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I found the formality of the occasion irritating.



解析:本句意思是:我发现这种场合的正式感令人厌恶。句中irrtatng意为“令人讨厌的”,例如:They have the irritating habit of interrupting.他们有爱打岔的烦人习惯。四个选项中:painful当形容词讲意为“痛的”,例如:Her glands were swollen and painful.她腺体肿痛。attractive意为“吸引人的”,例如:The story is so attractive that she read it again.这个故事很吸引人,她又读了一遍。annoying意为“恼人的”,例如:You must have found my attitude annoying.你肯定觉得我的态度讨人厌。horrible意为“可怕的”,例如:I have never heard such a hor-rible story.我从没听过这么可怕的故事。只有选项C同句中画线单词含义接近。
更多 “ I found the formality of the occasion irritating.A:painful B:attractive C:annoying D:horrible” 相关考题
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