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. A, mysterious

B. ridiculous

C. fascinating

D. apparent


更多 “ 42______. A, mysteriousB. ridiculousC. fascinatingD. apparent ” 相关考题
考题 wanton mischief:(). A.greatB. slyC. recklessD.mysterious

考题 It is obvious that it has been too late to take action.A: true B: certain C: said D: apparent

考题 It's too() to do the bungee jumping from the cliff.A.residential B.remote C.risky D.ridiculous

考题 "That's outrageous!"he protested.A:unheard of B:unacceptable C:unbelievable D:ridiculous

考题 A postman's job must be a boring one.A:tedious B:absorbing C:workaholic D:fascinating

考题 That uniform makes the guards look absurd.A:serious B:beautiful C:impressive D:ridiculous

考题 We'll be very careful and keep what you've told us strictly( )。A.rigorous B.private C.confidential D.mysterious

考题 They laughed at the amusing story he told.A:odd B:comical C:funny D:ridiculous

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