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Assume that the rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this part.
(b) Explain the consequences of filing the VAT returns late and advise Fred how he should deal with the
underpayment and bad debt for VAT purposes. Your explanation should be supported by relevant
calculations. (10 marks)
更多 “ Assume that the rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this part.(b) Explain the consequences of filing the VAT returns late and advise Fred how he should deal with theunderpayment and bad debt for VAT purposes. Your explanation should be supported by relevantcalculations. (10 marks) ” 相关考题
(b) Explain how the adoption of residual income (RI) using the annuity method of depreciation might prove tobe a superior basis for the management incentive plan operated by NCL plc.(N.B. No illustrative calculations should be incorporated into your explanation). (4 marks)
Assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2004 apply throughout.(b) Explain the corporation tax (CT) and value added tax (VAT) issues that Irroy should be aware of, if sheproceeds with her proposal for the Irish subsidiary, Green Limited. Your answer should clearly identify thosefactors which will determine whether or not Green Limited is considered UK resident or Irish resident andthe tax implications of each alternative situation.You need not repeat points that are common to each situation. (16 marks)
(b) Write a letter to Joanne setting out the value added tax (VAT) registration requirements and advising onwhether or not she should or could register for VAT and if registered if she could recover the VAT suffered onthe consultancy fees and computer purchased in October 2005. (7 marks)
(c) Assuming that she will survive until July 2009, advise on the lifetime inheritance tax (IHT) planningmeasures that could be undertaken by Debbie, quantifying the savings that can be made. (7 marks)For this question you should assume that the rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout.
3 Assume that today’s date is 10 May 2005.You have recently been approached by Fred Flop. Fred is the managing director and 100% shareholder of FlopLimited, a UK trading company with one wholly owned subsidiary. Both companies have a 31 March year-end.Fred informs you that he is experiencing problems in dealing with aspects of his company tax returns. The companyaccountant has been unable to keep up to date with matters, and Fred also believes that mistakes have been madein the past. Fred needs assistance and tells you the following:Year ended 31 March 2003The corporation tax return for this period was not submitted until 2 November 2004, and corporation tax of £123,500was paid at the same time. Profits chargeable to corporation tax were stated as £704,300.A formal notice (CT203) requiring the company to file a self-assessment corporation tax return (dated 1 February2004) had been received by the company on 4 February 2004.A detailed examination of the accounts and tax computation has revealed the following.– Computer equipment totalling £50,000 had been expensed in the accounts. No adjustment has been made inthe tax computation.– A provision of £10,000 was made for repairs, but there is no evidence of supporting information.– Legal and professional fees totalling £46,500 were allowed in full without any explanation. Fred hassubsequently produced the following analysis:Analysis of legal professional fees£Legal fees on a failed attempt to secure a trading loan 15,000Debt collection agency fees 12,800Obtaining planning consent for building extension 15,700Accountant’s fees for preparing accounts 14,000Legal fees relating to a trade dispute 19,000– No enquiry has yet been raised by the Inland Revenue.– Flop Ltd was a large company in terms of the Companies Act definition for the year in question.– Flop Ltd had taxable profits of £595,000 in the previous year.Year ended 31 March 2004The corporation tax return has not yet been submitted for this year. The accounts are late and nearing completion,with only one change still to be made. A notice requiring the company to file a self-assessment corporation tax return(CT203) dated 27 July 2004 was received on 1 August 2004. No corporation tax has yet been paid.1 – The computation currently shows profits chargeable to corporation tax of £815,000 before accountingadjustments, and any adjustments for prior years.– A company owing Flop Ltd £50,000 (excluding VAT) has gone into liquidation, and it is unlikely that any of thismoney will be paid. The money has been outstanding since 3 September 2003, and the bad debt will need tobe included in the accounts.1 Fred also believes there are problems in relation to the company’s VAT administration. The VAT return for the quarterended 31 March 2005 was submitted on 5 May 2005, and VAT of £24,000 was paid at the same time. The previousreturn to 31 December 2004 was also submitted late. In addition, no account has been made for the VAT on the baddebt. The VAT return for 30 June 2005 may also be late. Fred estimates the VAT liability for that quarter to be £8,250.Required:(a) (i) Calculate the revised corporation tax (CT) payable for the accounting periods ending 31 March 2003and 2004 respectively. Your answer should include an explanation of the adjustments made as a resultof the information which has now come to light. (7 marks)(ii) State, giving reasons, the due payment date of the corporation tax (CT) and the filing date of thecorporation tax return for each period, and identify any interest and penalties which may have arisen todate. (8 marks)
(b) Assuming that the income from the sale of the books is not treated as trading income, calculate Bob’s taxableincome and gains for all relevant tax years, using any loss reliefs in the most tax-efficient manner. Youranswer should include an explanation of the loss reliefs available and your reasons for using (or not using)them. (12 marks)Assume that the rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this part of the question.
(c) Advise Alan on the proposed disposal of the shares in Mobile Ltd. Your answer should include calculationsof the potential capital gain, and explain any options available to Alan to reduce this tax liability. (7 marks)
(c) Without changing the advice you have given in (b), or varying the terms of Luke’s will, explain how Mabelcould further reduce her eventual inheritance tax liability and quantify the tax saving that could be made.(3 marks)The increase in the retail prices index from April 1984 to April 1998 is 84%.You should assume that the rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 will continue to apply for theforeseeable future.
