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Watch your ()!

  • A、wheel
  • B、steering
  • C、helm
  • D、rudder


更多 “Watch your ()!A、wheelB、steeringC、helmD、rudder” 相关考题
考题 –What’s the time by your watch? –____________________. (A) Sorry, my watch has stopped(B) Yes, I can tell you(C) It’s ten fifteen(D) Both A) and C)

考题 –What time is it? –____________________. (A) My watch keeps good time(B) My watch is five minutes fast(C) My watch says three o’clock(D) I say three o’clock

考题 —May I watch TV for a while?—No,you .You have to finish your homework first.A.shouldn't B.needn't C.mustn't D.won't

考题 Don't worry, your watch () and you can have it in no time. A、is repairedB、has been repairedC、is being repaired

考题 That is my watch.(改为否定句)________ ________ my watch.

考题 The best title for the article is ______.A. Kidnapping AnnouncementB. Children's CareC. Kidnapping AlertD. Watch Your Kids

考题 It may be helpful to set your watch just two minutes()? A.aheadB.beforeC.forward

考题 The common way to obtain your ship’s position is ______.A.keeping a close watch and lookoutB.taking a radar range and bearingC.observing a radar target and listening to signalsD.keeping a well clear caution

考题 Watch your ____ !A.wheelB.steeringC.helmD.rudder

考题 -My watch is not working. ________?-It's ten past eleven.A、What time is itB、What's the timeC、What time is it by your watchD、What is time by your watch

考题 If your passenger vessel is fitted with a loudspeaker system,it must be tested at least once ______.A.every weekB.a dayC.every tripD.a watch or once a trip,whichever is shorter

考题 Your tow includes a barge carrying chlorine.Which special requirements must be observed ________.A.The wing voids shall not be opened when underwayB.You must post a deckhand to keep a special watch on this bargeC.A cargo information card for chlorine must be in the pilothouseD.All of the above

考题 小心碰头!()A、Mind your head.B、Watch your head.C、Watch your step.D、Watch your walking.

考题 留神脚下!抓住扶手。()A、Watch your feet! Get hold on the rails.B、Watch your step! Get hold of the rails.C、Watch your step! Get hold to the rails.D、Mind your head! Get hold of the rails.

考题 填空题Blanc likes to watch football games. He also likes to watch basketball games.→ Blanc likes to watch ____ football games ____ basketball games.

考题 单选题—Where is my watch? I ______ find it.—Don’t worry. It must be somewhere in your room.A can’tB mustn’tC needn’tD shouldn’t

考题 单选题We have just repaired the motorRemember () to it during your watch.A to pay attentionB paying attentionC pay attentionD your paying attention

考题 单选题If your passenger vessel is fitted with a loudspeaker system,it must be tested at least once ().A every weekB a dayC every tripD a watch or once a trip,whichever is shorter

考题 单选题Your ARPA has two guard zones.What is the purpose of the inner guard zone().A Alert the watch officer that a vessel is approaching the preset CPA limitB Warn of small targets that are initially detected closer than the outer guard zoneC Guard against target loss during critical maneuvering situationsD Sound an alarm for targets first detected within the zone

考题 单选题Watch your ()!A wheelB steeringC helmD rudder

考题 单选题A: Excuse me. I’d like to exchange this watch. I just bought it, but look at this.  B: ______A Yes, I know your watch is new, but I like my old one better.B What seems to be the problem?C Thank you for your kindness, but my watch still works.D Sorry. Why didn’t you examine it carefully before you bought it?

考题 单选题驾驶台始终有驾驶员值班。()A Sailors are always on watch on the bridge.B Deck officers are always on watch on the bridge.C Sailors are never on watch on the bridge.D Deck officers are never on watch on the bridge.

考题 单选题Don't worry, your watch()and you can have it in no time.A is repairedB has been repairedC was repairedD is being repaired

考题 单选题Which of the following is helpful when you’re in the West according to the poster?A You can leave as soon as you’ve finished eating.B If you don’t know what to do, just watch the others and do as they do.C You can’t eat chicken legs with your fingers.D The fork is held in your right hand and the knife in your left.

考题 单选题At an unsheltered anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with the master whetheror not to maintain an underway watch“An underway watch” means()A a watch which is kept with lower standardB a watch which is kept when the ship isnt sailingC a watch which is kept when the ship is sailingD a watch which is kept when the ship is in a restricted visibility area

考题 问答题继续性问答:  口试教师:  1.Do you often watch play?why?  2.Who do you often go to watch a play with?Why?  3.Have you watched a play recently?What is it about?  4.What is your favourite play?Why?

考题 单选题However much______, it will be worth the price.A does the watch costB costs the watchC the watch will costD the watch costs

考题 单选题—Where is your father?—He ______ the World Cup in the living room.A is watchingB watchesC watchedD will watch