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师长教师说:Draw a circle.学生画一个circle,这就属于课程标准里面谈到的用说话来做工作。


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考题 贾谊的早期教育内容主要包括() A、早谕教B、进左右C、重儒术D、尊师长

考题 画一个圆与三个对象相切,应使用Circle中哪一个选项()。A.相切、相切、半径B.相切、相切、相切C.3点D.圆心、直径

考题 阅读以下说明和C代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在的对应栏内。【说明】在一个简化的绘图程序中,支持的图形种类有点(point)和圆(circle),在设计过程中采用面向对象思想,认为所有的点和圆都是一种图形(shape),并定义了类型shape t、 point t和circle t分别表示基本图形、点和圆,并且点和圆具有基本图形的所有特征。【C代码】typedef enum { point,circle } shape type; /* 程序中的两种图形:点和圆 */typedef struct { /* 基本的图形类型 */shape_type type; /* 图形中类标识:点或者圆*/void (*destroy) (); /* 销毁图形操作的函数指针*/void (*draw) (); /* 绘制图形操作的函数指针*/} shape_t;typedef struct { shape_t common; int x; iht y; } point_t; /* 定义点类型, x, y为点坐标*/void destroyPoint (point_t* this) { free (this); printf ("Point destoryed!\n"); } ) /* 销毁点对象*/void drawPoint(point_t* this) { printf("P(%d,%d)", this-x, this-y); }/* 绘制点对象*/shape_t* createPoint (va_list* ap) (/* 创建点对象,并设置其属性*/point_t* p_point;if ( (p_point= (point_t*)malloc (sizeof (point_t)) ) ==NULL) returnNULL;p_point->common, type = point; p_point-common, destroy = destroyPoint;p_point->common.draw = drawPoint;p_point->x = va_arg(*ap, int); /* 设置点的横坐标*/p_point->y = va_arg(*ap, int); /* 设置点的纵坐标*/return (shape_t*)p_ooint; /*返回点对象指针*/}typedef struct { /*定义圆类型*/shape_t common;point_t 4center; /*圆心点*/int radius; /*圆半径*/} circle_t;void destroyCircle(circle_t* this){free((1)); free(this); printf("Circle destoryed!\n");}void drawCircle(circle_t* this) {print f ("C (");(2).draw(this->center); /*绘制圆心*/printf(",%d) ", this->radius);}shape_t* createCircle(va_list4 ap) { /*创建一个圆,并设置其属性*/circle_t4 p circle;if ((p_circle = (circle_t4)malloc (sizeof (circle_t)) ) ==NULL ) return NULL;p_circle->common.type = circle; p_circle->common.destroy = destroyCircle;p_circle->common.draw = drawCircle;(3) = createPoint(ap); /* 设置圆心*/p_circle->radius = va_arg(*ap, int); /* 设置圆半径*/return p_circle;}shape_t* createShape(shape_type st, "') { /* 创建某一种具体的图形*/va_list ap; /*可变参数列表*/&nbs

考题 当对Draw Width进行设置后,将影响( )。A.Line、Circle、Pset方法B.Line、Shape控件C.Line、Circle、Point方法D.Line、Circle、Pset方法和Line、Shape控件

考题 Software maintenance is to do necessary modification, supplenemt, and completeness during software life circle. Among the following vary kinds of maintenance, which one has the maximum workload in a general way?(73).A.relevance maintenanceB.completeness maintenanceC.correctness naintenanceD.other kinds of maintenance

考题 根据下面资料,回答题 T:同学们,我们来唱首歌:Let’s sing and dance. S: OK. .... T: (point to a picture) What′ s this S: It′ s a picture. T: Good. Look at the picture, what′ s the boy doing He is drawing. Read after me, draw, draw. T: Well done. Now let′ s play a game. I do, you say. (教师做画画动作,学生说"draw") T: Now let′s listen and do. (教师说"draw",学生做动作) 找出老师值得借鉴的地方并说明理由。(5分)

考题 阅读下列说明和C++代码,填写程序中的空(1)~(6),将解答写入答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】以下C++代码实现一个简单绘图工具,绘制不同形状以及不同颜色的图形。部分类及其关系如图6-1所示。 【C++代码】#include #include using namespace std;class DrawCircle { //绘制圆形,抽象类 public: (1) ;//定义参数为 int radius, int x, int y virtual~DrawCircle() { }}; class RedCircle:public DrawCircle { //绘制红色圆形 public: void drawCircle(int radius, int x, int y) { cout drawCircle = drawCircle; } virtual~shape() { } public: virtual void draw() = 0;}; class Circle:public Shape { //圆形 private: int x,y,radius; public: Circle(int x,int y,int radius,DrawCircle *drawCircle) (3) { this->x = x; this->y = y; this->radius = radius; } public: void draw() { drawCircle -> (4) ; }}; int main(){ Shape *redCircle=new Circle(100,100,10, (5) );//绘制红色圆形 Shape *greenCircle=new Circle(100,100,10, (6) );//绘制绿色圆形 redCircle ->draw(); greenCircle ->draw(); return 0;}

考题 一学生画一个老师的漫画。老师哭着走开了,班主任怎么办?

考题 有的老师说应该对学生严厉,有的老师说应该对学生仁慈,你怎么看?

