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A.Dry steam plants
B.Binary plants
C.Origin of geothermal energy
D.Generation of electricity
E.Flash steam plants
F.Recyclable water and steam


更多 “Paragraph4_____A.Dry steam plants B.Binary plants C.Origin of geothermal energy D.Generation of electricity E.Flash steam plants F.Recyclable water and steam” 相关考题
考题 共用题干 Animal's “Sixth Sense”A tsunami(海啸)was triggered(引发)by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean in December, 2004.It killed tens of thousands of people in Asia and East Africa. Wild animals,1, seem to have escaped that terrible tsunami. This phenomenon adds weight to notions that they possess a“sixth sense” for2 ,experts said.Sri Lankan wildlife officials have said the giant waves that killed over 24,000 people along the Indian Ocean island's coast clearly 3 wild beasts,with no dead animals found.“No elephants are dead,not4a dead rabbit. I think animals can5 disaster.They have a sixth sense. They know when things are happening,”H.D. Ratnayake,deputy director of Sri Lanka's Wildlife Department,said about one month after the tsunami attack. The6washed floodwaters up to 2 miles inland at Yala National Park in the ravaged(被 毁坏的)southeast, Sri Lanka's biggest wildlife7and home to hundreds of wild elephants and several leopards(豹).“There has been a lot of8 evidence about dogs barking or birds migrating before volcanic eruptions(火山爆发)or earthquakes. But it has not been proven ,” said Matthew van Lierop,an animal behavior 9 at Johannesburg Zoo.“There have been no10studies because you can't really test it in a lab or field setting , ” he told Reuters. Other authorities concurred(同意)with this11.“Wildlife seem to be able to pick up certain12 ,especially birds…there are many re- ports of birds detecting impending(迫近的)disasters , ” said Clive Walker , who has written several books on African wildlife.Animals13 rely on the known senses such as smell or hearing to avoid danger such as predators(食肉动物).The notion of an animal “sixth sense”一or14other mythical power一is an enduring one which the evidence on Sri Lanka's ravaged coast is likely to add15.12._________A: way B: behavior C: principle D: phenomenon

考题 共用题干 第三篇Pool WatchSwimmers can drown in busy swimming pools when lifeguards fail to notice that they are in trouble.A report says that on average 15 people drown in British pools each year,but many more suffer major injury after getting into difficulties.Now a French company has developed an artificial intelligence system called Poseidon that sounds the alarm when it sees someone in danger of drowning.When a swimmer sinks towards the bottom of the pool,the new system sends an alarm signal to a poolside monitoring station and a lifeguard's pager(呼机).In trials at a pool in Ancenis,near Nantes,it saved a life within just a few months,says Alistair McQuade,a spokesman for its maker,Poseidon Technologies.Poseidon keeps watch through a network of underwater and overhead video cameras. Al software analyses the images to work out swimmers' trajectories(轨迹).To do this reliably,it has to tell the difference between a swimmer and the shadow of someone being cast onto the bottom or side of the pool.It does the same with an image from another camera viewing the shape from a different angle.If the two projections are in the same position,the shape is identified as a shadow and is ignored.But if they are different,the shape is a swimmer and so the system follows its trajectory.To pick out potential drowning victims,anyone in the water who starts to descend slowly is added to the software's"pre-alert"(预先警戒)list,says McQuade. Swimmers who then stay immobile on the pool bottom for 5 seconds or more are considered in danger of drowning.Poseidon double-checks that the image really is of a swimmer,not a shadow, by seeing whether it obscures(使模糊)the pool's floor texture when viewed from overhead. If so,it alerts the lifeguard,showing the swimmer's location on a poolside screen.The first full-scale Poseidon system will be officially opened next week at a pool in High Wycombe,Buckinghamshire.One man who is impressed with the idea is Travor Baylis, inventor of the clockwork(时钟装置)radio. Baylis runs a company that installs swimming pools-and he was once an underwater escapologist(脱身杂技演员)with a circus(马戏团)."I say full marks to them if this works and can save lives,"he says. How does Baylis look at the Poseidon system?A:He thinks it is too expensive.B:He thinksi t is a good system.C:He thinks it is not efficient enough.D: He thinks it is as good as the British pool watch system.

