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  • A、 function  sum
  • B、 procedure  next
  • C、 function  s(VAR s:real):integer
  • D、 procedure  f(a,b:real):char


更多 “下面函数首部或过程首部合法的是()A、 function  sumB、 procedure  nextC、 function  s(VAR s:real):integerD、 procedure  f(a,b:real):char” 相关考题
考题 变量是一种局部量,变量可在以下哪些位置进行定义 A.process、architecture、entityB.process、function、procedureC.function、entity、packageD.entity、package、procedure

考题 设有以下函数过程:Function fun(m As Integer) As IntegerDim k As Integer, sum As Integersum = 0For k = m To 1 Step -2sum = sum + kNext kfun = sumEnd Function若在程序中用语句 s = fun(10) 调用此函数,则s的值为______。

考题 下面子过程语句说明合法的是( )。A.Function f1(By Valn%)B.Sub f1(n%)As IntegerC.Function f1%(f1%)D.Sub f1(ByValn%())

考题 假定有以下函数过程: Function Fun(S As String) As String Dim sl As String For i=1 To Len(S) s1=UCase (Mid(S,i,1))+s1 Next i Fun=s1 End Function则Str2=Fun("abcdefg”)的输出结果为( )。A.abcdefgB.ABCDEFGC.gfedcbaD.GFEDCBA

考题 下面子过程说明合法的是( )。 A、Sub f1(ByVal n%())B、 Sub f1(%)As integerC、 Function f1%(f1%)D、 Function f1(ByVal n%)

考题 下列过程说明合法的是( ) A、Sub S1(ByVal n!())B、Sub S1(n!) as IntegerC、 Function S1%(S1%)D、 Function S1(ByVal n!)

考题 数组A在子过程或函数中定义为形参,正确的语句是( )。 A、Private Sub sele(ByVal A( ) As integer)B、Private Function sale(A() As Integer) As StringC、Private Sub sale(A() As Integer) As IntegerD、Private Sub sale(A(i) As Integer)

考题 下列过程语句中正确的是( )。A.Sub fl(By Val () As Integer)B.Sub fl(n() As Integer)As IntegerC.Function fl(fl As Integer)As IntegerD.Function fl(By Val f As Integer)

考题 下面子过程语句说明合法的是A.Sub f1(s1 As String*8)B.Sub f1(n()As Integer)As IntegerC.Function f1(f1 As Integer)As IntegerD.Function f1(By Val n As Integer)

考题 下列子过程语句中正确的是( )。A.Sub f1(ByVal() As Integer)B.Sub f1(n() As Integer)As IntegerC.Function f1(f1 As Integer)As IntegerD.Function f1(ByVa1 f as Integer)

考题 假定有以下函数过程:Function Fun(S As String)As StringDim Sl AS StringFor i=1 TO Len(S)sl=UCase(Mid(S,i,1))+slNext iFun=s1End Function则Str2= Fun("abcdefg")的输出结果为( )。A. abcdefg B.ABCDEFGC.gfedcba D.GFEDCBA

考题 对于函数原型void function(int x,float y,char z='a'),合法的函数调用是( )。A.function(2,3.Of)B.function(2,3,4)C.function(2)D.function()


考题 Which of the following are types of routine objects?() A.Package and functionB.Function and userexitC.Procedure and packageD.Function and procedure

考题 设下面程序段中调用fun函数传送实参a和b, main() { chara[10],b[10] ┇ fun(a,b); ┇ } 则在fun函数首部中,对形参错误的定义是( )A.fun(char a[10],b[10]){…}B.fun(char a1[],char a2[]){…}C.fun(char p[10],char q[10]){…}D.fun(char*s1,char*s2){…}


考题 在下列选项中,不正确的函数原型格式为()。Aint Function(int a);Bvoid Function (char);Cint Function(a);Dvoid int(double* a);

考题 以下哪段代码不能正确创建函数show()?()A、function show(text){ alert(text); }B、var showFun = function show(text){ alert(text); }C、var showFun = function(text){ alert(text); }D、var showFun =new function("text" , "alert(text)"};

考题 设有过程首部procedure f(VAR x:integer;y:real);若a,b为整型变量,c为实型变量,则合法的过程调用语句是()A、f(2,3)B、f(2,3.0)C、f(a+b,c)D、f(b,2)

考题 已知有如下说明:      var x,y:integer;          r,s:real;  下面赋值语句合法的是()A、s:=x+r;B、x:=s;C、y:=x+r/s;D、x:=x DIV s;

考题 以下是子过程或函数过程定义中的开始语句,错误的为()。A、Private Function f( x As String ) As SingleB、Private Function f( x As String )C、Private Sub f( x As String ) As SingleD、Private Sub f( x As String )

考题 EXPRESS语言通过一系列的说明来进行描述,这此说明主要包括()。A、类型说明(TypE.B、实体说明(Entity)C、规则说明(RulE.D、函数说明(Function)E、过程说明(ProcedurE.

考题 在Visual FoxPro中,用于调用模块程序的命令是()。A、FUNCTION<过程名>B、DO<文件名>WITH<实参表>C、PROCEDURE<过程名>D、SET PROCEDURE TO<过程文件>

考题 Which of the following are types of routine objects?()A、Package and functionB、Function and userexitC、Procedure and packageD、Function and procedure

考题 单选题下面函数首部或过程首部合法的是()A  function  sumB  procedure  nextC  function  s(VAR s:real):integerD  procedure  f(a,b:real):char

考题 单选题已知有如下说明:      var x,y:integer;          r,s:real;  下面赋值语句合法的是()A s:=x+r;B x:=s;C y:=x+r/s;D x:=x DIV s;

考题 单选题设有过程首部procedure f(VAR x:integer;y:real);若a,b为整型变量,c为实型变量,则合法的过程调用语句是()A f(2,3)B f(2,3.0)C f(a+b,c)D f(b,2)