考题 阅读以下说明和Java程序,填写程序中的空(1)~(6),将解答写入答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】 以下Java代码实现一个简单绘图工具,绘制不同形状以及不同颜色的图形。部分接口、类及其关系如图5-1所示。 【Java代码】 interface?DrawCircle?{? //绘制圆形 public(1) ;}class?RedCircle?implements?DrawCircle?{? ?//绘制红色圆形???????public?void?drawCircle(int?radius,intx,?int?y)??{????????????System.out.println("Drawing?Circle[red,radius:"?+?radius?+",x:"?+?x?+?",y:"?+y+?"]");???????}}class?GreenCircle?implements?DrawCircle?{????//绘制绿色圆形??????public?void?drawCircle(int?radius,?int?x,int?y)?{???????????System.out.println("Drawing?Circle[green,radius:"?+radius+",x:?"?+x+?",y:?"?+y+?"]");??????}}abstract?class?Shape?{????//形状? protected? ? (2)???;? ? public?Shape(DrawCircle?drawCircle)?{? ?this.drawCircle=?drawCircle;? ? ? public?abstract?void?draw();}class?Circle?extends?Shape?{? //圆形? ?private?int?x,y,radius;? public?Circle(int?x,int?y,intradius,DrawCircle?drawCircle)?{? ?(3)???;? this.x?=?x;? ? ? this.y?=?y;? ?this.radius?=radius;? }? ? ?public?void?draw()?{? ? drawCircle.? ?(4)? ?;? ? ? }}public?class?DrawCircleMain?{? public?static?void?main(String[]?args)?{? Shape?redCircle=new?Circle(?100,100,10,? (5) );//绘制红色圆形? Shape?greenCircle=new?Circle(200,200,10,(6) );//绘制绿色圆形? ?redCircle.draw(); greenCircle.draw();? ?}}

考题 学生尊敬师长应注意哪些礼仪?

考题 师长教师说:Draw a circle.学生画一个circle,这就属于课程标准里面谈到的用说话来做工作。

考题 学生登门拜访师长时应注意哪些礼仪?

考题 画一个圆与三个对象相切,应使用Circle中哪一个选项()A、相切、相切、半径B、相切、相切、相切C、3点D、圆心、直径

考题 在杨师长教师的教授教化评价规划中参与评价的主体有()。A、学生。B、组长。C、师长教师。D、校长。E、家长。

考题 《教育法》中规定,学生有(),尊敬师长,()的义务。

考题 《教育法》中规定,学生有遵守学生行为规范,尊敬师长,()和()的义务。

考题 某绘图软件,画线语句为DRAW,其参量U、D、E、G表示向上、向下、向右上、向左下画线,B、N表示不画线和画后返回原起点,则语句DRAW“NE141;BU100;G141;BU100;G141”表示()A、画一条曲线B、画一条直线C、画二条直线D、画三条直线

考题 用CIRCLE命令在一个三角形中画一内接圆,最佳绘图方式是()。A、2P方式B、TTR方式C、计算圆心和半径D、选择菜单“绘图-圆-相切、相切、相切”

考题 判断题师长教师说:Draw a circle.学生画一个circle,这就属于课程标准里面谈到的用说话来做工作。A 对B 错

考题 单选题某绘图软件,画线语句为DRAW,其参量U、D、E、G表示向上、向下、向右上、向左下画线,B、N表示不画线和画后返回原起点,则语句DRAW“NE141;BU100;G141;BU100;G141”表示()A 画一条曲线B 画一条直线C 画二条直线D 画三条直线

考题 单选题画一个圆与三个对象相切,应使用Circle中哪一个选项()A 相切、相切、半径B 相切、相切、相切C 3点D 圆心、直径

考题 多选题public abstract class Shape {  private int x;  private int y;  public abstract void draw();  public void setAnchor(int x, int y) {  this.x = x;  this.y = y;  }  }  Which two classes use the Shape class correctly?()Apublic class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; }Bpublic abstract class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; }Cpublic class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }Dpublic abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }Epublic class Circle extends Shape { private int radius;public void draw() {/* code here */} }Fpublic abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius;public void draw() { / code here */ } }

考题 问答题学生尊敬师长应注意哪些礼仪?

考题 单选题public abstract class Shape {  int x;  int y;  public abstract void draw();  public void setAnchor(int x, int y) {  this.x = x;  this.y = y;  }  }  and a class Circle that extends and fully implements the Shape class. Which is correct?()A  Shape s = new Shape(); s.setAnchor(10,10); s.draw();B  Circle c = new Shape(); c.setAnchor(10,10); c.draw();C  Shape s = new Circle(); s.setAnchor(10,10); s.draw();D  Shape s = new Circle(); s-setAnchor(10,10); s-draw();E  Circle c = new Circle(); c.Shape.setAnchor(10,10); c.Shape.draw();

考题 单选题A circle has an area of A, A second circle has a diameter four times that of the first circle. What is the area of the second circle?A 2AB 4AC 8AD 16AE 32A

考题 问答题学生登门拜访师长时应注意哪些礼仪?

考题 单选题用CIRCLE命令在一个三角形中画一内接圆,最佳绘图方式是()。A 2P方式B TTR方式C 计算圆心和半径D 选择菜单“绘图-圆-相切、相切、相切”