考题 共用题干 Free Statins with Fast Food could Neutralize Heart RiskFast food outlets could provide statin drugs free of1so that customers can reduce the heart disease dangers of fatty food,researchers at Imperial College London 2in a new study.Statins reduce the3of unhealthy“LDL” cholesterol in the blood. A wealth of trial data has proven them to be highly effective at lowering a person's heart attack4.In a paper published in the American Journal of Cardiology,Dr Darrel Francis and colleagues calculate that the reduction in heart attack risk offered by a statin is5to offset the increase in heart attack risk from6a cheeseburger and drinking a milkshake.Dr Francis,from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London,who is the senior author of the study,said:“Statins don't cut out all of the7effects of cheeseburgers and French fries. It's better to avoid fatty food altogether. But we've worked out that in terms of your8of having a heart attack. Taking a statin can reduce your risk to more or less the same9 as a fast food meal increases it.”“It's ironic that people are free to take as many unhealthy condi-ments in fast food outlets as they10,but statins,which are beneficial to heart health,have to be prescribed. It makes sense to make risk-reducing statins available just as easily as the unhealthy condiments that are 11 free of charge. It would cost less than 5 pence per/u>12一not much different to a sachet of sugar.”Dr Francis said.When people engage in risky behaviours like driving or smoking,they're encouraged to take13that lower their risk,like14a seatbelt or choosing cigarettes with filters.Taking a statin is a rational way of15some of the risks of eating a fatty meal.7._________A: unhealthy B: strong C: different D: doubtful

考题 共用题干 第二篇The First Navigational LightsIn the New World,navigational lights were probably lanterns hung at harbor entrances.The first lighthouse was put up by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1716 on little Brewster Island at the entrance to Boston Harbor. Paid for and maintained by"light dues"levied on ships,the original beacon was blown up in 1776.By then there were only a dozen of so true lighthouses in the colonies. Little over a century later,there were 700 lighthouses.The first lighthouses erected on the west coast in the 1850's featured the same basic new England design:a Cape Cod dwelling with the tower rising from the center or standing close by.In New England and elsewhere,though,lighthouses reflected a variety of architectural styles.Since most stations in the Northeast were built on rocky eminences,enormous towers were not the rule.Some were made of stone and brick,others of wood or metal. Some stood on pilings or stilts;some were fastened to rock with iron rods.Farther south from Maryland through the Florida Keys,the coast was low and sandy. It was often necessary to build tall towers there一massive structures like the majestic Cape Hatteras,North Carolina lighthouse,which was lit in 1870.At 190 feet,it is the tallest brick lighthouse in the country.Notwithstanding differences in appearance and construction,most American lighthouses shared several features:a light,living quarters and sometimes a bell(or,later,a foghorn).They also had something else in common. A keeper and usually,the keeper's family.The keeper' s essential task was trimming the lantern wick in order to maintain a steady,bright flame.The earliest keepers came from every walk of life;they were seamen,farmers,mechanics,rough mill hands and appointments were often handed out by local customs commissioners as political plums.After the administration of lighthouses was taken over in 1 852 by the United states Lighthouse Board,an agency of the Treasury Department,the keeper gradually became highly professional.Why does the author mention the Massachusetts Bay Colony?A:The first lantern wicks were developed there.B:It was the headquarters of the United States Lighthouse Board.C:Many of the tallest lighthouses were built there.D:The first lighthouse in North America was built there.

考题 共用题干 Water and its importance to human life were the center of the world's attention last week. March 22 was World Water Day and______(51)the theme"Water for Life”.There are more than one billion people in the world who live without______(52)drinking water. The United Nations______(53)to cut this number in half by 2015.Solving such a big problem seems like a(n)______(54)challenge.But everyone,even teenagers,can do something to help.A teenage girl in the US has set an example to the______(55)of her age around the world.Rene Haggerty,13,was awarded the 2004 Gloria Barron Prize for her work—_______(56) discarded(废弃的)batteries(电池)which pollute water.In 2003,Haggerty went on a field trip to the Great Lakes Science Centre in Ohio.There she saw an exhibit about how______(57)in old batteries harm the water of Lake Erie.Haggerty learnt that______(58)the batteries was an easy solution."I think everybody can do it,because everyone uses batteries,and it can make a big difference."With these words,she began to.______(59)awareness in her area.She______(60)her county government and school board. She got permission to start a re-cycling program in schools,hospital,churches______(61)the public library. With the help from her family,friends and local waste-management______(62),she gathered containers,arranged transportation,and made an educational video.Over the past two years,she collected four tons of batteries and drew the attention of officials, who were in charge of a battery recycling program but had made______(63)progress.When asked______(64)she feels like a hero,Haggerty is quite modest."Not really. Well,maybe for the fish I saved!"Every year the Gloria Barron Prize is______(65)to young Americans aged 8 to 1 8 who have shown leadership and courage in serving the public and the planet. Each year ten winners receive US MYM 2,000 each,to help with their education costs or their public service work._________(63)A:much B:no C:some D:little