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Tourism has()agriculture as the nation's main industry.

  • A、replaced
  • B、redirected
  • C、reckoned
  • D、recalled


更多 “Tourism has()agriculture as the nation's main industry.A、replacedB、redirectedC、reckonedD、recalled” 相关考题
考题 He was an expert ________agriculture,archeology,and medicine. A. inB. atC. aboutD. on

考题 An office has been set up recently to examine the tourism industry.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 One office has been set up recently examined the tourism industry.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Rivers bring_______.A. people and cropsB. life and wealthC. poverty and deathD. agriculture and bridge

考题 The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism ( ) the wildlife in this are A、withB、onC、inD、at

考题 Briain has devoted about()of its land area to agriculture. A、50%B、60%C、70%D、84%

考题 The development of agriculture in this area has reached a new ________ in the last few years. A、beltB、bicycleC、buildD、level

考题 Which of the following has the largest demand for water?( )[A] Agriculture.[B] Industry.[C] Offices.[D] Family life.

考题 The recent increase in tourism has done less to improve the business of small retailers in this area than we ___predicted.A. original B. originally C. originated D. originality

考题 Text 1 Foreign cashiers and carers are now a fact oflife in Japan,especially in urban areas.The number of foreign workers has risen fast recently,t0 1.3m-some 2%of the workforce.Although visas that allow foreigners to settle in Japan are in theory mainly for highly skilled workers,in practice those with fewer skills may be admitted as students or trainees or as immigrants of Japanese extraction.In June the govemment announced that it would create a"designated-skills"visa in order to bring in 500,000 new workers by 2025,in agriculture,construction,hotels,nursing and shipbuilding.Japan has historically been cautious of admitting foreigners.It is one of the rich world's most homogenous countries:just 2%of residents are foreigners,compared with 4%in South Korea and 16%in France.The reasons for this attitude range from fears that outsiders will bring crime and damage societal practices,to concerns that Japanese residents will not be able to communicate properly with them.But Japan's population is old and getting smaller.To fill shortages in the labour force caused by the shrinking working-age population,govemment policy has focused on getting more women and old people into work,and using artificial intelligence.It has become apparent though that this is not enough;and businesses also want foreigners to help them remain competitive and to become more global.Indeed pressure from business is a big reason behind the change of tack.Over the past 20 years the number of workers under 30 has shrunk by a quarter.Another result of the greying population is the creation of ever more jobs,most notably as carers,that few Japanese want to do at the wages on offer.There are 60%more job vacancies than there are people looking for work.Industries such as agriculture and construction,as well as nursing,are increasingly dependent on foreigners.More exposure to foreigners,through a boom in tourism,has reassured Japanese,especially the young,that they can get along with them,too.Attracting the foreign workers Japan needs will not necessarily be easy.Language is a big barrier.Japanese-language abilities are not necessary for highly skilled workers wanting visas,but only a handful of companies work in English.Lowlier workers,who must pass a Japanese exam,are currallowed to bring their families and will not be able to under the"designated-skills"visa.Firms in which promotion is based on seniority rather than merit and in which long hours are the norm will find it hard to attract workers,too.Japan also needs to do more to help integrate foreigners.By accepting,for the most part,a small number of highly skilled workers,Japan has been able to get away without any inteUation policy.But as the number ofimmigrants rises,and especially as more low-skilled workers are admitted,this omission threatens to bring about some of the very concems that prompted the govemment to restrict immigration in the first place,such as ghettoisation and poverty. According to the author,Japan's efforts to attract foreigners are_____A.insufficient B.inefficient C.admirable D.encouraging

