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(b) Write a letter to Joanne setting out the value added tax (VAT) registration requirements and advising on
whether or not she should or could register for VAT and if registered if she could recover the VAT suffered on
the consultancy fees and computer purchased in October 2005. (7 marks)
更多 “ (b) Write a letter to Joanne setting out the value added tax (VAT) registration requirements and advising onwhether or not she should or could register for VAT and if registered if she could recover the VAT suffered onthe consultancy fees and computer purchased in October 2005. (7 marks) ” 相关考题
What magic did Oda have?()
A.she could see the dead manB.she could hear the dead manC.She caould touch the dead manD.she could hit the dead man
As a woman of strong will, Gemma Composed herself _________ when she heard the news of Arthur’s death
A.as she could best B.as best she couldC.best as she could D.could best as she
She said that she_____what he could_____us, but she was too busy then.
A、would do, help.B、could have done, to help.C、would have done, helping.D、could do, helped
Assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2004 apply throughout.(b) Explain the corporation tax (CT) and value added tax (VAT) issues that Irroy should be aware of, if sheproceeds with her proposal for the Irish subsidiary, Green Limited. Your answer should clearly identify thosefactors which will determine whether or not Green Limited is considered UK resident or Irish resident andthe tax implications of each alternative situation.You need not repeat points that are common to each situation. (16 marks)
4 Assume today’s date is 5 February 2006.Joanne is 37, she was born and until 2005 had lived all her life in Germany. She recently married Fraser, aged 38,who is a UK resident, but who worked briefly in Germany. They have no children.The couple moved to the UK to live permanently on 9 October 2005. Joanne was employed by an American companyin Germany, and she continued to work for them in the UK until the end of November 2005. Her earnings from theAmerican company were £5,000 per month. Joanne has not remitted any of the income she earned in Germany priorto her arrival in the UK.Joanne resigned from her job at the end of November 2005. The company did not hold her to the three months noticestipulated in her contract, but still paid her for that period. In total, Joanne paid £4,200 in UK income tax under PAYEfor the tax tear 2005/06.Joanne also wishes to sell the shares she holds in a German listed company. The shareholding cost the equivalent of£3,500 in September 1986, and its current value is £21,500. She intends to sell the shares in March 2006 and toinvest the proceeds from the sale in the UK. Joanne has made no other capital disposals in the year.Prior to her leaving employment, Joanne investigated the possibility of starting her own business providing a Germantranslation service for UK companies, and took some advice on the matter. She paid consultancy fees of £5,000(excluding value added tax (VAT)) and bought a computer for £2,000 (excluding VAT), both on 23 October 2005.Joanne started trading on 1 December 2005. She made sales of £2,000 in December, and estimates that her saleswill rise by £1,000 every month to a maximum of £7,000 per month. Joanne believes that her monthly expenses of£400 (excluding VAT) will remain constant. Her year end will be 31 March, and the first accounts will be drawn upto 31 March 2006.Although Joanne has registered her business for tax purposes with the Revenue, she has not registered for VAT andis unsure what is required of her in this respect.Required:(a) State, giving reasons, whether Joanne will be treated as resident or non-resident in the UK for the year ofassessment 2005/06, together with the basis on which her income and gains of that year will be subject toUK taxation. (3 marks)
(c) Assuming that Joanne registers for value added tax (VAT) with effect from 1 April 2006:(i) Calculate her income tax (IT) and capital gains tax (CGT) payable for the year of assessment 2005/06.You are not required to calculate any national insurance liabilities in this sub-part. (6 marks)
(c) Assuming that she will survive until July 2009, advise on the lifetime inheritance tax (IHT) planningmeasures that could be undertaken by Debbie, quantifying the savings that can be made. (7 marks)For this question you should assume that the rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout.
