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Cheese made from()。

  • A、Butter
  • B、Milk
  • C、Oil
  • D、Cream


更多 “Cheese made from()。A、ButterB、MilkC、OilD、Cream” 相关考题
考题 Brandy is a strong alcoholic spirit distilled from wine. Manufactured in many countries, brandy is most notable in the form. of cognac, made from white grapes in the Charente district of France. Most fine brandies are distilled in pot stills, blended and flavored, and stored in casks (preferably oak) to mellow. Brandies are also made from fruits other than the grape, such as plum or peach.Brandy is a soft drink spirit distilled from wine()此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 White wines can be made from either white or red peaches() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Brandies are also made from fruits other than the grape,such as plum or peac() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

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考题 1 Geno Vesa Farm (GVF), a limited liability company, is a cheese manufacturer. Its principal activity is the productionof a traditional ‘Farmhouse’ cheese that is retailed around the world to exclusive shops, through mail order and websales. Other activities include the sale of locally produced foods through a farm shop and cheese-makingdemonstrations and tours.The farm’s herd of 700 goats is used primarily for the production of milk. Kids (i.e. goat offspring), which are asecondary product, are selected for herd replacement or otherwise sold. Animals held for sale are not usually retainedbeyond the time they reach optimal size or weight because their value usually does not increase thereafter.There are two main variations of the traditional farmhouse cheese; ‘Rabida Red’ and ‘Bachas Blue’. The red cheeseis coloured using Innittu, which is extracted from berries found only in South American rain forests. The cost of Innittuhas risen sharply over the last year as the collection of berries by local village workers has come under the scrutinyof an international action group. The group is lobbying the South American government to ban the export of Innittu,claiming that the workers are being exploited and that sustaining the forest is seriously under threat.Demand for Bachas Blue, which is made from unpasteurised milk, fell considerably in 2003 following the publicationof a research report that suggested a link between unpasteurised milk products and a skin disorder. The financialstatements for the year ended 30 September 2004 recognised a material impairment loss attributable to theequipment used exclusively for the manufacture of Bachas Blue. However, as the adverse publicity is gradually beingforgotten, sales of Bachas Blue are now showing a steady increase and are currently expected to return to their formerlevel by the end of September 2005.Cheese is matured to three strengths – mild, medium and strong – depending on the period of time it is left to ripen,which is six, 12 and 18 months respectively. When produced, the cheese is sold to a financial institution, AbingdonBank, at cost. Under the terms of sale, GVF has the option to buy the cheese on its maturity at cost plus 7% forevery six months which has elapsed.All cheese is stored to maturity on wooden boards in GVF’s cool and airy sheds. However, recently enacted healthand safety legislation requires that the wooden boards be replaced with stainless steel shelves with effect from 1 July2005. The management of GVF has petitioned the government health department that to comply with the legislationwould interfere with the maturing process and the production of medium and strong cheeses would have to cease.In 2003, GVF applied for and received a substantial regional development grant for the promotion of tourism in thearea. GVF’s management has deferred its plan to convert a disused barn into holiday accommodation from 2004until at least 2006.Required:(a) Identify and explain the principal audit risks to be considered when planning the final audit of GVF for theyear ending 30 September 2005. (14 marks)

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考题 (Science Has Spoiled My Supper) What the author calls “cheese foods” used to be hand-made in small factories.()

考题 The fine paper for books ( )made from bamboo. A、hasB、isC、haveD、are

考题 China’s markets have been strengthened by Strong domestic consumption and it also stimulated both multinationals and domestic companies to shift the emphasis of their operations from 'Made in China' to 'Made for China'.()此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Common stock gets higher return than any other investment because of ______.A.profits made from buying and reselling stocksB.dividends received from holding the stocksC.tax allowance provided from investing in the stocksD.all of the above

考题 I made a big cake ______ chocolate and grapes.A: toB: onC: withD: from

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考题 It can be inferred from the passage that the real danger comes from ______.A)the asbestos dust that people take inB) the contact of the worker's skin with asbestos particlesC) the inferior quality of the asbestos itselfD)the excessive use of man made asbestos material

考题 A seaman is entitled by law to a release from Foreign Articles when ______.A.intoxicatedB.deductions are made from wagesC.injuredD.the vessel is overloaded

考题 The ladder shall ______.A.be secured in a position so that it rests firmly against the ship's side from which the discharge operations are carried outB.have at least two replacement steps which are secured in position by a method different from that used in the original constructionC.have battens made of hardwood,or other material of equivalent properties,in one piece and not less thanD.have steps made of softwood,or other material of equivalent properties,made in one piece free of knots,having an efficient slip surface

考题 When father was young, he()from morning till night.Awas made workBwas made workingCmade to workDwas made to work

考题 When father was young, he()from morning till night.A、was made workB、was made workingC、made to workD、was made to work

考题 CHEESE的摆放顺序从左到右(9点方向至6点方向)顺时针为()。A、西芹、饼干、红根、CHEESEB、红根、CHEESE、西芹、饼干C、饼干、红根、CHEESE、西芹D、饼干、西芹、红根、CHEESE

考题 两舱芝士服务摆盘的正确顺序从左到右顺时针为()A、西芹、饼干、红根、干果、CHEESEB、红根、干果、CHEESE、西芹、饼干C、饼干、干果、红根、CHEESE、西芹D、饼干、西芹、红根、干果、CHEESE

考题 单选题Milk,butter,and cheese are()here from the farms.A importedB transferredC transformedD transported

考题 单选题When father was young, he()from morning till night.A was made workB was made workingC made to workD was made to work

考题 单选题Which of the following statements represents the main difference between a relay and a contactor?()A Contactors control current and relays control voltageB A relay is series connected and a contactor is parallel connectedC Contactors can handle heavier loads than relaysD Contactors are made from silver and relays are made from copper

考题 单选题A seaman is entitled by law to a release from Foreign Articles when().A intoxicatedB deductions are made from wagesC injuredD the vessel is overloaded

考题 单选题China’s economic reform is aimed at separating enterprises from the government. It has been implemented for almost 20 years, but breakthroughs ______ .A have been made yetB have yet to makeC have yet to be madeD to have yet made

考题 单选题《谁动了我的奶酪》的英文译文为()A Who Stole My Cheese?B Who Got My Cheese?C Who Moved My Cheese?D Who Touched My Cheese?

考题 单选题During the watch keeping at sea, routine adjustments should be ()A made and noted as required by the duty engineerB reported to chief engineer immediately after being made by duty engineerC never made before getting permission from chief engineerD made as required but not logged

考题 单选题The ladder shall().A be secured in a position so that it rests firmly against the ship's side from which the discharge operations are carried outB have at least two replacement steps which are secured in position by a method different from that used in the original constructionC have battens made of hardwood,or other material of equivalent properties,in one piece and not less than 1.80metres long provided at such intervals as will prevent the pilot ladder from twistingD have steps made of softwood,or other material of equivalent properties,made in one piece free of knots,having an efficient slip surface