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Having been made speechless, he felt ______ a fool than he had expected.





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更多 “单选题Having been made speechless, he felt ______ a fool than he had expected.A likeB asC more ofD much of” 相关考题
考题 ()there, he found a great deal to interest him. A、This being his first visitB、Never having visitedC、This being his first time to visitD、Having never been before

考题 Frank knew he was very ill. He spent days walking, ( 1 ) as far as thirty miles ( 2 ) a day, trying to reason with the pain, and strange thoughts in his mind. Then, one night, he made up his ( 3 ) that he would go to the hospital and ask them to admit him. He reported to out-patients and asked to see a psychiatrist.A junior doctor eventually examined him and ( 4 ) to Frank's confused account of having been in hospital before, of how he thought he ought to ( 5 ) again because he was so confused and knew something was very wrong with him. The doctor did not admit him. Frank cannot ( 6 ) whether he was told that the hospital was full or that they simply did not believe him. "I felt I was completely alone. I thought there was ( 7 ) there to help." So Frank went back on to the streets to find a future of sleeping outside, the occasional shelter in hospitals, and sometimes prison ( 8 ) he was picked up for being drunk: drunk because it was the ( 9 ) way he could forget his condition. Frank had sought help and been turned away. Thousands of others ( 10 ) him can find no help either. They are the sufferers from long-term mental illness that confuse the minds of their victims.(1).A、sometimesB、sometimeC、some timeD、time(2).A、forB、atC、onD、in(3).A、headB、brainC、mindD、heart(4).A、listenedB、heardC、talkedD、took(5).A、be admittedB、admitC、be admittingD、have been admitted(6).A、remindB、rememberC、recallD、forget(7).A、somebodyB、anybodyC、nobodyD、everybody(8).A、wheneverB、whereC、thatD、why(9).A、onlyB、oneC、badD、first(10).A、asB、someC、alikeD、like

考题 ______ on the New World, he felt like crying. A.landB.LandedC.To landD.Having landed

考题 ________ many times, he finally understood it.A. Told B. Telling C. Having told D. Having been told

考题 Jim did not do the stealing himself,______.A. so he was not a thief in factB. because he was less intelligent than otherC. but he made stealing plans and gave ordersD. for he was afraid of being caught

考题 ______ many times, but he still couldn't understand it.A. Having been toldB. He was toldC. Though he had been toldD. Having told

考题 Ryan always attempts to escape ( ) when he breaks traffic regulations. A、to have been finedB、to be finedC、having been finedD、being fined

考题 ( ) the house on fire, he dialed 91 A、SeenB、SeeingC、Having been seenD、Being seen

考题 ( ) by his teachers, he felt nervous. A、WatchingB、Having watchedC、Having been watchingD、Being watched

考题 That young man has made so much noise that he ( ) not have been allowed to attend the concert. A、wouldB、shouldC、mustD、could

考题 Having been working in logistics for 3 years, he is more()than he used to be.A、 proudB、 braveC、 confident

考题 ____ in the city, he didn't know much about farm work. A.Having been brought upB.To have brought upC.Bring upD.Having brought up

考题 The young man has made so much noise that he_____ not have been allowed to attend the concert. A、couldB、mustC、wouldD、should

考题 _______to the dentist, he felt much better.A. WasB. BeenC. BeingD. Having been

考题 ________ more careful, the mistake would not have been made. A. if he isB. if he had beenC. if he has beenD. if he should be

考题 材料:The endorsement of a nonnegotiable bill does not make the bill negotiable or give the transferee any additional right.A person to whom a nonnegotiable bill has been transferred by delivery and agreement to transfer title to the bill or to the GOODs which it represents acquires the title to the GOODs as against the transferor.The transferee may also notify the carrier of the transfer to him,and the carrier is then obligated directly to the transferee for any obligations the carrier owed to the transferor immediately before the notification.More specifically,the carrier is liable to the owner of GOODs transported under a nonnegotiable bill,subject to the right of stoppage in transit.Besides having to be the owner of the GOODs covered by the nonnegotiable bill,the claimant in such a case must have actually relied in GOOD faith on statements made by the carrier on the bill.The carrier is liable for having stated on the bill that he received GOODs when in fact he had not,and for having delivered the GOODs in a quantity,kind,weight or condition other than as stated on the bill.In general,the carrier must deliver the GOODs on demand of the consignee named in a nonnegotiable bill of lading.However,on the endorsement of a nonnegotiable bill,the GOODs may be delivered to a party entitled to their possession.The carrier is liable toward the person having title to,or a right to possession of,the GOODs for delivering them to a party not entitled to their possession.问题:The endorsement of a nonnegotiable bill transfers ________.A.the title to the GOODs from the transferor to the transfereeB.the title to the GOODs from the transferee to the transferorC.in no way the title to the GOODs from the transferor to the transfereeD.the GOODs to the party entitled to their possessionThe transferee of a nonnegotiable bill acquires the title to the GOODs ________.A.by taking delivery of the bill and entering into an agreement to transfer title to the bill or to the GOODsB.by having the carrier actually delivered the GOODs to himC.by having the transferor endorsed the nonnegotiable billD.in no wayIf the GOODs were thus transferred,and the carrier delivered the GOODs in a quantity,kind,weight or condition other than as stated on the bill,________.A.he is liableB.he is not liableC.it can not be determined whether he is liable or notD.whether he is liable or not is to be determined by the law of the ship’s flagIn the event of a nonnegotiable bill has been actually transferred,if the carrier stated on the bill that he received GOODs when in fact he had not,________ is liable.A.heB.the transferorC.the transfereeD.the person having title to,or a right to possession of,the GOODs请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 ( )the same mistakes in the annual financial report again made his boss very angry.A.His having made B.He having made C.He had made D.He has made

考题 He( )having been frightened.A.acknowledged B.confessed C.recognized D.admitted

考题 He appreciated ______ the chance to deliver his thesis in the annual symposium on Comparative Literature.A.to have been given B.to have given C.having given D.having been given

考题 ______ that he would get a promotionsoon, he felt grateful and worked even harder.A.Having convinced B.Been convinced C.Convincing D.Convinced

考题 It might have been () who made the bid.A、himselfB、hisC、himD、he

考题 单选题A rogue loose called a hacker could take control of the entire system by implanting his own instructions in the software and then he could program the computer to erase any sign ______ .A of his being ever thereB he ever has been thereC of his having ever been thereD of him having ever been there

考题 单选题Having made his first film earlier this year, he is ______ starting in a new musical.A actuallyB recentlyC currentlyD lately

考题 单选题There’s one thing I dislike about him: he will never admit _____ a mistake.A having madeB makingC being madeD have been made

考题 单选题I marvel that he ______ , it having been said he had taken his final departure for Portugal.A was not here nowB should now be hereC had been awayD hasn’t left

考题 单选题Having been working in logistics for 3 years, he is more than() he used to be.A proudB braveC confident

考题 单选题Barter had been so humiliated that he felt himself to be()to every educated man he met.A inferiorB passiveC reasonableD self-fulfilling

考题 单选题Having been made speechless, he felt ______ a fool than he had expected.A likeB asC more ofD much of