them receiving 100 shares in Omega plc for eachshare held in Omega Ltd. The issued share capital of Omega plc is currently 10,000,000 shares. The share priceis quoted at 208p – 216p with marked bargains at 207p, 211p, and 215p.Stuart and Rebecca’s assets (following the sale of the Plymouth house but before any investment of the proceeds) areas follows:Assets Stuart Rebecca£ £Family house in London 450,000 450,000Cash from property sale 422,100 –Cash deposits 165,000 165,000Portfolio of quoted investments – 250,000Shares in Omega plc see above see aboveLife insurance policy note 1 note 1Note:1. The life insurance policy will pay out a sum of £200,000 on the death of the first spouse to die.Stuart has recently been diagnosed with a serious illness. He is expected to live for another two or three years only.He is concerned about the possible inheritance tax that will arise on his death. Both he and Rebecca have wills whoseterms transfer all assets to the surviving spouse. Rebecca is in good health.Neither Stuart nor Rebecca has made any previous chargeable lifetime transfers for the purposes of inheritance tax.Required:(a) Calculate the taxable capital gain on the sale of the Plymouth house in November 2005 (9 marks)

考题 2 Assume that today’s date is 1 July 2005.Jan is aged 45 and single. He is of Danish domicile but has been working in the United Kingdom since 1 May 2004and intends to remain in the UK for the medium to long term. Although Jan worked briefly in the UK in 1986, hehas forgotten how UK taxation works and needs some assistance before preparing his UK income tax return.Jan’s salary from 1 May 2004 was £74,760 per annum. Jan also has a company car – a Jaguar XJ8 with a list priceof £42,550 including extras, and CO2 emissions of 242g/km. The car was available to him from 1 July 2004. Freepetrol is provided by the company. Jan has other taxable benefits amounting to £3,965.Jan’s other 2004/05 income comprises:£Dividend income from UK companies (cash received) 3,240Interest received on an ISA account 230Interest received on a UK bank account 740Interest remitted from an offshore account (net of 15% withholding tax) 5,100Income remitted from a villa in Portugal (net of 45% withholding tax) 4,598The total interest arising on the offshore account was £9,000 (gross). In addition, Jan has not remitted otherPortuguese rental income arising in the year, totalling a further £1,500 (gross).Jan informs you that his employer is thinking of providing him with rented accommodation while he looks for a houseto buy. The accommodation would be a two bedroom flat, valued at £155,000 with an annual value of £6,000. Itwould be made available from 6 August 2005. The company will pay the rent of £600 per month for the first sixmonths. All other bills will be paid by Jan.Jan also informs you that he has 25,000 ordinary shares in Gilet Ltd (‘Gilet’), an unquoted UK trading company. Hehas held these shares since August 1986 when he bought 2,500 shares at £4.07 per share. In January 1994, abonus issue gave each shareholder nine shares for each ordinary share held. In the last week all Gilet’s shareholdershave received an offer from Jumper plc (‘Jumper’) who wishes to acquire the shares. Jumper has offered the following:– 3 shares in Jumper (currently trading at £3.55 per share) for every 5 shares in Gilet, and– 25p cash per shareRequired:(a) Calculate Jan’s 2004/05 income tax (IT) payable. (11 marks)

考题 James died on 22 January 2015. He had made the following gifts during his lifetime:(1) On 9 October 2007, a cash gift of £35,000 to a trust. No lifetime inheritance tax was payable in respect of this gift.(2) On 14 May 2013, a cash gift of £420,000 to his daughter.(3) On 2 August 2013, a gift of a property valued at £260,000 to a trust. No lifetime inheritance tax was payable in respect of this gift because it was covered by the nil rate band. By the time of James’ death on 22 January 2015, the property had increased in value to £310,000.On 22 January 2015, James’ estate was valued at £870,000. Under the terms of his will, James left his entire estate to his children.The nil rate band of James’ wife was fully utilised when she died ten years ago.The nil rate band for the tax year 2007–08 is £300,000, and for the tax year 2013–14 it is £325,000.Required:(a) Calculate the inheritance tax which will be payable as a result of James’ death, and state who will be responsible for paying the tax. (6 marks)(b) Explain why it might have been beneficial for inheritance tax purposes if James had left a portion of his estate to his grandchildren rather than to his children. (2 marks)(c) Explain why it might be advantageous for inheritance tax purposes for a person to make lifetime gifts even when such gifts are made within seven years of death.Notes:1. Your answer should include a calculation of James’ inheritance tax saving from making the gift of property to the trust on 2 August 2013 rather than retaining the property until his death.2. You are not expected to consider lifetime exemptions in this part of the question. (2 marks)

考题 问答题Practice 3  Equity securities are known as shares (or stock) in a corporation. Stockholders are considered owners of the corporation. The Articles of Incorporation must state the number of shares and the characteristics of the stock. To issue stock is actually to offer shares of stock for sale. The corporation’s Board of Directors controls when and to whom the corporation’s shares are offered and sold.  Outstanding shares—Outstanding shares are shares already issued and purchased by the shareholder or stockholder.  Par value—Par value is an arbitrary value assigned to each share in the Articles of Incorporation but does not necessarily reflect the true market value of the stock. Shares may not be issued and sold by the corporation for less than their par value therefore it is sometimes advisable not to state any par value at all or state a par value lower than the estimated market price. No par value allows the Board of Directors to decide each time shares are issued what the price per share will be. In a very large corporation where the stock is publicly traded at a public exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange, the public demand for the stock of the corporation rather than the Board of Directors determines the selling price of the stock.  Capital account—The capital account of a corporation is an entry in the books of the corporation and is determined by multiplying the par or stated value of the corporation’s stock by the number of shares outstanding. For example, if the corporation had sold 1,000 shares of stock which had $10 par value, the capital account would be $10,000.

考题 单选题PaymentAdvertising rates are specified in the Rate Card. Rates are quoted exclusive of Value Added Tax and any other applicable sales taxes.A Value Added Tax is included in sales taxes.B Sales taxes are included in the rates.C No taxes are included in the rates.

考题 问答题Inheritance tax is a tax which many countries levy on the total taxable value of the estate of a deceased person. Inheritance tax is paid by the inheritor of the estate or by the person in charge of its assets. In most cases, if the estate is left to a charitable organization or a surviving spouse, no inheritance tax is due. In China, inheritance tax does not exist. Should inheritance tax be introduced to China? The controversy that has raged over levying inheritance tax in China currently shows little sign of abating.  The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpt carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  Opponents of inheritance tax typically refer to it as “death tax.” They argue first that concern over burdening their children with this tax may lead elderly to make unwise investment decisions late in life, and that it may also discourage entrepreneurship earlier in life. Opponents also claim that morally it should be only the choice of the person who earned the money what should be done with it, not the government. They see taxing wealth at death as a kind of forced income redistribution that goes against the market economy.  Proponents of inheritance tax say that it helps prevent consolidation of wealth in the hands of a few powerful families and is a basic building block of the nation’s system of taxation. They also feel that inheriting large sums without tax undermines people’s motives to work hard in the future and, thus, undercuts the principles of the market economy, encouraging people to become idle and unproductive, which hurts the country overall.