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A lot of people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water.
更多 “A lot of people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water.A:muddled B:polluted C:mixed D:troubled” 相关考题
People went to Hollywood to make films becauseA. it was a beautiful placeB. they could find many film starsC. there was a lot of sunlight thereD. it was a famous place
Passage FiveAustralia is nearly as large as the United States, but most of it is too dry for people to live in. Aroundthis dry part are large sheep and cow farms. A few of them are as large as the smallest states: of America.Often the nearest neighbours are several hundred kilometers away.The two-way radio is very important to people who live on these great Australian farms. It works much like atelephone. A person can listen to someone else talk and then gives an answer. For example, people onthe large farms could talk to a doctor far away. They could tell the doctor about someone who was ill,and the doctor could let them know how to look after the sick person.As the large farms were so far from towns, the children could not go to school. Radio schools werestarted for them in some places. At a certain time each day, boys and girls turn on their radios andlisten to teachers in cities far away.Families on the large farms wanted to give news to their neighbours. The programme Round RobinTalks by radio was started to keep families in touch with each other. They could talk about who wasgoing away and who was iii. The men could talk about their sheep and cows and how much moneythe markets would pay for them. In many ways the radio became a newspaper for the farm people of Australia.52. In the passage "the two-way radio" is______.A. important to AmericansB. useful for children onlyC. used as a telephoneD. only used by doctors
–________________________________________.–Isn't it kind of dangerous? You could get attacked by a shark.
A.I am thinking of taking up scuba diving.It is exciting.B.A lot more people get hurt walking down the street.C.A lot of people think rock climbing is exciting.
Did I say “a lot of dime“? I’m sorry, I meant to say “a lot of time”. It’s a ______ of tongue.A、slipB、throneC、leapD、fall
______ the maths problem is difficult, Ill try very hard to work it out.
In launching a lifeboat, when should the tricing pendants be released?______.A.Before the boat is lowered from the stowage positionB.As soon as the boat-fall blocks clear the davit headC.After the limit switch is activatedD.After all people have been embarked
Alcoholism1 .Yes,alcoholism can be treated. Alcoholism treatment programs use both counseling and medication(药物治疗)to help a person stop drinking. Most alcoholics need help to recover from their disease. With support and treatment,many people are able to stop drinking and rebuild their lives.2. A range of medication is used to treat alcoholism. Benzodiazepines(苯二氮平类药物) are sometimes used during the first days after a person stops drinking to help him or her safely withdraw from alcohol. However,these medications are not used beyond the first few days because they may be highly addictive. Other medications help people remain sober(清醒). One medication used for this purpose is naltrexone(环丙甲经二经吗啡酮) . When combined with counseling,naltrexone can reduce the strong desire for alcohol and help prevent a person from returning to heavy drinking. Another medication, disulfiram(戒酒硫),discourages drinking by making the person feel sick if he or she drinks alcohol. Though several medications help treat alcoholism,there is no“magic bullet”.Developing new and more effective medications to treat alcoholism remains a high priority for researchers.3 .Alcoholism treatment works for many people. But just like any chronic disease,there are different levels of success in treatment.Some people stop drinking and remain sober. Others cannot stop drinking for any length of time. With treatment,one thing is clear,however,the longer a person stops drinking alcohol,the more likely he or she will be able to stay sober.4 .No,alcoholism cannot be cured at this time. Even if an alcoholic hasn't been drinking for a long time,he or she can still return to the drinking habit.To guard against it,an alcoholic must continue to avoid all alcoholic drinks.For alcoholism treatment,there is no single medication that works______.A: stay confusedB: alcoholic drinksC: medical treatmentD: feel sickE: in every personF: stop drinking
