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更多 “ 什么是XAML? ” 相关考题
考题 XAML中的属性是可以用多种语法去设置的,可以通过下面的哪些方式来设置对象元素的属性() A.使用属性语法B.使用属性元素语法C.使用内容元素语法D.使用集合语法

考题 通过XAML标记扩展来设定属性值,从而可以让对象元素的属性具备更加灵活和复杂的赋值逻辑。常用的XAML标记扩展功能包括哪4种?

考题 XAML编程必须遵循的4大原则是什么?

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考题 You are developing a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. All of the application styles are in the file name Themes.dllYou have the followiing markup segment.BlueBackground is defined in a XAML file named BlueTheme.xaml. The XAML markup is compiled into the Themes.dll file.You need to ensure that the XAML file is referenced so that the application can apply the settings in the BlueBackground style.()A.B.C.D.

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