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Tom is _____ anyone in our class in sports.

superior than


more superior than


superior to


more superior to


更多 “单选题Tom is _____ anyone in our class in sports.A superior thanB more superior thanC superior toD more superior to” 相关考题
考题 32. Of all the students in our class, she is ______.A. most careful B. careful C. more careful D. the most careful

考题 Everyone in our class went to the international book fair.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 () in our class went to the new movie but no one enjoyed it very much. A、EverybodyB、Everyone

考题 He is the__________ (thin) student in our class.

考题 33. —Excuse me,where are we going to have our.class meeting?—I'm not sure. Ask our monitor,please. He _________ know.A. canB. mayC. needD. shall

考题 1. Everyone in our class ________ .A. like singingB. likes play footballC. like watch TVD. likes playing games

考题 我们第一节课7:45开始。Our first class begins at________ ________ ________ ________.

考题 Tom is considered to be()the other students in her class.A. less intelligentB. the most intelligentC.as intelligent as

考题 The teacher asked us to ______our lessons after class.A. go onB. go overC. go awayD. go back

考题 Kate learns chemistry ______ in our class.A: more carefullyB: the most carefullyC: more carefulD: the most careful

考题 Tom is considered to be ______ the other students in his class. A. less intelligentB. the most intelligentC. as intelligent as

考题 Tom and John have arrived, but ________ students in the class aren’t here yet. A.otherB.othersC.the othersD.the other

考题 We had thought Tom wouldn’t come to our party but he arrived out of the () yesterday.

考题 ______Tom has done really amazed everyone in his class.A.WhatB.WhichC.ThatD.Who

考题 Tod likes sports. He (11) basketball every afternoon. He has a brother. (12) name is Tom. Tom (13) playing sports, but he likes sports shows(节目). He (14) TV every evening. Tod and Tom like French fries, and they often eat (15).But French fries are (16) healthy.(17) boys and girls like ice cream, but they don’t like (18) ,(19) do they like? They like fruits.Tod likes apples and Tom likes (20).( )11.A.playB.playsC.is play

考题 5. The number of the students in our class_______45.A.areB.isC.to beD.go to

考题 Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class? () but I promised Tom to go out with him.AI'd love toBI like itCI don'tDI will

考题 类Student的声明如下:   package com.school class Student{ String name;  int age;  Student(String name,int age){  //code } void study(String subject){ / /code } }  正确调用方法study(String subject)的是哪项?() A、Student stu = new Student(“Tom”,23); stu.study(“数学”);B、Student.study(“数学”);C、Student stu = new Student(“Tom”,23); stu.study();D、Student stu = new Student(“Tom”,23); String result=stu.study(“数学”);

考题 单选题To our great______, Tom's illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.A anxietyB reliefC viewD judgment

考题 单选题Bob: What are you reading, Tom?  Tom:It’s this week’s New Scientist, why?  Bob:I was just wondering—______, but I’ve never actually read it myself. Is it aimed at real scientists or can ordinary people like me understand it?A it’s for anyone really B where I can buy itC it seems very expensiveD it looks interesting

考题 单选题Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _____ IQ.A a highB a higherC the higherD the highest

考题 单选题No one except Tom and Mary _____ late for the class.A areB isC wereD was

考题 单选题Tom, more than anyone else, ______ anxious to go there again.A areB wereC isD being

考题 单选题Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class? () but I promised Tom to go out with him.A I'd love toB I like itC I don'tD I will

考题 单选题To our great ______, Tom’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.A anxietyB reliefC viewD judgment

考题 单选题Mary is as fast as, if not faster than, anyone in her class and should be on the team.A as fast, if not faster than, anyone elseB as fast as, if not more fast than, anyoneC as fast as, if not faster than, anyone elseD as fast, if not faster than, anyone

考题 单选题A: Tom, why didn’t you come to the class yesterday?  B: ______A I had come, but there was a visitor at home.B I was going to, but I had an unexpected visitor.C No way, as a visitor was coming to visit me.D I’m sorry. I won’t miss the class again.