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由第三段最后一句... which one of us you want in your house.可知他们三人不能同时进入,所以应选A。
更多 “单选题A togetherB aloneC crowdedlyD lonely” 相关考题
考题 Since she is angry, we (). A.had better leaving her aloneB.should leave her aloneC.might as well leave her aloneD.had rather leave her alone

考题 The lonely salesman finished ___________ pictures of his family. A. upB. withinC. outD. without

考题 When the class was over, every one made _______ the dining room. A. byB. aloneC. forD. from

考题 The old couple had no children and they lived(). A、aloneB、lonely

考题 40A.togetherB.inC.withD.up

考题 The children on the large farms far away______.A. always went to school togetherB. could have lessons on the radiosC. listened to teachers at schoolD. built radio schools with teachers

考题 The hero girl has helped the lonely boy to find friendship.()

考题 The lonely boy's name is Mike.()

考题 The hero boy in the Polar Express is very lonely and disliked by his friends.()

考题 We can't afford a bicycle ()a car.A. even ifB. let aloneC. let out

考题 Someone feels _________ even when he is with many friends.A、lonelyB、aloneC、on lonelyD、in alone

考题 Niu Lang lamented over his lonely and poor life with an old cow, his only friend and companion。

考题 Living here at the top of the mountainwith no one else near, the old man must be very( ) A.onlyB.aloneC.loneD.lonely

考题 ActiveX is a set of specifications and software that allow small programs or software components to(72).A.work togetherB.work aloneC.simplifyD.reuse

考题 ______he has many friends,he is often feeling lonely.A.AsB.WhenC.WhileD.Since

考题 NB-IoT频谱部署支持的三种操作模式分别是() A.in-bandB.stand-aloneC.out-bandD.guard-band

考题 Paul has________ friends here, so he often feels lonely. 学科网 A. few B. a few C. som Paul has________ friends here, so he often feels lonely.A. few B. a few C. some

考题 45 A lonely B worried C doubtful D hungry

考题 At 80,Peck was still vigorous and living in Paris.A:happy B:alone C:busy D:energetic

考题 请选出读音不同的选项。( )A.route B.youth C.lose D.lonely

考题 For the new country to survive,( )for its people to enjoy prosperity,new economic policies will be required.A.to name a few B.let alone C.not to speak D.let’s say

考题 Mary likes living ().A、lonelyB、aloneC、in person

考题 The old man lives(). He always feels().A、lonely, lonelyB、alone, aloneC、lonely, aloneD、alone, lonely

考题 单选题The old man lives(). He always feels().A lonely, lonelyB alone, aloneC lonely, aloneD alone, lonely

考题 单选题What kind of life has Jack lived?A A short life.B An interesting life.C A lonely life.D A poor life.

考题 单选题We can infer from the text that the writer’s father ______.A had got the same illness beforeB lived with her familyC asked her to return to workD felt lonely without her

考题 单选题Niu Lang()his lonely and poor life with an old cow, his only friend.A residedB inhabitedC livedD dwelt

考题 单选题Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt______lonely.A nothing butB anything butC all butD everything but