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● 试题 (66)~ (70)给出了计算机英文术语的解释,请从供选择的参考答中选 择正确的术语。

(66) : An error can be caused by attempting to divide by 0.


A. Interrupt

B. Default

C. Underflow

D. Overflow

(67) : The process of identifying and correcting errors in a program.


A. Debug

B. Bug

C. Fault

D. Default

(68) : A collection of related information, organized for easy retrieval.


A. Data

B. Database

C. Buffer

D. Stack

(69) : A location where data can be temporarily stored.


A. Area

B. Disk

C. Buffer

D. File

(70): A graphical bar with buttons that perform. some of the most common commands.


A. Title bar

B. Tool bar

C. Status bar

D. Scroll bar


更多 “ ● 试题 (66)~ (70)给出了计算机英文术语的解释,请从供选择的参考答中选 择正确的术语。(66) : An error can be caused by attempting to divide by 0.(66)A. InterruptB. DefaultC. UnderflowD. Overflow(67) : The process of identifying and correcting errors in a program.(67)A. DebugB. BugC. FaultD. Default(68) : A collection of related information, organized for easy retrieval.(68)A. DataB. DatabaseC. BufferD. Stack(69) : A location where data can be temporarily stored.(69)A. AreaB. DiskC. BufferD. File(70): A graphical bar with buttons that perform. some of the most common commands.(70)A. Title barB. Tool barC. Status barD. Scroll bar ” 相关考题
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考题 ● 试题(66)~(70)给出了计算机英文术语的解释,请从供选择的参考答案中选择正确的术语。(66) : An error can be caused by attempting to divide by 0.(66)A. InterruptB. DefaultC. UnderflowD. Overflow(67) : The process of identifying and correcting errors in a program.(67)A. DebugB. BugC. FaultD. Default(68) : A collection of related information, organized for easy retrieval.(68)A. Data. DatabaseC. Buffer. Stack(69) : A location where data can be temporarily stored.(69)A. AreaB. DiskC. BufferD. File(70 ) : A graphical bar with buttons that perform some of the most common commands.(70)A. Title barB. Tool barC. Status barD. Scroll bar

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考题 在贸易术语适用上,A、B公司在双方的买卖合同中仅约定适用FOB术语。对此,下列选项正确的是:A.该合同应当适用2010年《国际贸易术语解释通则》B.货物的风险应自货交C公司时由A公司转移给B公司C.B公司必须自付费用订立从指定装运港运输货物的合同D.因当事人选择了贸易术语,故不再适用《联合国国际货物买卖公约》 【此题估分】:0 分 【参考解析】:暂无

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