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英译中:Computer assisted ordering(CAO)


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考题 few non-british migrants benefited from assisted migration. ()

考题 白云石中既有CaO又有MgO,其成分为( )。A.CaO.Mg(CO3)2B.CaO.MgOC.CaO.MgCO3

考题 在下列CaO、MgO、NaF晶格能大小的顺序中,正确的是哪一组? A. MgO>CaO>NaF C. CaO>MgO>NaF B. NaF>CaO>MgO D. NaF>MgO>CaO

考题 A crowd gathered to see what had happened.A:collected B:fixed C:divided D:assisted

考题 有效氧化钙的计算式是()。A、CaO%+R*SiO2%B、CaO%-R*SiO2%C、SiO2%+R*CaO%D、SiO2%-R*CaO%

考题 白渣的主要成份是()。A、CaO和CaFB、CaO和CaSC、CaO和SiO2

考题 正硅酸钙的表达式为()。A、CaO·SiO2B、3CaO·2SiO2C、2CaO·SiO2D、3CaO·SiO2

考题 下列炉渣氧化物按碱度强弱的排列顺序是( )。A、CaO、MnO、FeO、MgOB、MgO、CaO、MnO、FeOC、CaO、MgO、MnO、FeO

考题 电炉脱硫反应式是()。A、[FeS]+[CaO]=(CaS)+(FeO)放热B、[FeS]+[CaO]=(CaS)+(FeO)吸热C、(FeS)+(CaO)=(CaS)+(FeO)放热

考题 按照正常的吹炼过程,以下化合物的变化顺序正确的是:()。A、CaO·FeO·SiO2→2CaO·SiO2→2FeO·SiO2B、2FeO·SiO2→CaO·FeO·SiO2→2CaO·SiO2C、2CaO·SiO2→2FeO·SiO2→CaO·FeO·SiO2

考题 电炉的脱磷反应式是()。A、2[P]+5(FeO)+4(CaO)=(4CaO·P2O5)+5[Fe]放热B、2[P]+5(FeO)+4(CaO)=(4CaO·P2O5)+5[Fe]吸热C、2(P)+5(FeO)+4(CaO)=(4CaO·P2O5)+5(Fe)放热

考题 渣量U=(CaO料-CaO尘)/(CaO渣)。

考题 于生产化验中已将(CaS)的Ca以CaO形式纳入(CaO)中,所以要换算(CaO)实=()。

考题 LF炉常用的精炼渣系有()。A、CaO—MnOB、CaO—CaF2C、CaO—SiO2D、CaO—Al2O3E、MnO—Al2O3

考题 白云石中既有CaO又有MgO,其成分为()。A、CaO.Mg(CO3)2B、CaO.MgOC、CaO.MgCO3

考题 某班检验生石灰4批,其检验量及CaO含量分别为:100吨(CaO=75%),200吨(CaO=78%),300吨(CaO=81%),400吨(CaO=85%),试求该班生石灰的合格率。

考题 计算机辅助评价(Computer Assisted Assessment,简称CAA)

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考题 电子订货系统 Electronic ordering system (EOS)

考题 英译中:Computer assisted ordering(CAO)

考题 英译中:Certificate of origin(CAO)

考题 名词解释题英译中:Computer Aided Ordering

考题 单选题You perform a clean installation of Windows 7 on a computer. You need to ensure that you can runWindows XP Mode in Windows 7. What should you do?()A Enable hardware-assisted virtualization.B Create a Data Execution Prevention (DEP) exception.C Install Windows XP in the same partition as Windows 7.D Install Windows XP in a different partition than Windows 7.

考题 单选题What types of orders are exempt from using the IPCC Express Configuration and Ordering Tool?  ()A orders for coresident deployments  B orders for adding more seats  C orders for upgrading from standard  D orders with less than five seats  E all orders require using the IPCC Express Configuration and Ordering Tool 

考题 名词解释题英译中:Certificate of origin(CAO)

考题 名词解释题电子订货系统 Electronic ordering system (EOS)

考题 单选题Which of the following is example of telecommuting as described in the passage ?A A scientist in a laboratory developing plans for a space station.B A technical writer sending via computer documents created at home.C A computer technician repairing an office computer network.D A teacher directing computer-assisted learning in a private school.