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They arrived ______ Shanghai ______ a cold morning.

in: in


in: on


at: on


at: in


更多 “单选题They arrived ______ Shanghai ______ a cold morning.A in: inB in: onC at: onD at: in” 相关考题
考题 He got up _____________(早) than I did this morning.

考题 Mr Smith is coming to visit us soon.We'd better get everything ready before he _______. A.arrivesB.arriveC.will arriveD.arrived

考题 设A$="北京",B$="Shanghai",则表达式LEFTS(A$,2) +STRINGS(3,"-")+LEFTS(B$,8)构成的字符串是A.北京---B.北京---ShanghaiC.ShanghaiD.北京Shanghai

考题 ---Good morning. I've got an appointment with Miss Smith in the PersonnelDepartment.--Ah, good morning. You ____be Mrs. Peters.A. mightB. mustC. wouldD. can

考题 Do you have()friends in Shanghai? A、manyB、anyC、not

考题 - When will you meet the general manager of Nile Co., Mr. Smith -() A、I’ll meet the president of Bestway Co.B、I’ll leave for Shanghai.C、At 10:00 tomorrow morning.

考题 The experiment was made ____ a rainy morning. A.inB.onC. atD.by

考题 what type of speaking tasks does the following activity belong to ? t: she reads english every morning. t: go to school. ss: she goes to school every morning. t: drive to work. ss: she drives to work every morning.():A. Controlled activity.B. Semi-controlled activity.C. Role-play.D. Information-gap activity.

考题 Hardly ()home when it began to rain. A、had I gotB、I had gotC、had I arrived inD、I had arrived at

考题 I () you as soon as I () in Shanghai. A、call; arriveB、will call; arriveC、call; will arriveD、will call; will arrive

考题 A friendly football match will be held ______ the visiting Shanxi Team and Shanghai Team in Shanghai Hongkou Gymnasium. A.betweenB.inC.amongD.with

考题 Huangshan is different ______ Shanghai. A、asB、soC、forD、from

考题 听力原文:Many banks in America now carry accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.(5)A.Many banks in America accept accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.B.Many banks in America start business with the Bank of China, Shanghai.C.Many banks in America have accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.D.Many banks in America owe money to the Bank of China, Shanghai.

考题 设A$=“北京”,B$="Shanghai",则表达式LEFTS(A $,2)+STRINGS(3,“-”)+ LEFTS(BS,8)桅成的字符串是A.“北京---”B.“北京---Shanghai”C.“Shanghai”D.“北京Shanghai”

考题 设“A$=“北京”,B$="Shanghai””,则表达式“LEFTS(A$,2)+STRINGS(3,“-”)+LEFTS(BS,8)”构成的字符串是 ______。A.“北京---”B.“北京---Shanghai”C.“Shanghai”D.“北京 Shanghai”

考题 Is Jackie Chan from Shanghai?____________

考题 Yao Ming is from Shanghai. Liu Xiang is from Shanghai, too.(合并为一句)Yao Ming_____ Liu Xiang_______ from Shanghai.

考题 Aunt Li gets up early in the morning.(变为否定句)Aunt Li_______ _______up early in the morning.

考题 Hardly ______ when the door suddenly closed.A. they had arrivedB. they arrivedC. did they arriveD. had they arrived

考题 Not until the game had begun( )at the sports ground. A.had he arrived B.would he have arrived C.did he arrive D.should he have arrived

考题 “三点开往上海方向的班车,马上就要检票了。”翻译为:()A、The bus of Shanghai at three is getting ready for checking.B、The ticket of Shanghai at three is getting ready for checking.C、The bus will leave at 3 to Shanghai.We shall begin to check the bus tickets at once.D、The bus will leave at 3 to Shanghai.We shall begin to check the bus tickets very soon.

考题 I’m afraid our office is closed until nine o’clock tomorrow morning. This sentence means our office will be open after nine o’clock tomorrow morning.

考题 按CIFShanghai成交的合同,卖方完成交货任务是在()。A、装运港B、目的港C、Shanghai港D、Shanghai市内

考题 填空题(give) ____ good weather, our ship will arrive in Shanghai next Sunday morning.

考题 单选题Hot air can hold().A less moisture than cold airB more moisture than cold airC the same amount of moisture as cold airD moisture independent of air temperature

考题 单选题“三点开往上海方向的班车,马上就要检票了。”翻译为:()A The bus of Shanghai at three is getting ready for checking.B The ticket of Shanghai at three is getting ready for checking.C The bus will leave at 3 to Shanghai.We shall begin to check the bus tickets at once.D The bus will leave at 3 to Shanghai.We shall begin to check the bus tickets very soon.

考题 单选题_____, the new president is more likely to give economic and trade issues priority over foreign policy.A The cold war being overB the cold war had overC With the cold war was overD With the cold war has been over