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We originaliy intended to stay for just a few days.



解析:本句意思是:我们最初想就待几天。句中originally意为“起初”:例如: The town was originally poor and isolated from the outside world.这个村庄起初是贫穷的、与世隔绝的。四个选项中:finally意为“最后地”。 eventually与finally含义相近,意为“最终地”。 primitively意为“起初”,例如:I'm afraid something have been primitively programmed.我担心有些事是提前规划好了的。basically意为“基本地”,例如:So we are basically in agreement on that agenda.那么我们基本在日程问题上意见一致了。只有选项C同句中画线单词含义接近。
更多 “ We originaliy intended to stay for just a few days.A:finally B:eventually C:primitively D:basically” 相关考题
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