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He sometimes employs students to () samples of their products.



C.have been distributed

D.to distribute


更多 “ He sometimes employs students to () samples of their products. A.distributingB.distributeC.have been distributedD.to distribute ” 相关考题
考题 “He was smoking.” “Then he () .” A.ought to have been not smokingB.ought to have not been smokingC.ought not to have been smokingD.ought to not have been smoking

考题 He didn’t go to the party, but he does wish he ______ there. (A) had been(B) has been(C) would have been(D) would be

考题 What is (21) that a teacher most wants in his students? Attentiveness? A good memory? Diligence? Certainly these are the qualities commonly (22) with "good students" in the (23) mind. And certainly, too, these are the qualities that most (24) to teachers' comfort.But the best students I ever had, (25) I remember the most wistfully, was a talkative, lazy day-dreamer. Sometimes he turned assignments in (26) , and a few he never (27) around to doing at all. Actually, my admiration for him was ironic, (28) I have never liked the name Ronald, (29) suggests to me the assumed name of a movie star. But he made one whole year of my (30) experience a delight.21.A. thereB. theyC. itD. that

考题 ______ many times, but he still couldn't understand it.A. Having been toldB. He was toldC. Though he had been toldD. Having told

考题 He told me that he ____ in Naples the previous year.A、has been workingB、has workedC、had been workingD、had been worked

考题 ________ head of the Research & Development Department, he has been ________ developing new products. A.Working as...working onB.Working for...working onC.Working as...working atD.Working on...working at

考题 ____________ he likes her, he does get annoyed with her sometimes.A、Though muchB、Much thoughC、As muchD、Much as

考题 He wouldn’t have been saved even if he ____ to hospital at once. A.has been sentB.was sentC.had been sentD.was being sent

考题 This is the first time the students ______ to Hyde Park.A、have beenB、have been goneC、have been goingD、are being gone

考题 Why did the professor study the Brazilian students' behavior?A. He felt puzzled at the students' being late.B. He felt angry at the students' rudeness.C. He wanted to make the students come on time later.D. He wanted to collect data for one of his studies.

考题 The tanks should then be ______ immediately after the measurements or cargo samples have been taken.A.topped upB.bracedC.tommed downD.re-pressurized

考题 __________ he does get annoyed with her sometimes. A.As he likes her much B.Although much he likes her C.Much as he likes her D.Much although he likes her

考题 共用题干 Swine Flu in New YorkThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)has confirmed cases of swine(猪)_______(51)in eight students at a New York preparatory(预科的)school, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Sunday. The students have had only_________(52) symptoms and none have been hospitalized,he said.Some of thestudents have already recovered.More than 100 students were absent from_______(53)due to flu-like symptoms last week.New Yorkhealth officials tested samples for eight students on Saturday and determined the students were probably________(54)from swine flu,and the CDC confirmed the________(55)on Sunday,Bloombergsaid.The announcement brings the ______(56) of confirmed swine flu eases in the United States to 20.Bloomberg said there is no ________(57)of a citywide outbreak( ~K) of the flu,and no sign of a potentialouthreak of swine fiu at ___________( 58) schools.Some students at the school_________(59) spring break in Mexico,Bloomberg gaid,bur authorities havenot determined _______( 60) any of the students with a confirmed ease of swine flu was in Mexico. Someonewho traveled to Mexico may not have had any flu symptoms but________(61) on the flu to someone else,henoted.Bloomberg called on students who are homesick to________(62) home for 48 hours after theirsymptoms go away.If symptoms are normal for a regular kind offlu , there is________(63) need to go to a hospital,saidBloomberg. If symptoms become severe, as__________(64) any illness,people should go to the hospital,hesaid.St. Francis,which has 2,700 students,announced it will remam closed for two days.________(65)whether the students' illnesses have been minor because they're young and healthy or because it is a minor strain(菌株)of the virus,Bloomberg responded,"We don't know."_________(56)A:numberB:spreadC:sizeD:amount

考题 Please distribute books among the students.A:allocate B:deliver C:withdraw D:pass

考题 共用题干 第一篇 More Than a Ride to SchoolThe National Education Association claims,"The school bus is a mirror of the community."They further add that,unfortunately,what appears on the exterior does not always reflect the reality of a chosen community.They are right一sometimes it reflects more!Just ask Liesl Denson.Riding the school bus has been more than a ride to school for Liesl.Bruce Hardy,school bus driver for Aithouse Bus Company has been Liesl's bus driver since kindergarten,Last year when Liesl's family moved to Parkesburg,knowing her bus went by her new residence,she requested to ride the same bus.This year Liesl is a senior and will enjoy her last year riding the bus.She says,"It's been a great ride so far!My bus driver is so cool and has always been a good friend and agood listener.Sometimes when you're a child adults do not think that what you have to sayis important.Mr. Hardy always listens to what you have to say and makes you feel important."Her friends Ashley Batista and Amanda Wolfe agree.Bruce Hardy has been making Octorara students feel special since 1975.This year he will celebrate 30 years working for Aithouse:Bus Company. Larry Aithouse , president of thecompany, acknowledges Bruce Hardy's outstanding record: "You do not come by employeeslike Bruce these days. He has never missed a day of work and has a perfect driving record.He was recognized in 2000 by the Pennsylvania School Bus Association for driving 350, 000accident free miles.Hardy's reputation is made further evident through the relationships he has made with the students that ride his bus."Althouse further adds,"Althouse Bus Company was established 70 years ago and has been providing quality transportation ever since.My grandfather started the business with one bus.Aithouse Bus Company is delighted to have the opportunity to bring distinctive and safe service to our local school and community and looks forward to continuing to provide quality service for many more years to come."Three generations of business is not all the company has enjoyed.Thanks to drivers like Bruce Hardy,they have been building relationships through generations.Liesi's mother Carol also enjoys fond memories of riding Bruce Hardy's bus to the Octorara School District. Which of the following statements is NOT true of Bruce Hardy?A: He is popular with his passengers.B:He has never missed a day of work.C: He is an impatient person.D: He has driven 350,000 accident free miles.