(c) Outline the ways in which Arthur and Cindy can reduce their income tax liability by investing in unquotedshares and recommend, with reasons, which form. of investment best suits their circumstances. You are notrequired to discuss the qualifying conditions applicable to the investment vehicle recommended. (5 marks)You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout thisquestion
(d) Explain how Gloria would be taxed in the UK on the dividends paid by Bubble Inc and the capital gains taxand inheritance tax implications of a future disposal of the shares. Clearly state, giving reasons, whether ornot the payment made to Eric is allowable for capital gains tax purposes. (9 marks)You should assume that the rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.
(c) Prepare brief notes for the proposed meeting with Charles and Jane. Clearly identify the further informationyou would need in order to advise them more fully and suggest appropriate personal financial planningprotection products, in respect of both death and serious illness. (9 marks)You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 and the corporation taxrates for the financial year 2005 apply throughout this question.
(c) Explain the capital gains tax (CGT) and income tax (IT) issues Paul and Sharon should consider in decidingwhich form. of trust to set up for Gisella and Gavin. You are not required to consider inheritance tax (IHT) orstamp duty land tax (SDLT) issues. (10 marks)You should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.
(iii) State the value added tax (VAT) and stamp duty (SD) issues arising as a result of inserting Bold plc asa holding company and identify any planning actions that can be taken to defer or minimise these taxcosts. (4 marks)You should assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2005 and the income tax ratesand allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.
(d) Advise Trent Limited of the consequences arising from the submission of the incorrect value added tax (VAT)return, assuming that the company has previously had a good compliance record with regard to accountingfor VAT. (6 marks)
(iii) The extent to which Amy will be subject to income tax in the UK on her earnings in respect of dutiesperformed for Cutlass Inc and the travel costs paid for by that company. (5 marks)Appropriateness of format and presentation of the report and the effectiveness with which its advice iscommunicated. (2 marks)Note:You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and the corporation taxrates and allowances for the financial year 2006 apply throughout this questio
(iii) The effect of the restructuring on the group’s ability to recover directly and non-directly attributable inputtax. (6 marks)You are required to prepare calculations in respect of part (ii) only of this part of this question.Note: – You should assume that the corporation tax rates and allowances for the financial year 2006 applythroughout this question.
(d) Evaluate the effect on Gerard of the changes to be made by Fizz plc to its performance related bonus scheme.You should ignore the effect of any pension contributions to be made by Gerard in the future, consider boththe value and timing of amounts received by Gerard and include relevant supporting calculations.(5 marks)Note: – You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 apply throughoutthis question.
(c) The inheritance tax payable by Adam in respect of the gift from his aunt. (4 marks)Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the memorandum andthe effectiveness with which the information is communicated. (2 marks)Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 will continue to apply for theforeseeable future.
(c) Explanatory notes, together with relevant supporting calculations, in connection with the loan. (8 marks)Additional marks will be awarded for the appropriateness of the format and presentation of the schedules, theeffectiveness with which the information is communicated and the extent to which the schedules are structured ina logical manner. (3 marks)Notes: – you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and for the financial yearto 31 March 2007 apply throughout the question.– you should ignore value added tax (VAT).
(b) Explain why making sales of Sabals in North America will have no effect on Nikau Ltd’s ability to recover itsinput tax. (3 marks)Notes: – you should assume that the corporation tax rates and allowances for the financial year to 31 March 2007will continue to apply for the foreseeable future.– you should ignore indexation allowance.
(ii) Explain how the inclusion of rental income in Coral’s UK income tax computation could affect theincome tax due on her dividend income. (2 marks)You are not required to prepare calculations for part (b) of this question.Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and for the financial year to31 March 2007 will continue to apply for the foreseeable future.
(c) On the assumption that the administrators of Noland’s estate will sell quoted shares in order to fund theinheritance tax due as a result of his death, calculate the value of the quoted shares that will be available totransfer to Avril. You should include brief notes of your treatment of the house and the shares in Kurb Ltd.(9 marks)Note: you should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 apply throughout thisquestion.
(ii) Write a letter to Donald advising him on the most tax efficient manner in which he can relieve the lossincurred in the year to 31 March 2007. Your letter should briefly outline the types of loss relief availableand explain their relative merits in Donald’s situation. Assume that Donald will have no source of incomeother than the business in the year of assessment 2006/07 and that any income he earned on a parttimebasis while at university was always less than his annual personal allowance. (9 marks)Assume that the corporation tax rates and allowances for the financial year 2004 and the income tax ratesand allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this question.Relevant retail price index figures are:January 1998 159·5April 1998 162·6
( )You want to apply for the position of a teaching assistant for a particular course,write a letter to Professor Stevens to(1)show your interest(2)describe yourself,and(3)explain why you would be suitable for the job You should include the details you think necessary You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEE/Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use"Li Ming"instead
Write a letter to Mr Green to apply for a job.In the lelter,you should 1)show your interest,2)describe your previous experience,and 3)explain why you would be suitable for the job.You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address.
如果他希望做盘旋,应当通知ATC。()A、If he desires to circle, he should advise ATCB、If he wants to hover, he should advise ATCC、If he wants to hover, he should ask ATCD、If he desires to spiral, he should ask ATC
问答题Practice 6Your cousin, Xiaoming, is asking you about the admission to your university, and you’re required to write in reply to his letter. Your letter should cover these points given below:(1)the major you advise him to apply for and the reason for your advice;(2)the basic requirements to apply for this major;(3) how to do relevant preparation workWrite at least 150 words.You do NOT need to write any addresses.