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词义辨析题。nature为“自然,本性,种类”;identity“身份,特性”:quantity“数量”;trait“显著特点,遗传特征”,多用于有生命的物体。结合句意“专家们和当地地质学家、工程师合作,研究了地表____和最适用于当地建筑的代码类型”可知,填入的词与type相对应,故选A。the nature of the ground为常用搭配,“地表的特征”。
词义辨析题。nature为“自然,本性,种类”;identity“身份,特性”:quantity“数量”;trait“显著特点,遗传特征”,多用于有生命的物体。结合句意“专家们和当地地质学家、工程师合作,研究了地表____和最适用于当地建筑的代码类型”可知,填入的词与type相对应,故选A。the nature of the ground为常用搭配,“地表的特征”。
更多 “单选题______A natureB identityC quantityD trait” 相关考题
单选题Alexander Hamilton was accused of being involved in a scheme to establish a separate nation in the western part of the United States.A
plot B
decision C
order D
单选题With the change of red fights, there are long queues of vehicles that wait while a few people who walk across the zebra.A
单选题John Adams, one of the American Revolution’s most devoted patriots, was the lawyer who successfully defended the British soldiers charged with murder after the Boston Massacre.A
disloyal B
daring C
dedicated D
单选题Eating too much fat can devote to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A
attribute toB
attend toC
distribute toD
contribute to
问答题“十五”时期国民经济和社会发展主要情况 过去五年,我们摆脱了亚洲金融危机带来的冲击,战胜了非典疫情和重大自然灾害,不失时机地推进改革开放,进一步发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用,加强和改善宏观调控,保持了经济平稳较快发展。我国工业化、城镇化、市场化、国际化进程明显加快,社会生产力、综合国力和人民生活水平都跃上一个新台阶,城乡面貌发生了很大变化。 五年来,我国经济实力显著增强。农业特别是粮食生产出现重要转机,主要工业产品产量大幅度增长,高技术产业快速发展,基础产业和基础设施建设成就斐然,在水利、能源、交通、通信等领域建成或新开工一大批重大工程。经济社会信息化程度迅速提高。五年来,改革开放成果丰硕。农村、国有企业、金融、财税、投资等改革和市场体系、社会保障体系建设都取得重大进展。我国加入世界贸易组织,对外开放进入新的阶段。
单选题Human civilization is now the dominant cause of change in the global environment.A
supreme B
suspicious C
paramount D
单选题“You are very selfish. It’s high time you will realize that you are not the most important person in the world.” Edgar said to his boss angrily.A
realized B
have realizedC
realize D
should realized
单选题Our plan didn’t get up the ground because no one could come.A
get overB
get onC
get offD
get through
单选题There are actually too many opportunities to learn more, to see more, and to understand more, and they all require us to change, at least a little bit, in order to make progress.A
very manyB
too muchC
so manyD
extremely many
单选题Mary's daughter, although only six years old, showed ingenuity in making a dress for her doll.A
cleverness C
sincerity D
单选题The abbreviation of “GP” in the passage can probably mean____________.A
General PractionerB
General ProfessionC
General PracticeD
Graduate in Pharmacy
单选题There is something suspect about unanimous praise in this context.A
coincidental B
unacceptable C
concordant D
问答题中国印度经贸关系取得新进展 近年来,中国印度双边关系发展顺利。2005年温家宝总理访问印度时,两国宣布建立面向和平与繁荣的战略合作伙伴关系,2005年3月,双方完成了《中印全面经贸合作五年、规划》联合研究,该规划也成为中印经贸关系发展的指导性文件。2006年是中印友好年,也是中印交往史上具有里程碑意义的一年。 近年来,两国贸易发展较快,贸易额持续保持高速增长。中印双边贸易额由2000年的29.14亿美元增长到2005年的187.03亿美元,年均增长45%。2006年,双边贸易额达到249亿美元,提前实现两国领导人确定的目标。根据中方统计,2006年印度是中国第10大贸易伙伴。根据印方统计,2005/06财年,中国已成为印度第2大贸易伙伴。 近年来,印度大力发展基础设施建设,尤其是大量私营企业积极投资,计划新建公路、桥梁、铁路、港口和电站等一批基础设施,工程承包市场巨大。中国企业在上述领域具有一定优势,经过多年开拓,中国企业在印度工程承包市场特别是现汇或业主融资项目取得重大进展。
问答题Working Together Against the Infectious Diseases There is another area that really may sound like it’s outside the range of politics and Iraqi people where we’re cooperating together, but it’s an area that is vital to the well-being of the Chinese people, the American people, the people in the world, and it’s now we’re working together to deal with the dangers inherent in infectious diseases. China’s sobering experience with SARS stands as a lesson to all countries on the challenge of infectious diseases. I have called HIV/AIDS the world’s greatest weapon of mass destruction today. It threatens to kill tens of millions of men, women and children—in the Caribbean, in Latin America, in the subcontinent, especially in Africa—and yes, it is a danger to China as well. And China’s government is facing up to this crisis, working with us. The United States has told China we are ready to help. Last month, our Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson spoke in China of President Bush’s interest in furthering our practical cooperation on HIV/AIDS and other health issues. Specialists from our Centers for Disease Control are working on the ground with their Chinese counterparts. Our National Institute of Health has granted $14.8 million to help China upgrade its health care infrastructure. My friends, it is upon such concrete forms of cooperation on issues of regional and global importance that a 21st century US-China relationship will be built, issue by issue, experience by experience, challenge by challenge, initiative by initiative, program by program. As China participates more actively in world affairs, we will extend our welcome. Building and sustaining a healthy overall relationship is good for America, it is good for China, it is good for the region, and good for the international community.
