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The announcement led to violent civil disorders in the society.



解析:本题考查的是对名词的认知。这句话的意思是:这次公布的消息在社会上引起了公民的暴力混乱。disorder的意思是混乱。选项A administration管理。选项B disability无能。选项C chaos混乱,例如:There was absolute chaos when the air-controllers came out on strike.航空调度员罢工时出现了极度混乱的状态。选项D anguish(心理上的)极度痛苦。 disorder和chaos意思相近,所以选C。
更多 “The announcement led to violent civil disorders in the society.A:administration B:disability C:chaos D:anguish” 相关考题
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