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The study shows that our computers are superior to those of our competitors in terms of functions and speed.







B项把be superior to“优于”误译为“有差异(be different)”。C项将our competitors“我们的竞争者”译为“其他厂商”,不太准确;漏译了be superior to;将in terms of functions and speed“在功能和速度方面”误译为“正面临着高速发展(be faced with increasing development)”。
更多 “单选题The study shows that our computers are superior to those of our competitors in terms of functions and speed.A 研究表明,我们的计算机在功能和速度两方面都优于我们的竞争对手。B 研究表明,我们的计算机与我们竞争者的产品在功能和速度方面有差异。C 研究表明,我们的计算机正面临着高速发展的其他厂商的竞争。” 相关考题
考题 These apples are ________ those I bought yesterday. A. more superior toB. superior toC. more superior thanD. superior than

考题 If you compare the prices we quoted()theirs, you will agree that our prices are not high at all. A、with those ofB、withC、for those ofD、for

考题 WE feel sure that a fair comparison()quality between our canned goods and those of other suppliers will convince you()the reasonableness of our quotation. A、with ⋯ofB、in⋯ofC、for⋯inD、on⋯in

考题 In our Chinese language, children are taught not to address those who are older by their names.()

考题 Our goods are superior in ( ) to those of other manufacturers.与其他厂商相比,我们的产品质量上乘。

考题 Paragraph 5shows that our imitation of behaviors[A] is harmful to our networks of friends[B] will mislead behavioral studies[C] occurs without our realizing it[D] can produce negative health habits

考题 For serious study, an anthropologist ______.A) must not study his own cultureB) is not supposed to have a prejudice against any societyC) should focus on those societies which are historically related to each otherD) is obliged to work only on those societies which have no historical relationship to each other

考题 Computers are __________(wide) used in our daily life.

考题 C Too much TV-watching can harm childrens ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree, new studies suggest in the latest effort to examine the effects of television on children.One of the studies looked at nearly 400 northern California third-graders. Those with TVs in their bedrooms scored about eight points lower on math and language arts tests than children without bedrooms TVs.A second study, looking at nearly 1,000 grown-ups in New Zealand, found lower education levels among 26-year-olds who had watched lots of TV during childhood. But the results dont prove that TV is the cause and dont rule out that already poorly motivated youngsters(年轻人)may watch lots of TV.Their study measured the TV habits of 26-year-olds between ages 5 and 15. Those with college degrees had watched an average of less than two hours of TV per weeknight during childhood, compared with an average of more than 2 hours for those who had no education beyond high school.In the California study, children with TVs in their rooms but no computer at home scored the lowest, while those with no bedroom TV but who had home computers scored the highest.While this study does not prove that bedroom TV sets caused the lower scores, it adds to accumulating findings that children shouldnt have TVs in their bedrooms.第64题:According to the California study, the low-scoring group might____________.A. have watched a lot of TVB. not be interested in mathC. be unable to go to collegeD. have had computers in their bedrooms

考题 The offspring of the supertrees have proved to be genetically superior to those of the average trees.

考题 C Too much TV-watching can harm children’s ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree,new studies suggest in the latest effort to examine the effects of television on children.One of the studies looked at nearly 400northern California third-graders.Those with TVs in their bedrooms scored about eight points lower on math and language arts tests than children without bedroom TVs.A second study ,looking at nearly 1000 grown-ups in New Zealand,found lower education levels among 26-year –olds who had watched lots of TV during childhood .But the results don’t prove that TV is the cause and don't ride out that alxeady poorly motivated youngstersC年轻人)may wash lots of TV.Their study measured the TV habits of 26-year-olds between ages5 and 15. These with college degrees had watched拍average of tess than two hours ofTV per weekninght during childhood, compared with an averageofme than 2 1/2 hours fcf those wbe had no education beyond high schoolIn the California study, children with TVs in their rooms but no computer at home scored the lowest while those with no bedroom TV but who had home computers scored the higheslWhile this study does not prove that bedroom TV sets caused the lower scores , it adds to accumulating fimiings that children shonldn't have TVs in their bedroomsAccording to the Califomia study, the inw-scoring group mightA.have watched a lot of TVB.not be interested ted in mathC.be unable to go to collegeD.have had computers in their bedrooms

考题 The study highlights how our sense of right and wrong isn't just based on__________, religion and philosophy, but also on the biology of our brain. A.rising-up B.bring-up C.uprising D.upbringing

考题 Which of the following shows the proper rhythmical pattern of the sentence? A.′Come to ′see us at our ′new a′partment. B.′Come to ′see us at′our new ′apartment. C.′Come to ′see us ′at our ′new ′apartment. D.′Come to ′see us ′at our ′new a′partment.

