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  • A、3030000~3049999
  • B、3050000~3059999
  • C、3060000~3079999
  • D、3100000~3299999


更多 “ P62、P62T型棚车的车号范围是()。A、3030000~3049999B、3050000~3059999C、3060000~3079999D、3100000~3299999” 相关考题
考题 阅读程序: Sub p( b () As Integer)For i =1To 4 b(i) = 2(iNext i End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a (1 To 4) As Integer a(1)=5 a(2)=6 a(3)=7 a(4)=8 call p (a) For i=1 To 4 Print a(i) Next iEnd Sub运行上面的程序,单击命令按钮,输出结果为。

考题 运行以下程序后,输出结果为_____________。 Private Sub Command1_Click() a=1:b=2:c=3 Call test(a,b+3,(c)) Print "main:";a;b;c End Sub Private Function test(p,m,n) p=p+1:m=m+1:n=n+1 Print "sub:";p;m;n End Function:A. sub:2 6 4 main:1 2 3B. sub:2 6 4 main:2 2 3C. sub:2 6 4 main:2 6 4D. sub:2 6 4 main:1 6 4

考题 设程序中有如下数组定义和过程调用语句: Dim a(10)As Integer … Call D(a) 如下过程定义巾,正确的是( )。A.Private Sub p(a As Integer)B.Private Sub p(a( )As Integer)C.Private Sub p(a(10)As Integer)D.Private Sub p(a(n)As Integer)

考题 下列程序的执行结果是______。PrivateFunctionP(NASInteger)Fori=1 To NSUM=SUM+iNextiP=SUMEnd FunctionPrivte Sub Commandl_Click()S=P(1)+P(2)+P(3)+P(4)Print SEnd Sub

考题 在窗体中添加一个命令按钮,编写如下程序: Private Sub Subl(p,m,n) p=p+1:m=m+1:n=n+1 Print"subl:";p;m;n End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() al=1:b=2:c1=3 Call Subl(a,b1+3,c1) Print"Main:";a1;b1;c1 End Sub 程序运行后,输出结果为A.Sub:2 6 4 Main:2 6 4B.Sub:2 6 4 Main:2 6 4C.Sub:2 6 4 Main:1 2 3D.Sub:2 6 4 Main:2 2 3

考题 设程序中有如下数组定义和过程调用语句:Dim a(10) as integer……Call p(a)如下过程定义中,正确的是A)Private Sub p(a as integer)B)Private Sub p(a() as integer)C)Private Sub p(a(10) as integer)D)Private Sub p(a(n) as integer)

考题 在窗体中添加一个命令按钮,编写如下程序: Private Sub Test(p,m,n) p=p+1:m=m+1:n=n+1 Print "Sub: ";p;m;n End Sub Private Sub Command1.Click() a1=1:b=2:c1=3 Call Test((a,b1+3,(c1)) Print "Main:";a1;b1;c1 End Sub 程序运行后,输出结果为A.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 6 4B.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 6 4C.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 1 2 3D.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 2 3

考题 在窗体上画一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub sub1(p,m,n) p=p + 1 : m = m + 1 : n =n + 1 Print p;m;n End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() x=6 : y=4 : z=2 Call sub1(x,y+1,(z)) Print x;y;z End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,则窗体上第二行显示的内容是A.7 6 3B.7 4 2C.6 4 2D.4 6 3

考题 当发生Form_Click事件时,下列程序的输出结果是( )。 Private m As Integer,n As Integer Private Sub Form_Click() Dim k As Integer,p As Integer k=6:p=60 Call sub1(k,p) Print m,n,m,k,p Call sub1(k,p) Print m,n,k,p End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() m=7 n=70 End Sub Public Sub sub1(x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer) Dim m As Integer n=n+5 m=n+x+y x=x+y y=x+y End SubA.7 75 66 60 7 80 126 60B.7 75 66 60 7 75 126 60C.7 75 66 60 7 80 66 60D.7 75 66 60 7 75 66 60

考题 在窗体中添加一个命令按钮,编写如下程序:Private Sub Sub1(p,m,n)p=p+1:m=m+1:n=n+1Print "sub1:";p;m;nEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()a1=1:b=2:c1=3Call Sub1(a,b1+3,c1)Print"Main:";a1;b1;c1End Sub程序运行后,输出结果为A.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 6 4B.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 6 4C.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 1 2 3D.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 2 3

考题 在窗体中添加一个命令按钮,编写如下程序: Private Sub Sub1(p,m,n) p=p+1:m=m+1:n=n+1 Print "sub1:";p;m;n End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() a1=1:b=2:c1=3 Call Sub1(a,b1+3,c1) Print"Main:";a1;b1;c1 End Sub 程序运行后,输出结果为A.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 6 4B.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 6 4C.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 1 2 3D.Sub: 2 6 4 Main: 2 2 3

考题 How many usable sub network and usable hosts per subnet result in the network address is sub netted with a mask of /26? () A. 64 network and 4 hostsB. 4 network and 64 hostsC. 2 network and 62 hostsD. 62 network and 2 hosts

