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Margaret Thatcher gave a moving speech.



解析:本题考查的是对形容词的认知能力。本句意思:玛格丽特·撒切尔做了一场感人的讲演。moving感人的。A.fast快速的;B.foolish愚蠢的;C.nervous紧张的;D.stirring激动人心的,例如:I doubt if his deeds would match his stirring words.我怀疑他的行动是否会与他那激动人心的话一致。moving和stirring意思最接近,所以选D。
更多 “Margaret Thatcher gave a moving speech.A:fast B:foolish C:nervous D:stirring” 相关考题
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考题 单选题Margaret Thatcher believed in the following except()A self-relianceB the strengthening of trade unionsC privatizationD the use of monetary policies to control inflation

考题 问答题Practice 2  In those days, Britain's biggest-selling daily paper, the sun, part of Rupert Murdoch's media empire, was no friend of Labour, indeed it had been Margaret Thatcher's biggest cheerleader. That morning, on its front page, it depicted the bald head of the then Labour leader Neil Kinnock as a light bulb. Alongside ran the headline: “If Kinnock wins today, will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights?” Labour lost. By the next election, Tony Blair was the party's leader and determined to win over, or at least neutralize, The Sun and its owner. He succeeded, moving the Labor Party towards the center ground, and gaining The Sun's endorsement at the last three elections.  Once in Government, Labour played hardball with the media, relishing its power, and aware that if it did not take charge of the agenda, the media would. Its key figure was the former political editor of the Daily Mirror, Alasdair Campbell, who took charge not just of the Prime Minister's press office but all government press officers, trying to ensure the Government spoke with one voice. Journalists who reported favorably were given privileged access; those who didn't were frozen out.

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