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更多 “启动(priming)” 相关考题
考题 Priming of the tides occurs ______.A.at times of new and full MoonB.when the Earth, Moon, and Sun are lying approximately on the same lineC.when the Moon is between first quarter and full and between third quarter and newD.when the Moon is between new and first quarter and between full and third quarter

考题 Which statement is TRUE concerning deep well self-priming pumps ________.A.When loading oil cargo,it is always loaded via the discharge line through to the pump until the tank is topped offB.Stripping systems are generally eliminated for the purposes of cargo handlingC.In recent years deep well pumps have become increasingly unpopular in product tankers and medium size crude shipsD.There is no danger of damaging the pump from overheating

考题 状态估计的启动方式:()。A、手动启动、自动启动、定时启动三种方式。B、人工启动、周期启动、自动启动三种方式。C、人工启动、周期启动、定时启动三种方式。D、手动启动、定时启动、自动启动三种方式。

考题 鼠笼型异步电动机的启动方法有()。A、直接启动和升压启动B、升压启动和降压启动C、直接启动和全压启动D、直接启动和降压启动

考题 计算机的启动方式有()。A、热启动和复位启动B、热启动和冷启动C、加电启动冷启动D、只能是加电启动

考题 启动发动机,发动机启动电门放在“GRD”位时()。A、启动活门打开,启动机工作B、启动活门关闭,启动机工作C、启动活门关闭,启动机不工作D、启动活门打开,启动机不工作

考题 FGD系统的启动方式分为()启动,()启动,()启动三种启动方式。

考题 激发效应 priming effect

考题 微机启动的方式有()启动。A、热启动B、冷启动C、自动启动D、复位启动

考题 汽轮机的启动按启动前的汽缸温度分为四种启动方式即:()启动、()启动、()启动、()启动。

考题 多选题微机启动的方式有()启动。A热启动B冷启动C自动启动D复位启动

考题 单选题Priming of the tides occurs().A at times of new and full MoonB when the Earth,Moon,and Sun are lying approximately on the same lineC when the Moon is between first quarter and full and between third quarter and newD when the Moon is between new and first quarter and between full and third quarter

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is correct with regards to the operation of a centrifugal cargo pump?()A Oil is discharged from the impeller through the outletB Gravity causes the oil to flow toward the dischargeC The self-priming feature of the centrifugal pump enables it to draw its own suction as it startsD The discharge capacity varies directly with the speed of the impeller

考题 单选题Which of the following pumps are self-priming, and can deal with liquid from a level below the pump? () (1) reciprocating (2) rotary (3) centrifugalA (1)onlyB (1)and(2)C (1),(2)and(3)D (2)and(3)

考题 单选题Positive displacement, helical gear pumps are well suited for pumping oil because ()A stuffing boxes eliminate the leakage problems usually associated with other gear pumpsB it is not necessary to closely maintain design clearances with this pumpC they are essentially self-priming and produce a high suction liftD these pumps are designed with extreme tooth angled

考题 单选题计算机的启动方式有()。A 热启动和复位启动B 热启动和冷启动C 加电启动冷启动D 只能是加电启动

考题 名词解释题激发效应 priming effect

考题 单选题Which of the following operating features do displacement pumps bear if they are working under no-cavitation condition?() (1) output is almost directly proportional to speed (2) they are self-priming (3) they will develop a discharged pressure equal to the resistance to be overcome, irrespective of speedA (1)and(2)B (2)and(3)C (1)and(3)D (1),(2)and(3)

考题 单选题To operate a centrifugal fire pump at reduced capacity, you should ().A readjust the relief valveB throttle the suction lineC throttle the discharge valveD open the priming line

考题 判断题内隐记忆中的启动效应(priming effect)是指对刺激信息进行有意识的加工活动和过程,即先前呈现的刺激对后来执行相同或类似刺激加工的促进和易化现象,表现为反应速度加快、正确率提高等。A 对B 错

考题 单选题Which pump is the self-priming pump?()A turbineB centrifugalC ejectorD mixed flow

考题 单选题Which of the listed statements is correct concerning the starting of centrifugal pumps?()A They should always be started with the discharge valve closedB They should always be started with the discharge valve openedC A priming pump is always required to flood the impeller suctionD They should always be started with the sealing line valves closed

考题 填空题汽轮机的启动按启动前的汽缸温度分为四种启动方式即:()启动、()启动、()启动、()启动。

考题 单选题() or air venting arrangement is fitted to the fuel supply passage.A An air pumpB A compressorC A fuel pumpD A priming

考题 名词解释题启动(priming)

考题 单选题When operating with a negative suction head, which of the following types of pumps will require priming?()A ReciprocatingB CentrifugalC RotaryD Gear

考题 单选题When received the order "finished with engine" which of the following operations is wrong?()A stop the LO pump, SW pump, FW pumpB stop the priming FO transfer pumpC engage the turning gearD open the scavenge air belts drain valve and cover the turbocharger silencer with the dustproof cover