考题 How many usable sub network and usable hosts per subnet result in the network address is sub netted with a mask of /26? ()A、64 network and 4 hostsB、4 network and 64 hostsC、2 network and 62 hostsD、62 network and 2 hosts

考题 单选题下列表示测量不确定度的符号中,正确表示相对扩展不确定度的是( )。A pUsubrel /sub /pB pusubrel /sub /pC pUsubp /sub /pD pusubref/sub /p

考题 单选题变直径圆管流,细断面直径d1,粗断面直径d2=2d1,粗细断面雷诺数的关系是( )。A pResub1/sub=0.5Resub2/sub/pB pResub1/sub=Resub2/sub/pC pResub1/sub=1.5Resub2/sub/pD pResub1/sub=2Resub2/sub /p

考题 单选题How many usable sub network and usable hosts per subnet result in the network address is sub netted with a mask of /26? ()A 64 network and 4 hostsB 4 network and 64 hostsC 2 network and 62 hostsD 62 network and 2 hosts

考题 单选题下列测量不确定度符号中,表示合成标准不确定度的是( )。A pUsub95rel/sub/pB pUsubc/sub/pC pusubc/sub/pD pUsubrel/sub/p

考题 单选题煤矿井下的有害气体主要是由()、CO2、H2S、NO2、H2、NH3气体组成。A COB pCHsub4/sub、SOsub2/sub/pC pSOsub2/sub、CO/pD pCO、CHsub4/sub、SOsub2/sub/p

考题 单选题酶促反应速度(v)达到最大反应速度(Vmax)的80%时,底物浓度[S]为A p1Ksubm/sub/pB p2Ksubm/sub/pC p3Ksubm/sub/pD p4Ksubm/sub/pE p5Ksubm/sub/p

考题 单选题饱和蒸气分别在形状、尺寸、温度都相同的A、B两个等温垂直壁面上凝结,其中A上面是珠状凝结,B板上是膜状凝结。若两个壁面上的凝结传热量分别为QA和QB则( )。A pQsubA/sub =QsubB/sub/pB pQsubA/subQsubB/sub/pC pQsubA/subQsubB/sub/pD pQsubA/sub =QsubB/sub/2/p

考题 单选题A pIsub2/sub=Isub3/sub/pB pIsub2/sub=4Isub3/sub/pC pIsub2/sub=2Isub3/sub/pD pIsub3/sub=4Isub2/sub/p

考题 多选题标准砝码的质量为m,测量得到的最佳估计值为100.02147g,合成标准不确定uc(ms) 为0.35mg,取包含因子k=2,以下表示的测量结果中 ( ) 是正确的。Apmsubs/sub=100.02147g;U=0.70mg,k=2/pBpmsubs/sub=(100.02147±0.00070)g;k=2/pCpmsubs/sub=100.02147g;usubc/sub(msubs/sub)=0.35mg,k=1/pDpmsubs/sub=100.02147g;usubc/sub(msubs/sub)=0.35mg/p

考题 单选题下列测量结果的表示中,错误的是()。A pIsubS/sub=10.0413A,Usubrel/sub=5×10sup-5/sup,k=2 /pB pIsubS/sub=10.0413(1±5×10sup-5/sup)A,k=2 /pC pIsubS/sub=(10.0413±5×10sup-5/sup)A,k=2 /pD pIsubS/sub=10.0413A,Usub95rel/sub=5×10sup-5/sup,Vsubeff/sub=9 /p

考题 多选题下列表示中____的表示形式是正确的。ApUsub95/sub= 1%,vsubeff/sub =9 /pBpUsubr/sub= 1%,k=2 /pCpusubC/sub=0. 5% /pDpusubC/sub=±0 5%.k=1 /p

考题 多选题设up为标准正态分布的p分位数,则有(  )。Ausub0.49/sub>0 Busub0.3/sub<usub0.4 /subCusub0.5/sub=0 Dusub0.23/sub=-usub0.77 /subEusub0.5/sub=-usub0.5/sub

考题 单选题( )被称为广义货币。A pMsub0/sub/pB pMsub1/sub/pC pMsub2/sub/pD pMsub3/sub/p

考题 单选题标称值为10kΩ的标准电阻在23℃时的校准值Rs为9.9999315kΩ,合成标准不确定度为52mΩ。在被测量服从正态分布的情况下,当包含概率为95%时,测量结果可表示为( )。A pRsubs/sub=9.99993kΩ,Usub95/sub=0.10Ω,ksub95/sub=1.96/pB pRsubs/sub=9.999931kΩ,Usub95/sub=0.10Ω,ksub95/sub=1.96/pC pRsubs/sub=9.99993kΩ,Usub95/sub=102mΩ,ksub95/sub=1.96/pD pRsubs/sub=9.999931kΩ,Usub95/sub=102mΩ,ksub95/sub=1.96/p

考题 单选题明确规定包含概率p时,扩展不确定度的符号是( )。A pUsubp/sub/pB pUsubr/sub/pC pusubc/sub/pD U