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Why does a digital signature CONTAIN a message digest?为什么数字签名包含一个消息摘要?()

  • A、To confirm the identity of the receiver 为了确认接收者的身份
  • B、To indicate the encryption algorithm 为了标注加密算法
  • C、To detect any alteration of the message 为了检测对消息的篡改
  • D、To enable transmission in a digital format 为了便于进行数字格式传输


更多 “Why does a digital signature CONTAIN a message digest?为什么数字签名包含一个消息摘要?()A、To confirm the identity of the receiver 为了确认接收者的身份B、To indicate the encryption algorithm 为了标注加密算法C、To detect any alteration of the message 为了检测对消息的篡改D、To enable transmission in a digital format 为了便于进行数字格式传输” 相关考题
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考题 下面算法中,属于非对称密钥加密算法的是__(53)__。A.DES(Digital Encryption Standard)B.RC2(Rivest Ciphers 2)C.RC5(Rivest Ciphers 5)D.DSA(Digital Signature Algorithm)

考题 Public Key Infrastructure(PKI) service providers offer organizations fully integrated PKI-managed services designed to secure Intranet, Extranet, Virtual Private Network(VPN), and e-commerce applications. PKI solutions can enable a number of security services, including strong authentication and non-repudiation of transactions.eToken enables the users of PKI systems to generate and store(101)and digital certificates inside the token, creating a secure environment and allowing full portability and maximum ease of use. eToken Pro can also perform. sensitive on-chip(102)operations, ensuring that users' keys axe never exposed to the PC environment, eToken eliminates the need to store(103)and keys on a hard disk or browser file, or to transmit them across the Internet/Extranet; assuring peace-of-mind and confidence during online communications.A digital signature is created using the private key of an individual to ensure the Validity of his request. This technology can be used to guarantee(104)of various transactions. The strength of either the authentication level or the digital signature relies on the level of protection offered to the private key. eToken Pro offers the maximum level of security, since it enables the use of the private key for signing and authenticating inside the eToken.The most secure use of authentication involves enclosing at least one certificate with every signed message. The message(105)verifies the certificate using the CA's public key. If the sender's public key is legitimate, the recipient verifies the message's signature. Digital signatures created with a private key are verified with the digital certificate containing the public key.A.private keysB.public keysC.authentication codesD.message digests

考题 What does DVI stand for?() A. Dual Visual InterfaceB. Display Vertical InterfaceC. Digital Visual InterfaceD. Digital Vision Interchange

考题 Symmetric, or private-key, encryption is based on a secret key that is shared by both communcating parties. The ( ) party uses the secret key as part of the mathematical operation to encrypt ( ) text to cipher text. The receiving party uses the same secret key to decrypt the cipher text to plain text. Asymmetric, or public-key, encryption uses two different keys for each user: one is a ( ) key known only to this one user; the other is a corresponding public key, which is accessible to anyone. The private and public keys are mathematically related by the encryption algorithm. One key ia used for encyption and the other for decryption, depending on the nature of the communication service being implemented. In addition, public key encryption technoligies allow digital (_______) to be placed on messages. A digital signature uses the sender's private key to encrypt some portion of the message. When the message is received, the receiver uses the sender's () key tp decipher the digital signature to verify the sender's identity.横线处应选( )。 A. interpretation B.signatures C. encryption D.decryption

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考题 digital signature数字签名

考题 What does DVI stand for?()A、Dual Visual InterfaceB、Display Vertical InterfaceC、Digital Visual InterfaceD、Digital Vision Interchange

考题 数字签名(Digital Signature)又称为电子签名,是对网络上传输的信息进行签名确认的一种方式。

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考题 与RSA(rivest,shamir,adleman)算法相比,DSS(digital signature standard)不包括()。A、数字签名B、鉴别机制C、加密机制D、数据完整性

考题 单选题You are the administrator for Company.com's network.  Exams, who works in Financial department, wants to update the printer connected to her Windows 2000 Professional computer so that she can print graphics at a higher resolution. Exams downloads a printer driver from the Internet. The then asks for your assistance in installing the driver.  You are unsure of the source of the driver. You want to ensure that the user does not lose production time because of an incompatible driver. What should you do?()A Display the Advanced Attributes dialog box for the printer driver file. Install the driver if the Contents have been secured. B Run File Signature Verification to verify that the new driver has a Microsoft digital signature. Do Not install the driver if it does not have the signature. C Install the driver. Logon to the computer. If the computer fails after installing the driver, restart The computer. Then use the last known good configuration to recover the original driver. D Install the driver. Logon to the computer. If the computer fails after installing the driver, use the  Hardware troubleshooter. Then use the Recovery Console to recover the original driver. 

考题 问答题Why does the author dwell upon the concept of science in this article?

考题 单选题Where does George sometimes go for a run?A Along the river bank.B In the country.C On a farm.

考题 单选题Why does a digital signature CONTAIN a message digest?为什么数字签名包含一个消息摘要?()A To confirm the identity of the receiver 为了确认接收者的身份B To indicate the encryption algorithm 为了标注加密算法C To detect any alteration of the message 为了检测对消息的篡改D To enable transmission in a digital format 为了便于进行数字格式传输

考题 单选题与RSA(Rivest,Shamir,Adleman)算法相比,DDS(Digital Signature Standard)不包括()A 数字签名B 鉴别机制C 加密机制D 数据完整性

考题 问答题Why does the bgp summary command always carry the as-set keyword?

考题 单选题When will this new program be initiated?A Immediately.B At the start of the next month.C On the first day of the new year.D The announcement does not say.

考题 判断题数字签名(Digital Signature)又称为电子签名,是对网络上传输的信息进行签名确认的一种方式。A 对B 错

考题 问答题Does it always matter if the “real world” is not being practiced in the classroom? Why or why not?

考题 名词解释题digital signature数字签名