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During the conversation, Julia indicates that

Roger doesn’t enjoy the nature very much.


Roger doesn’t do well in golf


Roger has been drinking too much beer.


Roger loves getting up early.


录音中关于乡村生活,女士在对话中提到了“You’ve never been a lover of fresh air”,讽刺男士不喜欢自然风。随后又说当春天的第一丝风来临,他便把大衣穿上。因此可知,男士并不钟爱大自然。故选项A为正确答案。其他三个选项均与原文不符,应予以排除。
更多 “单选题During the conversation, Julia indicates thatA Roger doesn’t enjoy the nature very much.B Roger doesn’t do well in golfC Roger has been drinking too much beer.D Roger loves getting up early.” 相关考题
考题 There has been a sudden drop in retail sales, ()? A、does itB、hasn’t thereC、has thereD、doesn’t there

考题 Roger:Hi, Kelly! What's up?Kelly: __________Same old thing.A. Nothing up.B. Nothing new.C. Everything's OK.D. Everything's the same.

考题 Roger: What does your sister-in-law do?Cindy: ______

考题 —It seems that the sales volume has not reached our objective.— () A. Thank you very much about it.B. It doesn’t matter too much.C. It’s true. I’m sorry about that.

考题 Roger: How are you feeling?Peter: Much better.___________A、Thanks for coming to see me.B、You look great.C、You are so kind.D、Don't mention it.

考题 Roger:儿时进行大量阅读会导致近视眼——难以看清远处的景物。1ouise:我不同意,近视眼与阅读之间的关联都来自以下事实:观看远处景物有困难的孩子最有可能选择那些需要从近处观看物体的活动,如阅读。1ouise对Roger的反驳是通过( )。A.说明如果接受Roger的声明,会导致荒谬的结论B.论证Roger的声明中某一现象的原因实际上是该现象的结果C.运用类比来说明Roger推理中的错误D.指出Roger的声明是自相矛盾的

考题 :Roger:儿时进行大量阅读会导致近视眼——难以看清远处的景物。 Louise:我不同意,近视眼与阅读之间的关联都来自以下事实:观看远处景物有困难的孩子最有可能选择那些需要从近处观看物体的活动,如阅读。 Louise对Roger的反驳是通过()。A. 说明如果接受Roger的声明,会导致荒谬的结论B. 论证Roger的声明中某一现象的原因实际上是该现象的结果C. 运用类比来说明Roger推理中的错误D. 指出Roger的声明是自相矛盾的

考题 Life gets noisier every day and very few people can free from noise of some sort or another.It doesn′t matter where you live--in the middle of a modem city,or a faraway village--the chances that you will be disturbed by jet aero planes,transistor radios,oil powered engines,etc.,are almost everywhere.We seem to be getting used to noise,too.Some people feel quite lonely without background music while they are working. Scientific tests have shown that total silence can be very frightening experience for human beings.However,some people enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud,and this can do harm to their eardrums(耳鼓).The noise level in some disco is far above the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas. One recent report about noise and concentration(专心)suggested that although a lot of people say that any noise disturbs their concentration,what really affects their ability to concentrate is a change in the level of noise.It goes on to say that a background noise,which doesn′t change too much(music,for example)may even help people to concentrate. From this passage,the pollution of noiseA.doesn't matter much B.has become worse everywhere C.has become better in big cities D.has become better in villages

考题 My husband doesn't(), but I live it very much.A、like shoppingB、likes shoppingC、likes to shop

考题 You are the domain administrator for your company. Roaming profiles are enabled for all users in the sales department. Roaming profiles are stored on a server named Server1, in a shared folder named Profiles. Roger is a user in the sales department. Susan is Roger's manager. Susan reports that Roger modifies his desktop settings, which results in the need for help desk assistance and in lost productivity for Roger. You want to ensure that Roger cannot modify his roaming profile. What should you do?() A、In Active Directory Users and Computers, on Roger's profile tab, change the profile path to //Server1/Profiles/%username%.dat. B、In Active Directory Users and Computers, on Roger's profile tab, change the profile path to //Server1/Profiles/%username%.man. C、In Roger's profile on Server1, change the file name of Ntuser.dat to Ntuser.man.D、In Roger's profile on his computer, change the file name of Ntuser.dat to Ntuser.man.