3 Assume that today’s date is 10 May 2005.You have recently been approached by Fred Flop. Fred is the managing director and 100% shareholder of FlopLimited, a UK trading company with one wholly owned subsidiary. Both companies have a 31 March year-end.Fred informs you that he is experiencing problems in dealing with aspects of his company tax returns. The companyaccountant has been unable to keep up to date with matters, and Fred also believes that mistakes have been madein the past. Fred needs assistance and tells you the following:Year ended 31 March 2003The corporation tax return for this period was not submitted until 2 November 2004, and corporation tax of £123,500was paid at the same time. Profits chargeable to corporation tax were stated as £704,300.A formal notice (CT203) requiring the company to file a self-assessment corporation tax return (dated 1 February2004) had been received by the company on 4 February 2004.A detailed examination of the accounts and tax computation has revealed the following.– Computer equipment totalling £50,000 had been expensed in the accounts. No adjustment has been made inthe tax computation.– A provision of £10,000 was made for repairs, but there is no evidence of supporting information.– Legal and professional fees totalling £46,500 were allowed in full without any explanation. Fred hassubsequently produced the following analysis:Analysis of legal professional fees£Legal fees on a failed attempt to secure a trading loan 15,000Debt collection agency fees 12,800Obtaining planning consent for building extension 15,700Accountant’s fees for preparing accounts 14,000Legal fees relating to a trade dispute 19,000– No enquiry has yet been raised by the Inland Revenue.– Flop Ltd was a large company in terms of the Companies Act definition for the year in question.– Flop Ltd had taxable profits of £595,000 in the previous year.Year ended 31 March 2004The corporation tax return has not yet been submitted for this year. The accounts are late and nearing completion,with only one change still to be made. A notice requiring the company to file a self-assessment corporation tax return(CT203) dated 27 July 2004 was received on 1 August 2004. No corporation tax has yet been paid.1 – The computation currently shows profits chargeable to corporation tax of £815,000 before accountingadjustments, and any adjustments for prior years.– A company owing Flop Ltd £50,000 (excluding VAT) has gone into liquidation, and it is unlikely that any of thismoney will be paid. The money has been outstanding since 3 September 2003, and the bad debt will need tobe included in the accounts.1 Fred also believes there are problems in relation to the company’s VAT administration. The VAT return for the quarterended 31 March 2005 was submitted on 5 May 2005, and VAT of £24,000 was paid at the same time. The previousreturn to 31 December 2004 was also submitted late. In addition, no account has been made for the VAT on the baddebt. The VAT return for 30 June 2005 may also be late. Fred estimates the VAT liability for that quarter to be £8,250.Required:(a) (i) Calculate the revised corporation tax (CT) payable for the accounting periods ending 31 March 2003and 2004 respectively. Your answer should include an explanation of the adjustments made as a resultof the information which has now come to light. (7 marks)(ii) State, giving reasons, the due payment date of the corporation tax (CT) and the filing date of thecorporation tax return for each period, and identify any interest and penalties which may have arisen todate. (8 marks)
Assume that the rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this part.(b) Explain the consequences of filing the VAT returns late and advise Fred how he should deal with theunderpayment and bad debt for VAT purposes. Your explanation should be supported by relevantcalculations. (10 marks)
(iii) State the value added tax (VAT) and stamp duty (SD) issues arising as a result of inserting Bold plc asa holding company and identify any planning actions that can be taken to defer or minimise these taxcosts. (4 marks)You should assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2005 and the income tax ratesand allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.
(d) Advise Trent Limited of the consequences arising from the submission of the incorrect value added tax (VAT)return, assuming that the company has previously had a good compliance record with regard to accountingfor VAT. (6 marks)
(ii) The UK value added tax (VAT) implications for Razor Ltd of selling tools to and purchasing tools fromCutlass Inc; (2 marks)
(b) Explain the corporation tax and value added tax (VAT) implications of the following aspects of the proposedrestructuring of the Rapier Ltd group.(i) The immediate tax implications of the restructuring. (6 marks)
(c) Explanatory notes, together with relevant supporting calculations, in connection with the loan. (8 marks)Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the schedules, theeffectiveness with which the information is communicated and the extent to which the schedules are structured ina logical manner. (3 marks)Notes: – you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and for the financial yearto 31 March 2007 apply throughout the question.– you should ignore value added tax (VAT).
