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as many as


as well as


as soon as


as much as


as many as和……一样多,修饰可数名词。as well as和……一样好,修饰动词。as soon as一……就……,引导时间状语从句。as much as与……差不多,修饰不可数名词。本题中所填的词组修饰的是不可数名词“rate”(比率),故D项为正确答案。
更多 “单选题____A as many asB as well asC as soon asD as much as” 相关考题
考题 单选题Can I get you a drink?()But I have already got oneA That's very nice of youB No, you don't have toC Yes, pleaseD With pleasure

考题 单选题He()lives in the house where he was born.A alreadyB yetC stillD ever

考题 单选题Measles(麻疹)()a long time to get over.A spendB spendsC takeD takes

考题 单选题Hello, Peter. What do you do?()A I am fine.B I am not sick.C I am a student from Bonn University.D I came from Bonn University.

考题 单选题The children were told that it was the custom of many American Indians to wear their _____ hair in.A braidsB brainsC bribesD brides

考题 单选题Why do workers want more money?A Because their jobs are too boring.B Because they want to enjoy more spare time.C Because they want to make their jobs more interesting.D Because they want to demand shorter working hours.

考题 单选题The Taoist believe that the senses are doors through which the freed soul rushes to mingle with the colors and tones of the universe.A collideB interactC assimilateD blend

考题 问答题Practice 1  The agricultural sciences deal with the challenges of food and fiber production and processing. They include the technologies of soil cultivation, crop cultivation and harvesting, animal husbandry and the processing of plant and animal products for human consumption and use. As a result of the doubled yields of some economic crops, the farm output per hour of farm work increased almost 10-fold as capital was substituted for labor. New techniques of preserving food products made possible transportation over greater distances, in turn facilitating adjustments among locations of production and consumption, with further benefits to production efficiency.

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考题 单选题Next semester, Susan must take three compulsory courses.A formalB voluntaryC practicalD required

考题 单选题A long journey in cold weather is dreadfully tiring.A unfortunatelyB terriblyC noticeablyD predictably

考题 单选题I have been looking forward to()from my parentsA hearB being heardC be heardD hearing

考题 问答题联合国教科文组织

考题 问答题吉祥图案和文字

考题 单选题You are required to write about()A location of your officeB ways of lifeC places of workD means of transportation

考题 单选题Unable to break down the opposition, the president had to resign to bring order to the country.A overcomeB digestC undermineD dominate

考题 单选题The people in this city have planted()trees along both sides of the streets.A a great deal ofB muchC a large amount ofD a lot of

考题 单选题Harry, who had failed in the final exam, had a great worry()his mind.A onB inC withD at

考题 单选题The highest and best form of efficiency is the spontaneous cooperation of a free people.A internalB compulsoryC competentD natural

考题 单选题Alexander Hamilton was accused of being involved in a(n) scheme to establish a separate nation in the western part of the United States.A plotB decisionC orderD notion

考题 单选题Recent findings indicate that birds can also use the magnetic field of the earth as an aid to _____.A criterionB orientationC standardD guideline

考题 单选题With a good command of reading skills, most students can manage to read()as they could the year before.A as twice fastB as fast as twiceC as twice as fastD twice as fast

考题 单选题I strongly believe that understanding is more important than love, especially when it comes to parenting and intimate relationships. As a psychologist for more than twenty years I can tell you that I have never had an adult looking back at her childhood and complaining that her parents were too understanding. And similarly, I have met many divorced people who still love each other but yet they never really understood each other. The painful reality is that love is just not enough. I"ll admit that there are people who I love and who I still need to better understand. I hope I"ll continue my work to understand them. The willingness to understand is very important. It is not always easy, but healthy love is strengthened by the willingness to understand. Love without understanding will wilt like flowers without water. Our egos are what seem to get in the way of understanding those who we love and care about. Often it is our need to be right that makes what others think and feel so wrong for us. I have certainly been quite guilty of this in some of my relationships. As I have written repeatedly in my books, empathy, is truly the emotional glue that holds all close relationships together. Empathy allows us to slow down and try to walk in the shoes of those we love. The deeper our empathy, the deeper—and healthier—our love. Not all relationships are meant to be. Yet all relationships that are meant to flourish in a healthy way, must stress understanding just as much, if not more, than love.In this passage, the expression "walk in the shoes of" is similar in meaning to ().A befriendB understandC loveD care about

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考题 单选题()did he know what had happened during the two months when he was awayA A littleB LittleC A fewD Few

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考题 问答题Practice 3Directions: You are asked to write in no less than 150 words about the title of Environment: Everybody’s Business or Nobody’s Business? You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:  1. 环境对于我们每个人都是重要的。  2. 人们有着不同的环保意识。  3. 行动起来,保护环境是每个人的义务。