考题 Australia has very strict laws relating to the importation and possession of certain goods. Food, plant material and animal products from overseas, including many common souvenirs, could introduce some of the world′s most serious pests and diseases into Australia. Failing to declare quarantine items (需要检疫的物品) on arrival could destroy our agriculture, tourism industries and special environment. Every piece of luggage will be screened orx-rayed on arrival in Australia. So you must declare for inspection of all food, plant material and animal products to check that they are free of pest sand diseases. You must tick YES on the InformingPassenger Card (IPC) to declare if you are carrying any food, plant material oranimal products. In signing the IPC, passengers who are making a legal declaration and failing to answer all questions truth fully can have serious consequences. If you fail to declare or dispose of (处理) any quarantine items, or make a false declaration: * you will get caught; * you could be fined over A $ 200on-the-spot; or you could be prosecuted and fined more than A $ 60,000 and riskup to 10 years imprisonment; If you are not sure about the items you are carrying, ask a quarantine officer who will determine whether they are allowed into Australia. For what purpose is the passage written?A.To inform the passengers of the law on the exportation of goods. B.To warn the passengers not to take unsafe goods. C.To tell the passengers to Australia to have their quarantine items declared. D.To urge the passengers to protect the agriculture, tourism and environment.

考题 Australia has very strict laws relating to the importation and possession of certain goods. Food, plant material and animal products from overseas, including many common souvenirs, could introduce some of the world′s most serious pests and diseases into Australia. Failing to declare quarantine items (需要检疫的物品) on arrival could destroy our agriculture, tourism industries and special environment. Every piece of luggage will be screened orx-rayed on arrival in Australia. So you must declare for inspection of all food, plant material and animal products to check that they are free of pest sand diseases. You must tick YES on the InformingPassenger Card (IPC) to declare if you are carrying any food, plant material oranimal products. In signing the IPC, passengers who are making a legal declaration and failing to answer all questions truth fully can have serious consequences. If you fail to declare or dispose of (处理) any quarantine items, or make a false declaration: * you will get caught; * you could be fined over A $ 200on-the-spot; or you could be prosecuted and fined more than A $ 60,000 and riskup to 10 years imprisonment; If you are not sure about the items you are carrying, ask a quarantine officer who will determine whether they are allowed into Australia. The reason why you are asked todeclare quarantine items on arrival is that ____________.A.too many overseas products could destroy Australia' s tourism industry B.animal products are often the cause of various diseases C.as is known to us all, bad food can spread diseases easily D.these items may carry dangerous pests or diseases into AustraliA.

考题 Which of the following is not true of Britain.s agriculture?()ABritish farming is highly mechanized.BAgriculture in Britain is intensive.CBritish farming is very efficient.DBritain.s agriculture can produce enough food for its people

考题 中国生态农业(Chinese Ecological Agriculture)

考题 2010年“国际博物馆日”的主题是“博物馆与旅游【Museum and tourism】。

考题 Which of the following is not true of Britain.s agriculture?()A、British farming is highly mechanized.B、Agriculture in Britain is intensive.C、British farming is very efficient.D、Britain.s agriculture can produce enough food for its people

考题 问答题◆Topic 6: Is International Tourism an Effective Bridge of Different Nations?  Questions for Reference:  1. Why do you think people like to take an international tourism?  2. What kind of situation are the travelers most likely to be faced with when they get on an international tourism?  3. The international tourism does not promote understanding between people from different cultures. Do you agree?