(b) Advise Maureen on deregistration for the purposes of value added tax (VAT) and any possible alternativestrategy. (8 marks)An additional mark will be awarded for the effectiveness with which the information is communicated.(1 mark)
5 Gagarin wishes to persuade a number of wealthy individuals who are business contacts to invest in his company,Vostok Ltd. He also requires advice on the recoverability of input tax relating to the purchase of new premises.The following information has been obtained from a meeting with Gagarin.Vostok Ltd:– An unquoted UK resident company.– Gagarin owns 100% of the company’s ordinary share capital.– Has 18 employees.– Provides computer based services to commercial companies.– Requires additional funds to finance its expansion.Funds required by Vostok Ltd:– Vostok Ltd needs to raise £420,000.– Vostok Ltd will issue 20,000 shares at £21 per share on 31 August 2008.– The new shareholder(s) will own 40% of the company.– Part of the money raised will contribute towards the purchase of new premises for use by Vostok Ltd.Gagarin’s initial thoughts:– The minimum investment will be 5,000 shares and payment will be made in full on subscription.– Gagarin has a number of wealthy business contacts who may be interested in investing.– Gagarin has heard that it may be possible to obtain tax relief for up to 60% of the investment via the enterpriseinvestment scheme.Wealthy business contacts:– Are all UK resident higher rate taxpayers.– May wish to borrow the funds to invest in Vostok Ltd if there is a tax incentive to do so.New premises:– Will cost £446,500 including value added tax (VAT).– Will be used in connection with all aspects of Vostok Ltd’s business.– Will be sold for £600,000 plus VAT in six years time.– Vostok Ltd will waive the VAT exemption on the sale of the building.The VAT position of Vostok Ltd:– In the year ending 31 March 2009, 28% of Vostok Ltd’s supplies will be exempt for the purposes of VAT.– This percentage is expected to reduce over the next few years.– Irrecoverable input tax due to the company’s partially exempt status exceeds the de minimis limits.Required:(a) Prepare notes for Gagarin to use when speaking to potential investors. The notes should include:(i) The tax incentives immediately available in respect of the amount invested in shares issued inaccordance with the enterprise investment scheme; (5 marks)
What does VAT stand for?A. Value-Assist TagB. Value-Added TaxC. Value-Added TagD. Value-Assist Tax
Erna Hart _______ a good swimmer; she swam across the English Channel when she was only fourteen years old!A、must beB、must have beenC、could beD、should have been
A corporate taxpayer has under-reported its taxable revenue in 2002 and hence underpaid value added tax (VAT) and enterprise income tax (EIT). In 2014, the taxpayer was charged by the tax authority with committing an act of tax evasion in 2002.Which of the following statements is correct?A.The taxpayer must pay the additional taxes due, plus a late payment surcharge and a penaltyB.There is no need for the taxpayer to pay any additional taxes, late payment surcharge or penalty as the statute of limitation is ten yearsC.The taxpayer must pay the additional taxes, but no late payment surcharge or penalty as the statute of limitation is ten years for late payment surcharge and penaltiesD.The taxpayer must pay the additional taxes and a late payment surcharge but not a penalty as the statute of limitation is five years for penalties
What could the girl in the ticket office do for the passengers without asking the computer?A. She could sell a ticket.B. She could write out a ticket.C. She could answer the passengers' questions.D. She could do nothing.
She was so angry that she rushed out into the rain__________I could stop her.A.before
According to her letter, what action did Ms. Walter take?A.She called the company to complain
B.She paid her bills by telephone
C.She emailed her credit card company
D.She sent payments for late fees
Rarely_______so difficult a problem.A.she could have faced with
B.could have she faced with
C.she could have been faced with
D.could she have been faced with
单选题Literacy Volunteer
Last summer I went through a training program and became a literacy volunteer (扫盲志愿者). The training I received, though excellent, did not tell me how it was to work with a real student, however. When I began to discover what other people's lives were like because they could not read, I realized the true importance of reading.
My first student Jane was a 44-year-old single mother of three. In the first lesson, I found out she walked two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she didn't know which bus to take. When I told her I would get her a bus schedule, she told me it would not help because she could not read it. She said she also had difficulty once she got to the supermarket because she couldn't always remember what she needed. Since she did not know words, she could not write out a shopping list. Also, she could only recognize items by their labels. As a result, if the product had a different label, she would not recognize it as the product she wanted.
As we worked together, learning how to read built Jane's self-confidence, which encouraged her to continue in her studies. She began to make rapid progress and was even able to take the bus to the supermarket. After this successful trip, she reported how self-confident she felt. At the end of the program, she began helping her youngest son, Tony, a shy first grader, with his reading. She sat with him before he went to sleep and together they would read bedtime stories. When his eyes became wide with excitement as she read pride was written all over her face, and she began to see how her own hard work in learning to read paid off. As she described this experience, I was proud of myself, too. I found that helping Jane to build her self-confidence was more rewarding than anything I had ever done before.
As a literacy volunteer, I learned a great deal about teaching and helping others. In fact, I may have learned more from the experience than Jane did.
She could write out a shopping list.()A
Not Given
单选题VAT起搏器是指( )。A