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Iron Deficiencies

Experts have observed for years that endurance athletes,particularly females,frequently have iron deficiencies.Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women.
"We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss,"says Roseanne M.Lyle,associate professor at Purdue.Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise."Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back,"she notes."But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a significant decrease in iron levels."
Iron deficiency is very common among women in general,affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45,respectively.But the ratio is even greater among active women,affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes.This means,Lyle says,that"too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in."
Women of childbearing age are at greatest risk,since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.Plus,many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat,which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron.And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight,they may not consume enough iron-rich food,and are liable to experience a deficiency.
"The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance of iron," notes another expert."For a woman who already has a poor iron status,any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency,"notes the expert. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms.Some iron is lost in sweat,and,for unknown reasons,intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system.
The best sources of iron,and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body,are meat,chicken,and fish.Good sources of other forms of iron include dates,beans,and some leafy green vegetables.

Who will have the least risk of having iron loss?
A:Women of childbearing age.
B:Women who reject red meat.
C:Women who take dates and beans often.
D:Women who control their weight by taking less meat and vegetables.


解析:文章第一段第一句告诉我们endurance athletes会缺铁,它是指“耐力运动员”。选项A是指“跳高运动员”,选项B是指“举重运动员”,选项C是指“马拉松运动员”,选项D是指“短跑运动员”。因此选项C最合适。
更多 “共用题干 第三篇Iron DeficienciesExperts have observed for years that endurance athletes,particularly females,frequently have iron deficiencies.Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women."We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss,"says Roseanne M.Lyle,associate professor at Purdue.Her study of 62 formerly inactive women who began exercising three times a week for six months was published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise."Women who consumed additional meat or took iron supplements were able to bounce back,"she notes."But the new exercisers who followed their normal diet showed a significant decrease in iron levels."Iron deficiency is very common among women in general,affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45,respectively.But the ratio is even greater among active women,affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes.This means,Lyle says,that"too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in."Women of childbearing age are at greatest risk,since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss.Plus,many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat,which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron.And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight,they may not consume enough iron-rich food,and are liable to experience a deficiency."The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance of iron," notes another expert."For a woman who already has a poor iron status,any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency,"notes the expert. Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms.Some iron is lost in sweat,and,for unknown reasons,intense endurance exercise is sometimes associated with bleeding of the digestive system.The best sources of iron,and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body,are meat,chicken,and fish.Good sources of other forms of iron include dates,beans,and some leafy green vegetables.Who will have the least risk of having iron loss?A:Women of childbearing age.B:Women who reject red meat.C:Women who take dates and beans often.D:Women who control their weight by taking less meat and vegetables.” 相关考题
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