考题 问答题Tourism, Globalization and Sustainable Development  Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the global economy and developing countries are attempting to cash in on this expanding industry in an attempt to boost foreign investment and financial reserves. While conceding that the uncontrolled growth of this industry can result in serious environmental and social problems, the United Nations contends that such negative effects can be controlled and reduced.  Before getting into the cold facts of global economics, let me begin with another story to warm up. I was perplexed when I recently read in the newspaper that Thailand’s forestry chief had said: “Humans can’t live in the forest because human beings aren’t animals. Unlike us, animals can adapt themselves to the wild or any environment naturally.” This was to legitimatize the government’s plan to remove hundreds of thousands of rural and hill tribe people from protected areas. This man, who is in charge of conserving the forests, is at the same time very strongly pushing to open up the country’s 81 national parks to outside investors and visitors in the name of “eco-tourism”. Can we conclude, then, that the forestry chief considers developers and tourists as animals that know how to adapt to the forest and behave in the wild naturally?  While authorities want to stop the access to forest lands and natural resources of village people, another group of people—namely tourism developers and tourists with lots of money to spend—are set to gain access to the area. While authorities believe that local people, who have often lived in the area for generations, are not capable of managing and conserving their land and natural resources—under a community forestry scheme for example—they believe they themselves in cooperation with the tourist industry can properly manage and conserve “nature” under a national eco-tourism plan. Taking the above quote seriously, cynics may be tempted to say there is obviously a gap between “human rights” and “animal rights”.  How is this story linked to globalization? First of all, that humans cannot live in the forest is—of course—not a Thai concept. It is a notion of Western conservation ideology—an outcome of the globalization of ideas and perceptions. Likewise, that eco-tourism under a “good management” system is beneficial to local people and nature is also a Western concept that is being globalized. In fact, Thailand’s forestry chief thinks globally and acts locally. A lesson that can be learned from this is that the slogan “Think Globally, Act Locally” that the environmental movements have promoted all the years, has not necessarily served to preserve the environment and safeguard local communities’ rights, but has been co-opted and distorted by official agencies and private industries for profit-making purposes. The tourism industry is demonstrating this all too well  Many developing countries, facing debt burdens and worsening trade terms, have turned to tourism promotion in the hope that it brings foreign exchange and investment. Simultaneously, leading international agencies such as the World Bank, United Nations agencies and business organizations like the Word Travel Tourism Council (WTTC) have been substantially involved to make tourism a truly global industry.  However, tourism in developing countries is often viewed by critics as an extension of former colonial conditions because from the very beginning, it has benefited from international economic relationships that structurally favor the advanced capitalist countries in the North. Unequal trading relationships, dependence on foreign interests, and the division of labor have relegated poor countries in the South to becoming tourism recipients and affluent countries in the North to the position of tourism generators, with the latter enjoying the freedom from having to pay the price for the meanwhile well-known negative impacts in destinations.

考题 单选题Which of the following has most probably been discussed in the paragraph that goes before the passage?A It is extreme y important to develop tourism.B Building roads and hotels is essential.C Support facilities are highly necessary.D Planning is of great importance to tourism.

考题 问答题Directions: Tourism is a multibillion dollars industry that supports economic development. But people hold different views about it. Write a composition about 160 words entitled Tourism—a Blessing or a Misfortune?based on the following points: different interpretations about tourism, and your opinion. Now write the composition on the AnswerSheet.

考题 单选题Which of the following is not true of Britain.s agriculture?()A British farming is highly mechanized.B Agriculture in Britain is intensive.C British farming is very efficient.D Britain.s agriculture can produce enough food for its people

考题 单选题Tourism has()agriculture as the nation's main industry.A replacedB redirectedC reckonedD recalled

考题 问答题Although the American economy has transformed itself over the years, certain issues have persisted since the early days of the republic. One is the continuing debate over the proper role for government in what is basically a marketplace economy. An economy based on free enterprise is generally characterized by private ownership and initiative, with a relative absence of government involvement. However, government intervention has been found necessary from time to time to ensure that economic opportunities are fair and accessible to the people, to prevent flagrant abuses, to dampen inflation and to stimulate growth.Ever since colonial times, the government has been involved, to some extent, in economic decision-making. The federal government, for example, has made huge investments in infrastructure, and it has provided social welfare programs that the private sector was unable or unwilling to provide. In a myriad of ways and over many decades, the government has supported and promoted the development of agriculture.

考题 单选题In more recent years,()has been used by civilians in many new ways to determine positions,such as in automobile and boat navigation,hiking,emergency rescue,and precision agriculture and mining.A GPSB GMDSSC AISD Navtex

考题 填空题A tourism bureau may provide you with maps.____

考题 名词解释题中国生态农业(Chinese Ecological Agriculture)

考题 问答题It is important to think about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them.

考题 单选题_____ Hongkong is often regarded as _____ international centre for business,finance and tourism.A /; anB An ; /C The ; /D /; the