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更多 “单选题_____A behaviorB ideaC roadD way” 相关考题
考题 Clearly defined group goals are important because they _____.A motivate team behaviorB cause inner tension within team members until they are metC encourage member interactionD All of the above.E A and C

考题 Where did Jane and Rochester meet?() A.on the busB.at homeC.on a muddy roadD.in a church

考题 His son won a prize for good ______ at school. A. behaviorB. pollC. misdemeanorD. campaign

考题 Modern technology offers us an easy ( )to internet. A.pathB.passC.roadD.access

考题 A) nameB) ideaC) expressionD) image

考题 在滚动字幕标记的属性中,设置字幕滚动方向的是()。 A、behaviorB、directionC、scrollamountD、onmouseover

考题 What made the author laugh?A. His own behaviorB. His wife’s suggestionC. His changeable feelingsD. His wife’s sweet kiss

考题 49.—What about some drinks?—__________.A. Help, yourselfB. Good ideaC. You're welcomeD. Me,too

考题 It is best for people to buy food______when making“green”choices.A.produced locallyB.imposed abroadC.transposed by roadD.grown in green houses

考题 设计的英文为()A.Art B.Idea C.Design D.Plano

考题 I'd very much like to know what your aim in life is.A:thought B:idea C:goal D:plan

考题 The course gives you basic 【instruction】 in car maintenance.A.coaching B.idea C.term D.aspect

考题 The police believe the motive for the murder was jealousy.A: choiceB: ideaC: decisionD: reason

考题 下列算法中,可用于数字签名的是( )。A.RSA B.IDEA C.RC4 D.MD5

考题 The course gives you basic instructions in car maintenance.A. coaching B. idea C.term D. aspect

考题 下面加密算法中属于公钥加密算法的是()A. DES B.IDEA C.RSA D.MD5

考题 The World Bank says a large proportion of the poor have no ________ to banks.A.entry B.path C.road D.access

考题 可用于数字签名的算法是( )。A.RSA B.IDEA C.RC4 D.MD5

考题 It 15 my suggestion that we should prepare a plan B.A:advice B:idea C:brain D:thought

考题 C-HR的酷跑系列原厂特装车的关键词是()。A、sportB、sportyC、cff-roadD、new-road

考题 亚洲健身协会的英文简称是:()A、AsiAFiTB、IDEAC、FIGD、FISAF

考题 下列加密算法中,属于双钥加密算法的是()A、DESB、IDEAC、BlowfishD、RSA

考题 设计的英文为()A、ArtB、IdeaC、DesignD、Plano

考题 Marquee标记中,指定文本移动方向的属性是()。A、BehaviorB、DirectionC、ScroUamountD、SeroUdealy

考题 单选题I don’t like _____ you speak to her.A the wayB the way in thatC the way whichD the way of which

考题 单选题A customer requires a 2-way solution now that will be the easiest and least disruptive to upgrade to a 4-way in the future.  Which of the following solutions best matches these requirements?()A p630 2-way Active 2-way InactiveB p655 2-way Active 2-way InactiveC p5-520 2-way Active 2-way InactiveD p5-550 2-way Active 2-way Inactive