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senses, lust, pleasures, edge, miseries, juices, keenness, duties, preserve, curious, bite, hatred

One of the major ___1___in life is appetite, and one of our major ___2____should be to___3__ it. Appetite is the ____4__ of living; it is one of the ___5___ that tell you that you are still____6___to exist. That you still have an ___7___ on your longings and want to __8__into the world and taste its multitudinous flavors and __9__. By appetite, I don’t mean just the __10___ for food, but any condition of unsatisfied desire.


更多 “ senses, lust, pleasures, edge, miseries, juices, keenness, duties, preserve, curious, bite, hatredOne of the major ___1___in life is appetite, and one of our major ___2____should be to___3__ it. Appetite is the ____4__ of living; it is one of the ___5___ that tell you that you are still____6___to exist. That you still have an ___7___ on your longings and want to __8__into the world and taste its multitudinous flavors and __9__. By appetite, I don’t mean just the __10___ for food, but any condition of unsatisfied desire. ” 相关考题
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