考题 There has been a positive response to the export promotion()?A、hasn’t itB、hasn’t thereC、doesn’t itD、has there

考题 Roger病缺

考题 你是TestKing网站的域管理员,远程访问配置是支持所有的销售部门的用户访问。远程访问配置文件存放在TestKing1服务器上的Profiles共享文件夹下。Roger是销售部门的用户,Susan是Roger的经理,Susan报告说Roger修改了她的桌面设置,结果导致很大的损失。你要确保Roger不能修改他远程访问的文件,你要怎么做呢?()A、在Roger的配置表的“活动目录域和电脑”中,改变配置文件的路径为//Server1/Profiles/%username%.datB、在Roger的配置表的“活动目录域和电脑”中,改变配置文件的路径为//Server1/Profiles/%username%.manC、在Server1的Roger的配置文件中,把文件Ntuser.dat改为Ntuser.manD、在他自己的电脑上的Roger的配置文件中,把文件Ntuser.dat改为Ntuser.man

考题 单选题Paul: I’m afraid I spilled some coffee on the tablecloth.  Roger: Oh, don’t worry about it.  Paul: I’m really sorry. Is there anything I can do?  Roger: ______ I never did like it anyway.A Just forget about it.B I’m afraid there is not.C Don’t be silly.D It’s absolutely out of the question.

考题 单选题There is too much water in the fuelIt doesn’t () to the specifications.A come fromB come inC come outD come up

考题 单选题_____A She doesn’t like Kunming.B She doesn’t have the money.C She doesn’t want to go with the man.D She doesn’t travel much.

考题 单选题Doctor: Morning, Mr. White. Come in. And what can I do for you today?  ? ? ?Patient: Well, doctor,_____ I often wake up at 3:00 in the morning and I just can’t get back to sleep.  Doctor: I see…and how long has this been going on?  Patient:Oh, about a month now. I wonder if you could prescribe something.A I’m having difficulty sleeping.B I’m watching TV every night.C I’m getting too much sleep.D I’m eating too much.

考题 单选题During the conversation, Julia indicates thatA Roger doesn’t enjoy the nature very much.B Roger doesn’t do well in golfC Roger has been drinking too much beer.D Roger loves getting up early.

考题 单选题Which radiotelephone signal indicates receipt of a distress message?()A Roger wilcoB Romeo,romeo,romeoC SOS acknowledgedD Mayday roger

考题 单选题你是TestKing网站的域管理员,远程访问配置是支持所有的销售部门的用户访问。远程访问配置文件存放在TestKing1服务器上的Profiles共享文件夹下。Roger是销售部门的用户,Susan是Roger的经理,Susan报告说Roger修改了她的桌面设置,结果导致很大的损失。你要确保Roger不能修改他远程访问的文件,你要怎么做呢?()A 在Roger的配置表的“活动目录域和电脑”中,改变配置文件的路径为//Server1/Profiles/%username%.datB 在Roger的配置表的“活动目录域和电脑”中,改变配置文件的路径为//Server1/Profiles/%username%.manC 在Server1的Roger的配置文件中,把文件Ntuser.dat改为Ntuser.manD 在他自己的电脑上的Roger的配置文件中,把文件Ntuser.dat改为Ntuser.man

考题 单选题_____A The man doesn’t like the climate in Chicago.B The woman likes Chicago very much.C The woman has just been to Chicago.D The man knows little about Chicago.

考题 单选题My husband doesn't(), but I live it very much.A like shoppingB likes shoppingC likes to shop

考题 单选题Mavis: Did you see how close that finish was? It took my breath away!  Roger: Wait, they’re announcing the winner now. It’s Don Jensen!  Mavis: What a surprise! He’s never won a major race before.  Roger: I’m just astounded to see how much he’s improved.  Mavis: ________  Roger: I’m just floored that my best friend won such an important race.A Why can’t he improve quickly?B What happened to him in the past two years?C I’m going to take a break. I’m so tired!D Let’s go down on the track and congratulate him.

考题 单选题He doesn’t spend much time _____ his homework.A inB doC onD to do

考题 单选题You are the domain administrator for your company. Roaming profiles are enabled for all users in the sales department. Roaming profiles are stored on a server named Server1, in a shared folder named Profiles. Roger is a user in the sales department. Susan is Roger's manager. Susan reports that Roger modifies his desktop settings, which results in the need for help desk assistance and in lost productivity for Roger. You want to ensure that Roger cannot modify his roaming profile. What should you do?()A In Active Directory Users and Computers, on Roger's profile tab, change the profile path to //Server1/Profiles/%username%.dat. B In Active Directory Users and Computers, on Roger's profile tab, change the profile path to //Server1/Profiles/%username%.man. C In Roger's profile on Server1, change the file name of Ntuser.dat to Ntuser.man.D In Roger's profile on his computer, change the file name of Ntuser.dat to Ntuser.man.

考题 名词解释题Roger病缺

考题 单选题Roger: Come in. Oh, hello Charles, it’s you. How are you?  Charles: I’m fine, thanks.______  Roger: Sure, yes. What can I do for you?A Are you busy now, Roger?B Would you like to go for a picnic tomorrow?C Have you got a minute, Roger?D Have you got time to go to the pub tonight?

考题 单选题A Roger doesn’t enjoy the nature very much.B Roger doesn’t do well in golf.C Roger has been drinking too much beer.D Roger loves getting up early.