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Who probably wrote this letter?

A landlord


A business owner


A bank officer


An accountant


根据第1段第1句I want to start…to my business可知写信的人Ryan Black为生意人,故选B。
更多 “单选题Who probably wrote this letter?A A landlordB A business ownerC A bank officerD An accountant” 相关考题
考题 Prior () his departure, he wrote a letter to his mother. A.ofB.fromC.toD.in

考题 Which of the following should not be considered cash by an accountant? ( ) A. coinsB. bank checking accountsC. postage stampsD. Petty cash funds

考题 Who probably wrote the letter?A. An editor.B. An artist.C. A reporter.D. A reader.

考题 When I found quite a few pages()in the dictionary, I wrote the bookstore a letter of complaint. A.missingB.lost

考题 American students learn business skills in school. Here is a story about some American students who learnt business skills by operating their own banks. In December 1987, the Twiglet Bank was opened at an Elementary School in Miami, Florida. It is a real bank that accepts money for savings and makes loans, and it is operated by students between 10 and 12 years old.The bank is open for one hour two days a week. Students can put their money into the bank and withdraw it as they wish. Officials from a local bank helped the students start the bank. They trained twenty-three of them to do all the different kinds of bank jobs, from counting money to guarding the bank. The students needed money to start the bank. They raised more than $ 2,000 by selling 50-dollar shares in the bank to parents, teachers, the local bank workers, and customers. Organizing and operating the bank has taught the children a lot about the banking business. They have learned about raising and investing money and how to use computers and other banking equipment. They have also learned how to ask for a job and to be responsible for their jobs.1. Who helped these children start a bank()A. ParentsB. TeachersC. Bank staff2. How did children raise money for their bank()A. Their schools provided financial support for them.B. They sold shares to their parents, teachers, local bank workers and customers.C. They found an organization to donate a set of fund.3. Who is currently operating Twiglet Bank()A. TeenagersB. CommunityC. Government4. Which is not TRUE for the benefits of children from operating their own banks()A. They learned how to use computers and banking equipment.B. They learned how to find a job and do it well.C. They learned how to produce the money.5. What is the best title for this passage()A. A Bank of MiamiB. A Students’ BankC. The Operation of American Banks

考题 Who may supply business loans in a remote area if there is no financial intermediaries offering such services?A.The local bank in the area.B.Business companies.C.Brokers in the Federal Funds.D.Correspondent banks.

考题 What will happen if there is one commercial bank and no thrifts in a small town?A.The residents will deposit their money with the bank.B.The local bank will provide business loans to the commercial bank.C.Some large banks will transport money by check to the bank.D.People in the area will not deposit money with the bank.

考题 Each bank is () annually by a certified public accountant.A、checkedB、examinedC、inspectedD、audited

考题 Which of the following should be considered cash by an accountant.() A.postage stampsB.coinsC.bank checking accountsD.Petty cash fundsE.IOU(I owe you)

考题 If the shipper wants to get the payment for his goods,he has to forward ________ to his bank.A.the original bill of ladingB.a letter of creditC.a mate's receiptD.a letter of indemnity

考题 The carrier is the owner or Charterer who enters into a contract with ______.A.the consigneeB.the cargo ownerC.the shipperD.the consignor

考题 Mary forgot()a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.AwritingBto writeChaving wroteDto have written

考题 We have established an irrevocable letter of credit()your favour with the Bank of China,Guandong.

考题 Mary forgot()a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.A、writingB、to writeC、having wroteD、to have written

考题 The way in which () wrote "The Scarlet Letter" suggests that American Romanticism adapted itself to American puritan moralism.

考题 () is the party which applies to the bank for the opening of a letter of credit.A、A bank in the seller′s countryB、A bank in the buyer′s countryC、An exporterD、An applicant

考题 Bank of China informs the beneficiary, a Chinese import and export company that a foreign bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor. The bank does not add its engagement by informing the beneficiary. The Bank of China ia acting as ().A、The issusing bankB、The advising bankC、The confirming bankD、The negotiating bank

考题 单选题Bank of China informs the beneficiary, a Chinese import and export company that a foreign bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor. The bank does not add its engagement by informing the beneficiary. The Bank of China ia acting as ().A The issusing bankB The advising bankC The confirming bankD The negotiating bank

考题 单选题1 wrote him a letter to show my _____ of his thoughtfulness.A expectationB congratulationC attentionD appreciation

考题 单选题He couldn’t continue his business unless he asked the bank for a _____.A debtB deficitC loanD lending

考题 单选题() is the party which applies to the bank for the opening of a letter of credit.A A bank in the seller′s countryB A bank in the buyer′s countryC An exporterD An applicant

考题 单选题Who probably wrote this letter?A A landlordB A business ownerC A bank officerD An accountant

考题 单选题This letter is ______ to verify that the individual you inquired about has both a savings and checking account at our Bank.A intentionB intendC intendsD intended

考题 单选题Mary forgot()a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.A writingB to writeC to have written

考题 单选题Mary forgot()a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now.A writingB to writeC having wroteD to have written

考题 问答题Practice 2  ● Look at the HR list below. It shows the titles of each person.  ● For questions 6-10, decide who does these jobs.  ● For each question, mark one letter A-H on your book.  ● Do not use any letter more than once.  A Mr. Brown Accountant        E Mr. Harvers Clerk  B Mr. Wright Buyer          F Ms. Hampson Sales Representative  C Mrs. Turnner Quality Controller   G Miss Law Receptionist  D Mr. Edwards Typist         H Ms. Smith Marketing Manager  6. Who answers the phones and welcomes the visitors?  7. Who purchase the stationeries for the company?  8. Who works on the sales volume of the company?  9. Who looks at the company’s profits and costs?  10. Who makes sure the company’s products are well made?

考题 单选题I wrote back to Charles _____ I received his letter.A when immediatelyB soonC immediatelyD suddenly

考题 单选题The bank who opens the L/C is called().A issuingbankB notifyingbankC establishingbankD payingbank