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考题 填空题In what season is the Garden concert held?In ____.

考题 单选题_____A Seeing a film.B Attending an evening party.C Having another try.D Finding a better theatre.

考题 填空题(____)社会支持;(____)终身雇用制

考题 填空题(general) ____ speaking, he is a person that you can trust.

考题 单选题To relax himself before sleep, the writer often _____.A makes a bedB gets into his bagC listen to musicD wears a sleep mask

考题 填空题(____)贸易协定;(____)信用证

考题 单选题Which of the following is included in the car-renting rate?A Gas used.B Car repairs.C The hotel charge.D Insurance fee.

考题 单选题The study shows that our computers are superior to those of our competitors in terms of functions and speed.A 研究表明,我们的计算机在功能和速度两方面都优于我们的竞争对手。B 研究表明,我们的计算机与我们竞争者的产品在功能和速度方面有差异。C 研究表明,我们的计算机正面临着高速发展的其他厂商的竞争。

考题 单选题The passage is mainly about _____.A the construction of parking spaces in Los AngelesB the new growth pattern of the city of Los AngelesC the public transportation system in Los AngelesD the problem of traffic jams in Los Angeles

考题 填空题If your neighbors are too noisy, then you have a good reason to make your (complain) ____.

考题 填空题What’s the purpose of the writer in sending this letter?To be invited for ____.

考题 单选题It is the general manager who makes the _____ decisions in business.A beginningB finishingC firstD final

考题 填空题We must keep the manager (inform) ____ of the advertising campaign.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题You can’t get a driver’s license _____ you are at least sixteen years old.A ifB unlessC whenD though

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题_____A Half an hour.B Working on weekendsC One hour and a half.D Having working experience.

考题 单选题It suddenly occurred to me that we could _____ the police for help.A askB lookC tellD meet

考题 单选题_____A Why not?B I see.C I don’t think so.D Go ahead.

考题 单选题New Rockwatch Rox Club members will obtain a special file when they _____.A do field workB join the clubC buy a field notebookD start studying geology

考题 单选题Ever since I arrived here, I _____ in the dormitory because it is cheaper.A livedB was livingC had been livingD have been living

考题 填空题We must keep the manager (inform) ____ of the advertising campaign.

考题 单选题_____A Yes, please.B For two months.C Every day.D Yes, I will.

考题 填空题(____)租车保险自负额(____);战争险

考题 单选题_____A He’s trying to get out of the window.B He’s helping Freud.C He’s breaking into a house.D He’s leaving by the front door.

考题 填空题Why should people keep the ticket after boarding the train?Because they will ____ when they leave.

考题 单选题_____, a friend of Mrs. Black found the watch she had lost two days before.A EspeciallyB UsuallyC GenerallyD Fortunately

考题 填空题____