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Margaret Thatcher believed in the following except()



the strengthening of trade unions




the use of monetary policies to control inflation


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Margaret Thatcher believed in the following except()A self-relianceB the strengthening of trade unionsC privatizationD the use of monetary policies to control inflation” 相关考题
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考题 You wish to enable an audit policy for all database users, except SYS, SYSTEM, and SCOTT.You issue the following statements: SQL AUDIT POLICY ORA_DATABASE_PARAMETER EXCEPT SYS;SQL AUDIT POLICY ORA_DATABASE_PARAMETER EXCEPT SYSTEM; SQL AUDIT POLICY ORA_DATABASE_PARAMETER EXCEPT SCOTT; For which database users is the audit policy now active?()A、All users except SYSB、All users except SCOTTC、All users except sys and SCOTTD、All users except sys, system, and SCOTT

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