考题 共用题干 Kicking the HabitWhat is a bad habit?The most common definition is that it is something that we do regularly,almost without thinking about it,and which has some sort of negative consequence.This consequence could affect those around us,or it could affect us personally.Those who deny having bad habits are probably lying. Bad habits are part of what makes us human.Many early habits,like sucking our thumb,are broken when we are very young.We are either told to stop doing it by our parents,or we consciously or subconsciously observe that others do not have the same habit,and we gradually grow out of it.It is when we intentionally or unintentionally pick up new habits in our later childhood or early adulthood that it becomes a problem.Unless we can break that habit early on,it becomes a part of our life,and becomes"programmed"into our brain.A recent study of human memory suggests that no matter how hard we try to change our habits,it is the old ways that tend to win,especially in situations where we are rushed,stressed or overworked.Habits that we thought we had got rid of can suddenly come back.During the study programme,the researchers showed a group of volunteers several pictures,and gave them words to associate with them.They then showed the volunteers the same pictures again,and gave them new words to associate with them.A few days later,the volunteers were given a test.The researchers showed them the pictures,and told them to respond with one of the words they had been given for each one.It came as no surprise that their an- swers were split between the first set of words and the second.Two weeks later,they were given the same testagain.This time,most of them only gave the first set of. words.They appeared to have completely forgotten the second set.The study confirms that the responses we learn first are those that remain strongest over time.We may try to change our ways,hut after a while,the response that comes to mind first is usually the first one we learned.The more that response is used,the more automatic it becomes and the harder it becomes to respond in any other way.The study therefore suggests that over time,our had habits also become automatic,learned behavior. This is not good news for people who picked up bad habits early in life and now want to change or break them.Even when we try to put new,good intentions into practice,those previously learned habits remain stronger in more automatic,unconscious forms of memory.The study suggests that it is more difficult to respond to what we learn first?A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 People are indulging in an illusion whenever they find themselves explaining at a cocktail(鸡尾酒)party,say,that the are“in computers,”or“in telecommunications,”or“in electronic funds transfer”.The implication is that they are part of the high-tech world.Just between us,they usually aren’t.The researchers who made fundamental breakthroughs in those areas are in a high-tech business.The rest of us are( )of their work.We use computers and other new technology components to develop our products or to organize our affairs.Because we go about this work in teams and projects and other tightly knit working group(紧密联系在一起的工作小组),we are mostly in the human communication business.Our successes stem from good human interactions by all participants in the effort,and our failures stem from poor human interactions.A.creators B.innovators C.appliers D.inventors

考题 The study shows that joy is not unique to human beings.A:universe B:special C:single D:confined

考题 共用题干 Kicking the HabitWhat is a bad habit?The most common definition is that it is something that we do regularly,almost without thinking about it,and which has some sort of negative consequence.This consequence could affect those around us,or it could affect us personally.Those who deny having bad habits are probably lying. Bad habits are part of what makes us human.Many early habits,like sucking our thumb,are broken when we are very young.We are either told to stop doing it by our parents,or we consciously or subconsciously observe that others do not have the same habit,and we gradually grow out of it.It is when we intentionally or unintentionally pick up new habits in our later childhood or early adulthood that it becomes a problem.Unless we can break that habit early on,it becomes a part of our life,and becomnes"programmed"into our brain.A recent study of human memory suggests that no matter how hard we try to change our habits,it is the old ways that tend to win,especially in situations where we are rushed,stressed or overworked.Habits that we thought we had got rid of can suddenly come back.During the study programme,the researchers showed a group of volunteers several pictures, and gave them words to associate with them.They then showed the volunteers the same pictures again,and gave them new words to associate with them.A few days later,the volunteers were given a test.The researchers showed them the pictures,and told them to respond with one of the words they had been given for each one.It came as no surprise that their answers were split between the first set of words and the second.Two weeks later,they were given the same test again.This time,most of them only gave the first set of words.They appeared to have completely forgottenthe second set.The study confirms that the responses we learn first are those that remain strongest over time.We may try to change out ways,but after a while,the response that comes to mind first is usually the first one we learned.The more that response is used,the more automatic it becomes and the harder it becomes to re- spond in any other way.The study therefore suggests that over time,our bad habits also become automatic,learned behaviour. This is not good news for people who picked up bad habits early in life and now want to change or break them.Even when we try to put new,good intentions into practice,those previously learned habits remain stronger in more automatic,unconscious forms of memory.The study suggests that it is more difficult to respond to what we learn first.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 We should be glad () you would consider our application to further our study in your university.AandBwhetherCthoughDif

考题 Because () renters demanded our rights,a committee was appointed to study the matter further.AusBthemCweDit’s

考题 Because () renters demanded our rights,a committee was appointed to study the matter further.A、usB、themC、weD、it’s

考题 In a grammar-translation method classroom, reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening, because literary language is considered superior to spoken language and is therefore the language students should study.()

考题 We should be glad () you would consider our application to further our study in your university.A、andB、whetherC、thoughD、if

考题 单选题The first paragraph shows that _____ .A The new poll about computers and the Internet is helpfulB People should explore the dangers of computerizationC People cannot do without computers and the InternetD Computerization has its advantages and disadvantages

考题 单选题The study shows that our computers are superior to those of our competitors in terms of functions and speed.A 研究表明,我们的计算机在功能和速度两方面都优于我们的竞争对手。B 研究表明,我们的计算机与我们竞争者的产品在功能和速度方面有差异。C 研究表明,我们的计算机正面临着高速发展的其他厂商的竞争。

考题 单选题Too much caution in the use of computers will ______ .A prevent the solution of economic problemsB cause more suppression of human freedomC lead to clumsy methods of protectionD interfere with our study of society.

考题 单选题Everyone knows that China’s Bristles are of superior quality()those from other countries.A withB toC forD than

考题 单选题We should be glad () you would consider our application to further our study in your university.A andB whetherC thoughD if

考题 单选题Tom is _____ anyone in our class in sports.A superior thanB more superior thanC superior toD more superior to