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意向性治疗分析intention to treatment,ITT(名词解释)


更多 “ 意向性治疗分析intention to treatment,ITT(名词解释) ” 相关考题
考题 康复治疗的基本途径有哪些?() A、改善(toimprove)、代偿(tocompensate)和替代(tosubstitute)B、独立(Independence)、自主(autonomy)和权利(rights)C、治疗(treatment)、改善(toimprove)和恢复(recovery)D、改善(toimprove)、代偿(tocompensate)和赋予(togive)E、以上都不是

考题 37__A. opinionB. impressionC. informationD. intention

考题 婚姻状况属于分析单位中的()A、行为B、动机C、状态D、意向性

考题 They went into town with the ______of visiting the library.A. professionB. appoingtmentC. processD. intention

考题 The student’s parents felt ____ as they learned that he didn’t make progress in his courses.A. incentiveB. dignityC. anxietyD. intention

考题 关于胰岛素耐量试验,叙述正确的是 A、ITT是公认的最敏感的生长激素激发试验B、推荐的ITT胰岛素剂量是0.5~1.0U/kgC、ITT是最安全的激发试验D、ITT阳性是GH峰值E、ITT在诊断GHD与非GHD的标准之间没有重叠

考题 It soon becomes clear that the interior designer’s most important basic( )is the function of the particular space.For example,a theater with poor sight lines,poor sound‐shaping qualities,and too few entries and exits will not work for its purpose,no matter how beautifully it might be decorated.A.care B.concern C.attention D.intention

考题 James had practiced a lot for his driving test so that he could be sure of passing it at hisfirst__________.A.purpose B.desire C.attempt D.intention

考题 汉译英:“检疫”,正确的翻译为( )。 A. inspection B. quarantine C. appraisal D. treatment