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抽样误差(sampling error)


更多 “抽样误差(sampling error)” 相关考题
考题 All of the following statements about acceptance sampling are true except:A . Acceptance sampling plans are beneficial when the cost of inspection is high and the resulting loss of passing nonconforming units is not great.B . Acceptance sampling plans are necessary when destructive inspections are required.C . Acceptance sampling plans are never effective at rejecting nonconforming units as 100 percent inspection, even when the inspection process is very tedious.D . Acceptance sampling plans do not directly control the quality of a series of lots; they instead specify the risk of accepting lots of given quality.E . Acceptance sampling plans are not very effective for inspecting small lots of custom-made products.

考题 ( 31 )不属于 VBA 提供的程序运行错误处理的语句结构是、A On Error Then 标号B ON Error Goto 标号C On Error Resume NextD On Error Goto 0

考题 VBA中不能进行错误处理的语句是( )。A.On Error Goto标号B.On Error Then标号C.On Error ResumeNextD.On Error Goto 0

考题 This sampling was all _____ was left him from the time when he could afford to come.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. who

考题 VBA中不能进行错误处理的语句是( )。A.On Error Goto标号B.On Error Then标号C.On Error Resume NextD.On Error Goto 0

考题 下列程序的运行结果是( )。 A.error1:10.5B.error2C.error1:10.5 error2S 下列程序的运行结果是( )。A.error1:10.5B.error2C.error1:10.5 error2D.以上都不对

考题 下列代码的执行结果是( )。A.error1B.error2C.error1 error2D.2 error2

考题 VBA中不能进行错误处理的语句结构是A.On Error Then 标号B.On Error Goto 标号SXB VBA中不能进行错误处理的语句结构是A.On Error Then 标号B.On Error Goto 标号C.On Error Resume NextD.On Error Goto 0

考题 Whatisthetermthatisusedtodescribetheprocessofconvertingasignalfromdigitaltoanalog?() A.packetizationB.quantizationC.decodingD.sampling

考题 下列正确的说法有()。A、类型抽样只存在组内抽样误差,不存在组间抽样误差。B、类型抽样只存在组间抽样误差,不存在组内抽样误差。C、整群抽样只存在群间抽样误差,不存在群内抽样误差。D、整群抽样只存在群内抽样误差,不存在群间抽样误差。E、类型抽样既存在组内抽样误差,又存在组间抽样误差。

考题 Reliable delivery of messages is ensured by ______ techniques.A.forward error correctionB.aftward error correctionC.DGPSD.error-free and low error reception

考题 写出下列电磁流量计故障代码的含义:Error06(),Error07(),Error08(),Error20()。

考题 Which two statements are true about analog to digital conversion of voice signals for use in digital telephony networks?()A、The three required steps in the analog to digital conversion are sampling,encoding,and compression.B、The three required steps in the analog to digital conversion are sampling,quantization,and compression.C、The three required steps in the analog to digital conversion are sampling,quantization,and encoding.D、The output of the sampling process is a pulse code modulation (PCM) signal.E、The output of the sampling process is a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) signal.

考题 What is the term that is used to describe the process of converting a signal from digital to analog?()A、 packetizationB、 quantizationC、 decodingD、 sampling

考题 系统抽样(systematic sampling)

考题 cluster sampling

考题 便利取样(convenience sampling)

考题 简单随机取样(simple random sampling)

考题 Which of the following statements best describes error logging?()A、Syslogd creates error log entries in the system error log. B、The default error log is stored in /var/adm/ras/error.log. C、All entries in the error log are related to software problems. D、Error logging is automatically enabled during system initialization.

考题 Which of the following is TRUE about error processing?()A、The error daemon runs in the foreground and reads the /etc/errpt file. B、The error daemon is invoked by the user when required and it reads the /usr/lib/errpt. C、The error daemon is invoked whenever the error occurs and it reads the /usr/lib/errpt. D、The error daemon /usr/lib/errdemon runs in the background on most machines and reads the /dev/error special file.

考题 名词解释题便利取样(convenience sampling)

考题 单选题Which technique retrieves the error number when explicit DML fails?()A SQLCODE in an On-Error trigger. B SQLCODE in an exception handler. C DBMS_ERROR_CODE in an On-Error trigger. D DBMS_ERROR_CODE in an exception handler. 

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about analog to digital conversion of voice signals for use in digital telephony networks?()AThe three required steps in the analog to digital conversion are sampling,encoding,and compression.BThe three required steps in the analog to digital conversion are sampling,quantization,and compression.CThe three required steps in the analog to digital conversion are sampling,quantization,and encoding.DThe output of the sampling process is a pulse code modulation (PCM) signal.EThe output of the sampling process is a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) signal.

考题 名词解释题简单随机取样(simple random sampling)

考题 单选题Which of the following is TRUE about error processing?()A The error daemon runs in the foreground and reads the /etc/errpt file. B The error daemon is invoked by the user when required and it reads the /usr/lib/errpt. C The error daemon is invoked whenever the error occurs and it reads the /usr/lib/errpt. D The error daemon /usr/lib/errdemon runs in the background on most machines and reads the /dev/error special file.

考题 单选题What is the term that is used to describe the process of converting a signal from digital to analog?()A  packetizationB  quantizationC  decodingD  sampling

考题 单选题Which of the following statements best describes error logging?()A Syslogd creates error log entries in the system error log. B The default error log is stored in /var/adm/ras/error.log. C All entries in the error log are related to software problems. D Error logging is automatically enabled during system initialization.