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BARO SET CONTROL将BARO校正值发送给以下哪一系统()。

  • A、CMC
  • B、ADS
  • C、IRS


更多 “BARO SET CONTROL将BARO校正值发送给以下哪一系统()。A、CMCB、ADSC、IRS” 相关考题

考题 大气高度的修正需要怎么操作来实现?()A、在CMC中初始设置中修改B、在显示控制面板上使用baro旋钮C、在大气数据计算机中设定D、在MCDU中改变初始设置

考题 当所有的IRS进入NAV方式时,下列那种说法是正确的()?A、”SET IRS POS”行空白B、”LAST POS”行空白C、”SET IRS POS”行与”LAST POS”行空白D、以上说法都不对

考题 数字式大气数据计算机(DADC)基本输入有().A、全压(Pt),静压(Ps),总温(Tt)B、全压、静压、总温、攻角;C、全压、静压、总温、攻角、校正气压(BARO);D、全压、静压、总温、攻角、校正气压、侧滑角。

考题 通过下列输入来计算所需要的废气再循环的数量()A、ECT、BARO、TP及AAT。B、T-MAP及BARO。C、ECT、T-MAP、发动机转速(CKP)及AAT。D、仅ECT。

考题 (EMB145)在转换面板将电门置于PFD位时()A、PFD上的气压调节旋钮(baro rotary knob)不在起作用B、此时气压调节可通过MFD的旋钮来完成C、PFD上的气压调节旋钮(baro rotary knob)仍起作用

考题 如何将机长位的PFD的IRS 1源转换为IRS 2源?()A、不能进行人工转换B、按压机长位的IRS按钮C、按压副驾驶位的IRS按钮D、通过MCDU的页面进行转换

考题 You create a Web Form that contains a text box named txtDate. You want the text box to allow users to enter any valid date. You need to use an ASP.NET validation control to ensure that only valid date values are submitted to the server. What should you do? ()A、Add a CompareValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its Operator property to DataTypeCheck.B、Add a RangeValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its MinimumValue property to 01/01/1900 and its MaximumValue to the current date.C、Add a CustomValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Write a function in the partial class that verifies the values as dates and returns a Boolean variable. Set the CustomValidators ClientValidationFunction to the name of your function.D、Add a RegularExpressionValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Setthe ValidationExpression property to ensure that the users input follows the format of nn-nn-nnnn, where n represents a number from 0 through 9.

考题 You are developing a product search page named Search.aspx for Web application that will be integrated into Certkiller .com's existing e-Commerce Web site. The Search.aspx page allows customers search for products that match specific criteria. Once a product is located, you want an image of the product to be displayed. You want to use an Image control to display the image. You want to configure the Image control to display a description of the image if the image cannot be displayed in the customer's Web browser. What should you do?()A、Set the ToolTip property of the Image control.B、Set the ImageUrl property of the Image control.C、Set the AlternateText property of the Image control.D、Set the DescriptionUrl property of the Image control.

考题 You are implementing an ASP.NET page that will retrieve large sets of data from a data source. You add a ListView control and a DataPager control to the page. You need to ensure that the data can be viewed one page at a time. What should you do?()A、Set the DataPager control’s PageSize property to the number of rows to view at one time.B、Set the DataPager control’s PagedControlID property to the ID of the ListView control.C、In the code-behind file, set the DataPager control’s Parent property to the ListView control.D、In the code-behind file, set the ListView control’s Parent property to the DataPager control.

考题 You are developing a user control for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. The user control contains a button. Both the user control and the hosting control must receive the button click event. You need to ensure that the user control responsd to the button click event before hosting control responds to the event. What should you do ?()A、Use a bubbling routed event. In the button click event handler, set the Handled property to TrueB、Use a bubbling routed event. In the button click event handler, set the Handled property to FalseC、Use a standard Microsoft .NET event. Set Handled property to true.D、Use a tunneling routed event. Set the handled property to false.

考题 You create a Web Form that contains a text box named txtDate. You want the text box to allow users to enter any valid date. You need to use an ASP.NET validation control to ensure that only valid date values are submitted to the server. What should you do?()A、Add a CompareValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its Operator property to DataTypeCheck.B、Add a RangeValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set its Type property to Date. Set its MinimumValue property to 01/01/1900 and its MaximumValue to the current date.C、Add a CustomValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Write a function in the partial class that verifies the values as dates and returns a Boolean variable. Set the CustomValidators ClientValidationFunction to the name of your function.D、Add a RegularExpressionValidator control to the Web Form. Set its ControlToValidate property to txtDate. Set the ValidationExpression property to ensure that the users input follows the format of nn-nn-nnnn, where n represents a number from 0 through 9.

考题 巡航中出现BARO REF DISCREPANCY(气压基准差异)时,很有可能是:()A、两侧的QNH值差5个百帕时导致B、两侧的气压值产生250英尺以上的高度差导致C、两侧的气压值产生500英尺以上的高度差导致

考题 飞行前,位置起始页面SETIRSPOS(建立惯性基准系统位置)行显示空白表示()A、IRS失效了B、IRS在校准过程C、IRS进入了导航方式

考题 BARO旋钮是用于设置()。A、大气压力B、航道C、航向D、高度

考题 电动高度表上的“BARO”旋钮用于()A、调整高度表的精度B、高度表复位C、设定参考气压,确定高度表的相对零高度值D、没有作用

考题 两部GPS失效,将显示如下通告()A、IRS方式选择组件上的GPS灯亮B、系统状态通告牌上IRS灯亮C、左和右主警告灯亮D、以上都对

考题 决断高度需要在哪里来设定?()A、在MCDU中设置B、在FCP面板上C、在构型组件中固化D、在指引面板上使用MINIMUMS RA/BARO旋钮来设定

考题 TCAS计算机发送静音抑制信号作用的说法,下面哪一条是正确的?()A、将抑制信号发送给NIC+PROC组件卡,以协调音频警告的系统产生音频,以避免两种警告信息同时发出。B、将抑制信号发送给控制I/O组件卡,以协调音频警告的系统产生音频,以避免两种警告信息同时发出。C、将抑制信号发送给控制I/O组件卡,以协调音频警告的系统产生音频,以确保两种警告信息同时发出。



考题 如何将机长位的PFD的IRS1源转换为IRS2源?()A、不能进行人工转换B、按压机长位的IRS按钮C、按压副驾驶位的IRS按钮

考题 大气高度的修正需要怎么操作来实现?()A、在CMC中初始设置中修改B、在显示控制面板上使用baro旋钮C、在大气数据计算机中设定



考题 对于高度告警系统,如何设置选择高度:()A、在自动驾驶系统的MCP面板上设置B、由FMC设置C、调节高度表上的BARO开关D、在EFIS上的ADI面板上设置

考题 单选题Which of the following definitions can be used to define the term ‘offset ’ as a characteristic of controller action?()A The period of time in which the set point and the control point coincideB The periodic change between the set point and the control pointC The variable difference between the set point and the control pointD The constant difference between the set point and the control point