问答题精神文明建设 精神文明建设取得新成果。学习宣传邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想活动深入开屋。坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合。以讲文明、树新风为主要内容的精神文明创建活动蓬勃展开。思想道德建设继续加强。科学知识进一步普及,科学精神得到弘扬。文学艺术、新闻出版、广播影视等事业全面发展,优秀作品不断涌现。广播电视覆盖能力和质量明显提高。文化、卫生、体育领域改革和发展加快。文化设施建设和各类专项经费投入力度加大,新建和改扩建了一批图书馆、博物馆、科技馆、档案馆、文化馆等。文物保护和档案工作取得新成绩。“扫黄”、“打非”斗争不断深入。
问答题Abstract Expressionism Abstract expressionism was the name for an artistic movement that emerged in the USA during the 1950s. It was also known as the New York School since most of the important artists lived there, at least for a time. During World War II many influential artists had fled the fighting and persecution of Europe and ended up in New York. The Abstract Expressionist group were made up of artists who had either come from Europe or who were directly influenced by the styles and techniques of those who had. Abstract Expressionism is a term used for art that uses elements of Expressionism in an abstract way. They were also influenced by Surrealism. Expressionist artists used symbols and particular styles of painting to express feelings or emotions. Surrealists tried to express the subconscious by using through the actual process of painting. The physical property of paint (what it was like) was what was important. The style and the subject (what the painting was of) had lost all significance. The recognition of the Abstract Expressionists by the art world meant that for the first time the USA became known as an important force in avant-garde art. The term avant-garde is often used in art, and is used to describe anything radically new or different. The Abstract Expressionists fitted this description perfectly. For the first time it was the physical act of painting that was important rather than the end product. The New York School was not, in the strictest sense, an artistic movement. The Abstract Expressionists included artists who had each developed their own individual styles. But there were enough similarities in the way they thought about and approached painting that gradually the group became known as the Abstract Expressionists. Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning, Helen Frankenthaler, Lee Krasner and Franz Kline all became recognized for a technique called action painting. This was where spontaneous physical movement and gestures were used to produce paintings. The term action painting was originally used by the art critic Harold Rosenberg. He was referring to Jackson Pollock, who became famous for his drip paintings. Pollock used a revolutionary new technique, which involved dripping, pouring or squirting the paint from syringes directly onto the canvases. We now use the term action painting in a wider sense to refer to any technique of making a painting with energetic and spontaneous application of paint. Other artists who also fall under the title of Abstract Expressionists include Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman and Clyfford Still. These artists invented a softer, calmer technique where paint is applied with brushes in large areas, or fields, of color covers the whole picture surface. This technique became known as color field painting. Both the action and color field painters shared methods and ideals. Paint is applied in bold, simple brushstrokes, dribbles or splashes, with blocks of color to make the maximum visual impact. The huge physical size of the paintings matched the artists’ grand philosophical ideas. Abstract Expressionists all shared a philosophy about painting. Paintings were a search for truth, or the hidden meaning of life. The artists tried to find a way of painting that did not have to follow any particular style or school ofart. This way people would not associate the painting with anything else. They would just look at it as a painting and form their own ideas of what it meant.
问答题三分之一欧美人视中国经济增长为机遇 本周一,跨大西洋合作智囊机构“德国马歇尔(Marshall)基金会”公布了一项民意调查结果。该调查显示,三分之一的欧美人将中国经济的迅速发展视为一种机遇,而近60%的人则对中国日益增长的经济实力保持着警惕。 这项调查在法国、德国、意大利、波兰、斯洛伐克(Slovakia)、英国和美国等七国开展。调查表明,中国怀疑论者对中国经济表示担忧,他们认为大量中国廉价商品的出口以及外国公司进驻中国是一种潜在威胁。 调查显示,70%的法国人以及近70%的波兰人、意大利人和斯洛伐克人对中国经济的崛起感到不安。历来倡导自由贸易的英国有更多人认为中国的崛起是机遇而不是威胁。 由于欧洲制造业受到了来自亚洲的压力,所以欧盟对中国包括皮鞋在内的一系列出口商品征收了反倾销税。 欧盟和中国将于下月就一项最新全面双边协议进行磋商,其中涉及一些经济问题。美国财政部部长亨利·鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)将于本月末率高层代表团访问中国。
单选题This was but an additional testimony of the superiority of the socialist economic system over the capitalist economic system.A
单选题The noun phrase “the medicine” underlined in Paragraph 1 refers to the _________.A
medicine made from turtleC
cancer cureD
pet trade