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Beneficiary是指(  )。


更多 “Beneficiary是指(  )。 A.开证人 B.受益人 C.付款人 D.议付人” 相关考题
考题 航向和流向()。 A、都是指来向B、航向是指来向,流是指去向C、都是指去向D、航向是指去向,流是指来向

考题 风和海流的方向()。 A、都是指来向B、风是指来向,流是指去向C、都是指去向D、风是指去向,流是指来向

考题 听力原文:M: We haven't set up correspondent relations with Standard Chartered Bank, London.W: Then we shall try to find another bank to have our letter or credit advised.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?(18)A.Standard Chartered Bank, London is one of our correspondent banks.B.We can advise this L/C through Standard Chartered Bank, London.C.We will send the advice of the L/C directly to the beneficiary.D.Another bank will be chosen as the advising bank of this L/C.

考题 The purchaser of a draft/documents presented under a straight documentary credit only has the right ______.A.to protest the issuing bankB.to present the drafts/documents on behalf of the beneficiaryC.to purchase the beneficiary's drafts/documentsD.to present the draft/documents by himself

考题 A credit may be advised to a beneficiary through another bank (the advising bank) without engagement on the part of the advising bank, but that bank, if it elects to advise the credit, shall ______.A.inform. the issuing bank of the credit which it advises without delayB.endorse the amount negotiated on the reverse of the credit which it advisesC.add his confirmation to the credit which it advisesD.take reasonable care to check the apparent authenticity of the credit which it advises

考题 Why is the British bank able to offer its customer a banker's draft drawn in dollar?A.Its US correspondent bank prefers to make the payment.B.It will send dollar in cash by airmail.C.It has a dollar account with another bank in an American city where the beneficiary lives.D.Its customer has a dollar account with it.

考题 听力原文:If you open a transferable credit, the credit is established in favor of the middleman.(10)A.The supplier is the prime beneficiary of a transferable L/C.B.The middleman is the prime beneficiary of a transferable L/C.C.Neither the supplier nor the middleman is the beneficiary of a transferable L/C.D.In order to be in favor of the middleman, you should open a transferable credit.

考题 Unless otherwise stated in the letter of credit, banks will not accept ______ presented by the beneficiary.A.open coverB.cover noteC.insurance certificateD.insurance policy

考题 As far as the beneficiary is concerned the letter of credit which is available by ______ is the least favorable.A.negotiationB.acceptanceC.sight paymentD.deferred payment

考题 听力原文:There are primarily three principal parties involved: the trustor, the beneficiary and the trustee.(8)A.The trustor, the beneficiary and the settlor are primarily three principal parties.B.The trustor, the beneficiary and the trustee are primarily three principal parties.C.The trustor, the beneficiary and the grantor are primarily three principal parties.D.The trustor, the beneficiary and the donor are primarily three principal parties.

考题 If the beneficiary does not bank at the bank on whom the draft is drawn, the funds will be treated as ______.A.uncollectedB.unclearedC.unclaimedD.uncommitted

考题 Beneficiary是指(  )。 A.开证人 B.受益人 C.付款人 D.议付人

考题 Usually, the consignor is the same party as the ( ). A. buyer B. seller C. notify party D. beneficiary

考题 英语缩略词ECU是指(),SPI是指(),MPI是指(),SFI是指()

考题 RPI、RPA卡环中R是指();P是指()I是指();A是指()。

考题 信用证上若未注明汇票的付款人,根据国际惯例,汇票的付款人应是()。A、The ApplicantB、The Issuing BankC、The Negotiation BankD、The Beneficiary

考题 PR是指();PRRS是指();PPV是指();AR是指();PRDC是指()。

考题 在鸡的病毒性传染病中,IB是指();ILT是指();MD是指();IBD是指();EDS76是指();DVE是指()。

考题 In the case of MT,the remitting bank issues a draft to its customer,and directs its foreign branch or correspondent by mail to make the payment to the beneficiary.

考题 察状首部所列的“原禀”,是指();“被禀”,是指();“干证”,是指();“照出”是指();“歇家”,是指()。

考题 Bank of China informs the beneficiary, a Chinese import and export company that a foreign bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor. The bank does not add its engagement by informing the beneficiary. The Bank of China ia acting as ().A、The issusing bankB、The advising bankC、The confirming bankD、The negotiating bank

考题 PDCA循环中,P是指(),D是指(),C是指(),A是指()。

考题 填空题PR是指();PRRS是指();PPV是指();AR是指();PRDC是指()。

考题 单选题Bank of China informs the beneficiary, a Chinese import and export company that a foreign bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor. The bank does not add its engagement by informing the beneficiary. The Bank of China ia acting as ().A The issusing bankB The advising bankC The confirming bankD The negotiating bank

考题 填空题在鸡的病毒性传染病中,IB是指();ILT是指();MD是指();IBD是指();EDS76是指();DVE是指()。

考题 填空题PDCA循环中,P是指(),D是指(),C是指(),A是指()。

考题 填空题MURDER学习策略系统中M是指(),U是指()R是指,D是指(),E是指(),R是指()。

考题 判断题In the case of MT,the remitting bank issues a draft to its customer,and directs its foreign branch or correspondent by mail to make the payment to the beneficiary.A 对B 错