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That is the ()(易燃的) cargo.

  • A、flammable
  • B、dangerous
  • C、explosive
  • D、fragile


更多 “That is the ()(易燃的) cargo.A、flammableB、dangerousC、explosiveD、fragile” 相关考题
考题 We must ( ) the immediate replacement of the cargo. A、acquireB、respondC、request

考题 This is the deck cargo. ________ stow it in the holdsA.NotB.Can’tC.Doesn’tD.Don’t

考题 易燃气溶胶的类别分为()。 A、较易燃气溶胶B、极易燃气溶胶C、易燃气溶胶D、不燃气溶胶

考题 含()的气溶胶为易燃气溶胶。 A、易燃液体B、易燃固体物质C、助燃气体D、易燃气体

考题 A "dangerous cargo manifest" is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo. You should obtain the shipping papers to make this "manifest" from the ______.A.manufacturerB.ABSC.Coast GuardD.shipper

考题 Refrigeration machinery is often surveyed before loading reefer cargo. This survey is usually performed by the ______.A.MSAB.CCSC.CCIQD.local port authority

考题 A shipper of cargo aboard your vessel offers a letter of indemnity for the cargo. This is done in order to obtain a(n) ______.A.Clean Bill of LadingB.Order Bill of LadingC.Straight Bill of LadingD.Through Bill of Lading

考题 易燃液体,是指易燃的液体或液体混合物,或是在溶液或悬浮液中有固体的液体,下列关于易燃液体的说法中正确的是( )。(中)A.易燃液体的闭杯试验闪点不高于60℃ B.初沸点≤35℃的易燃液体为Ⅰ级易燃液体 C.初沸点>35℃,且闪点<23℃的易燃液体为Ⅱ级易燃液体 D.初沸点=35℃,且闪点=28℃的易燃液体为Ⅲ级易燃液体 E.初沸点<35℃的易燃液体为I级易燃液体

考题 易燃液体,是指易燃的液体或液体混合物,或是在溶液或悬浮液中有固体的液体,下列关于易燃液体的说法中正确的是()。A.易燃液体的闭杯试验闪点≤60℃,或开杯试验的闪点≤65.6℃ B.初沸点≤35℃的易燃液体为Ⅰ级易燃液体 C.初沸点>35℃,且闪点<23℃的易燃液体为Ⅱ级易燃液体 D.初沸点=35℃,且闪点=28℃的易燃液体为Ⅲ级易燃液体 E.初沸点<35℃的易燃液体为I级易燃液体

考题 石棉毯一般适用于()发生的火灾。A、桶装易燃气体B、桶装易燃液体C、散装易燃液体D、散装易燃固体

考题 This is deck cargo. ()stow it in the holds.A、NotB、NottoC、Don’tD、Can

考题 The ship is stranding. Prepare for jettisoning cargo.()A、船舶搁浅,准备弃货。B、船舶搁浅,准备弃船。C、船舶搁浅,准备装货。D、船在前行,准备弃货。

考题 It is flammable cargo. Keep it away from the ().A、gangwayB、bowC、boilerD、stern

考题 湿货要远离干货。()A、Wet cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.B、Heavy cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.C、Light cargo must be kept away from dry cargo.D、Wet cargo must be kept away from light cargo.

考题 We are loading the flammable cargo.()A、我们正在卸易燃货。B、我们正在卸易爆货。C、我们正在装易燃货。D、我们正在装易爆货。

考题 Tell your stevedores to handle with care the fragile cargo.()A、告诉装卸工易燃货要小心轻放。B、告诉装卸工要小心装卸易腐蚀货。C、告诉装卸工易碎货要小心轻放。D、告诉装卸工要小心装卸危险货。


考题 单选题The ship is stranding. Prepare for jettisoning cargo.()A 船舶搁浅,准备弃货。B 船舶搁浅,准备弃船。C 船舶搁浅,准备装货。D 船在前行,准备弃货。

考题 单选题Tell your stevedores to handle with care the fragile cargo.()A 告诉装卸工易燃货要小心轻放。B 告诉装卸工要小心装卸易腐蚀货。C 告诉装卸工易碎货要小心轻放。D 告诉装卸工要小心装卸危险货。

考题 单选题Refrigeration machinery is often surveyed before loading reefer cargo. This survey is usually performed by the().A MSAB CCSC CCIQD local port authority

考题 单选题A dangerous cargo manifest is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo. You should obtain the shipping papers to mark this manifest from the().A manufacturerB CCSC HASD shipper

考题 单选题A fire has damaged 20 bales of cotton on a freighter loaded with general cargo. This claim would come under().A constructive total lossB general averageC particular averageD total loss of a part

考题 单选题A “dangerous cargo manifest” is needed for you to carry a combustible cargo. You should obtain the shipping papers to make this “manifest” from the().A manufacturerB ABSC Coast GuardD shipper

考题 判断题DANGEROUS CARGO.────危险品。A 对B 错

考题 单选题重吊杆用于吊大的重件。()A Heavy derrick is used for lifting large heavy cargo.B Derrick is used for lifting large heavy cargo.C Heavy derrick is used for lifting dry bulk cargo.D Derrick is used for lifting dry bulk cargo.

考题 单选题We are loading the flammable cargo.()A 我们正在卸易燃货。B 我们正在卸易爆货。C 我们正在装易燃货。D 我们正在装易爆货。

考题 单选题我们正在装危险货。()A We are loading flammable cargo.B We are loading dangerous cargo.C We are discharging flammable cargo.D We are discharging dangerous cargo.

考题 单选题A shipper of cargo aboard your vessel offers a letter of indemnity for the cargo. This is done in order to obtain a(n)().A Clean Bill of LadingB Order Bill of LadingC Straight Bill of LadingD Through Bill of Lading