考题 资料:From:prorno@fruittisom.com To:kkaminski@armail.com Subject:New flavors Date:March 8 Dear Mr.Kaminski. I am writing to share some exciting news with you. Fruittisom is now launching a new line of natural fruit juices.,and we would like to send you some samples so that you can try them too. Free sampLes are being offered only to customers who have purchased Fruittisom juices from our online store within the last year. If you wish to receive samples of the new line of our products,go to our online store and select up to three products you would like to try. Then, instead of making a payment, enter promotional code TY117563,and your selections will be shipped to your home without charge. With best regards, Ashley Hockstra What is suggested about Mr. Kaminski? A.He has shopped at Fruittisom’ s online store B.He has been charged incorrectly for an order C.He has worked for Fruittisom D.He has reported a late delivery

考题 共用题干 第一篇More Than a Ride to SchoolThe National Education Association claims,"The school bus is a mirror of the community." They further add that, unfortunately, what appears on the exterior(外部)does not always reflect the reality of a chosen community.They are right,and sometimes it reflects more!Just ask Liesl Denson.Riding the school bus has been more than a ride to school for Liesl.Bruce Hardy,school bus driver for Althouse Bus Company has been Liesl's bus driver since kindergarten.Last year when Liesl's family moved to Parkesburg,knowing her bus went by her new residence,she requested to ride the same bus.This year Liesi is a senior and will enjoy her last year riding the bus.She says,"It's been a great ride so far!My bus driver is so cool and has always been a good friend and a good listener.Sometimes when you're a child adults do not think that what you have to say is important.Mr.Hardy always listens to what you have to say and makes you feel important."Her friends Ashley Batista and Amanda Wolfe agree.Bruce Hardy has been making Octorara students feel special since 1975.This year he will celebrate 30 years working for Althouse Bus Transportation.Company President,Larry Althouse acknowledges Bruce Hardy's outstanding record."You do not come by employees like Bruce these days;he has never missed a day of work and has a perfect driving record.Recognized in 2000 by the Pennsylvania School Bus Association for driving 350,000 accident free miles,Hardy's reputation is made further evident through the relationships he has made with the students that ride his bus."Althouse further added, "Althouse Bus Transportation was established 70 years ago and has been providing quality transportation ever since.My grandfather started the business with one bus.Althouse Bus Transportation is delighted to have the opportunity to bring distinctive and safe service to our local school and community and looks forward to continuing to provide quality service for many more years to come."Three generations of business is not all the company has enjoyed.Thanks to drivers like Bruce Hardy,they have been building relationships through generations.Liesi's mother Carol also enjoys fond memories of riding Bruce Hardy's bus to the Octorara School District.Which of the following statements is NOT true of Bruce Hardy?A:He is cool.B:He is a good friend.C:He is impatient.D:He has driven 350,000 accident free miles.

考题 What can be inferred from the passage A.The author was happy to see the test result. B.What the students said was hardly true. C.Wolfe would remember forever what the author had done. D.Wolfe felt joyful after he had been tested.

考题 —Why was he so hot when he got home —He________.A.was running B.is running C.has been running D.had been running

考题 单选题When the teacher asks students to read a text for the main idea, he/she intends to develop students' skill of _________.A retellingB predictingC skimmingD scanning

考题 单选题Students sometimes support themselves by _____ of evening jobs.A waysB pathsC meansD offers

考题 单选题—Where is Mr. Wang?—He together with his students ______ Zhuyuwan Park.A has gone toB have gone toC has been toD have been to

考题 单选题What is Mr. Weeks proud of?A All his students have become famous persons.B All his students often write to him.C Some of his students have been famous.D He’s been a teacher for twenty-six years.

考题 单选题______he does get annoyed with her sometimes.A As he likes her muchB Although much he likes herC Much as he likes herD Much although he likes her

考题 单选题It’s true that sometimes a teacher _____ his students intelligence by the points they made on the examinations.A beatsB gaugesC moderatesD prevails

考题 单选题______,everything would have been all right.A He had been thereB Here he had beenC Been here he hadD Had he been here

考题 单选题No one except two students _____ the meeting.A has been late forB have been late forC was late forD were later for