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更多 “名词解释题突变(mutation)” 相关考题
考题 基因突变包括( ) A、错义突变B、无义突变C、同义突变D、移码突变E、通读突变

考题 基因突变并没有改变氨基酸编码,这种突变称为( )。 A.终止密码突变 B.错义突变 C.无义突变 D.同义突变 E.移码突变

考题 请说明基因突变的置换突变、移码突变、整码突变和片断突变方式。

考题 某基因突变,经过诱变剂处理后可以以很低的比例回复突变,突变回复率与诱变剂浓度有剂量相关性,那么下列最可能的是()。A、突变可能是插入突变B、突变可能是点突变C、突变可能是缺失突变D、突变可能是移码突变E、难以判断突变的类型。

考题 框移突变(frame-shift mutation)可能是基因编码顺序()。A、缺失一个碱基的突变B、连续缺失三个碱基的突变C、点突变D、连续插入三个碱基的突变

考题 诱变育种(induced mutation breeding)

考题 由于突变使编码密码子形成终止密码,此突变为。()A、错义突变B、无义突变C、终止密码突变D、同义突变

考题 Back mutation

考题 突变热点(hot spots of mutation)

考题 基因突变并没有改变氨基酸编码,这种突变称为()。A、终止密码突变B、错义突变C、无义突变D、同义突变E、移码突变

考题 点突变不包括下列哪项?()A、同义突变B、错义突变C、无义突变D、移码突变E、缺失

考题 动态突变(Dynamic mutation)

考题 Mutation breeding(诱变育种)

考题 通过基因突变,使苏氨酸(ACA)变为异亮氨酸(AUA),这种突变称为()。A、同义突变B、错义突变C、无义突变D、移码突变

考题 基因突变(gene mutation)

考题 名词解释题Mutation breeding(诱变育种)

考题 单选题框移突变(frame-shift mutation)可能是基因编码顺序()。A 缺失一个碱基的突变B 连续缺失三个碱基的突变C 点突变D 连续插入三个碱基的突变

考题 单选题中性突变包括同工突变和()。A 同义突变B 移码突变C 频发突变D 非频发突变

考题 单选题基因突变并没有改变氨基酸编码,这种突变称为()。A 终止密码突变B 错义突变C 无义突变D 同义突变E 移码突变

考题 多选题Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.  If a father of four children carries the Huntington’s mutation, which of these is true?ATwo of the four children may inherit the mutation.BTwo of the four children may have the disease.CTwo of the four children may end up disease free.

考题 多选题基因突变包括()A错义突变B无义突变C同义突变D移码突变E通读突变

考题 名词解释题动态突变(Dynamic mutation)

考题 名词解释题移码突变(Frame-shift mutation)

考题 名词解释题基因突变(Gene Mutation)

考题 名词解释题突变(mutation)

考题 名词解释题诱变育种(induced mutation breeding)

考题 单选题Which of the following is true about the immunity to HIV?A It is partly resistance to the mutation.B More Europeans have it than the people on other continents.C It is the result of outbreaks of the plague.D It is a mutation that protects white blood cells.

考题 单选题What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?A To stop people from drinking milk.B To refute the theory that milk is good for health.C To introduce us a new discovery on genetic mutation.D To infer the declination of the cattle industry.