第二篇As we have seen,the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease一especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behaviors,such as poor eating habits,smoking,and failure to exercise.The line of thought involved in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight , but does not eat very nutritious(有营养的)foods , who feels OK but exercises only occasionally , who goes to work every day , but is not an outstanding worker,who drinks a few beers at home most nights but does not drive while drunk, and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts,but sleeps a lot and often feels tired.This person is not ill.He may not even be at risk for any particular disease.But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier.The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely "not ill" and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body's special needs.Both types have simply been called "well".In recent years,however,some health specialists have begun to apply the terms "well" and "weilness" only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their body's condition.Most importantly,perhaps,people who are well take active responsibility for all matters related to their health.Even people who have a physical disease or handicap(缺陷)may be "well" ,in this new sense,if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations."Wellness" may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve,but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes.And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living,the concept of weilness can have a beneficial impact on the way in which people face the challenges of daily life.The first paragraph implies that_________.A:good health is more than not being illB:sleeping a lot could be harmfulC:regular health checks are essential to keeping fitD:prevention is more difficult than care
Alcoholism1 .Yes,alcoholism can be treated. Alcoholism treatment programs use both counseling and medication(药物治疗)to help a person stop drinking. Most alcoholics need help to recover from their disease. With support and treatment,many people are able to stop drinking and rebuild their lives.2. A range of medication is used to treat alcoholism. Benzodiazepines(苯二氮平类药物) are sometimes used during the first days after a person stops drinking to help him or her safely withdraw from alcohol. However,these medications are not used beyond the first few days because they may be highly addictive. Other medications help people remain sober(清醒). One medication used for this purpose is naltrexone(环丙甲经二经吗啡酮) . When combined with counseling,naltrexone can reduce the strong desire for alcohol and help prevent a person from returning to heavy drinking. Another medication, disulfiram(戒酒硫),discourages drinking by making the person feel sick if he or she drinks alcohol. Though several medications help treat alcoholism,there is no“magic bullet”.Developing new and more effective medications to treat alcoholism remains a high priority for researchers.3 .Alcoholism treatment works for many people. But just like any chronic disease,there are different levels of success in treatment.Some people stop drinking and remain sober. Others cannot stop drinking for any length of time. With treatment,one thing is clear,however,the longer a person stops drinking alcohol,the more likely he or she will be able to stay sober.4 .No,alcoholism cannot be cured at this time. Even if an alcoholic hasn't been drinking for a long time,he or she can still return to the drinking habit.To guard against it,an alcoholic must continue to avoid all alcoholic drinks.Medication can help some people______.A: stay confusedB: alcoholic drinksC: medical treatmentD: feel sickE: in every personF: stop drinking
Alcoholism1 .Yes,alcoholism can be treated. Alcoholism treatment programs use both counseling and medication(药物治疗)to help a person stop drinking. Most alcoholics need help to recover from their disease. With support and treatment,many people are able to stop drinking and rebuild their lives.2. A range of medication is used to treat alcoholism. Benzodiazepines(苯二氮平类药物) are sometimes used during the first days after a person stops drinking to help him or her safely withdraw from alcohol. However,these medications are not used beyond the first few days because they may be highly addictive. Other medications help people remain sober(清醒). One medication used for this purpose is naltrexone(环丙甲经二经吗啡酮) . When combined with counseling,naltrexone can reduce the strong desire for alcohol and help prevent a person from returning to heavy drinking. Another medication, disulfiram(戒酒硫),discourages drinking by making the person feel sick if he or she drinks alcohol. Though several medications help treat alcoholism,there is no“magic bullet”.Developing new and more effective medications to treat alcoholism remains a high priority for researchers.3 .Alcoholism treatment works for many people. But just like any chronic disease,there are different levels of success in treatment.Some people stop drinking and remain sober. Others cannot stop drinking for any length of time. With treatment,one thing is clear,however,the longer a person stops drinking alcohol,the more likely he or she will be able to stay sober.4 .No,alcoholism cannot be cured at this time. Even if an alcoholic hasn't been drinking for a long time,he or she can still return to the drinking habit.To guard against it,an alcoholic must continue to avoid all alcoholic drinks.Disulfiram can prevent drinking by making the alcoholic______.A: stay confusedB: alcoholic drinksC: medical treatmentD: feel sickE: in every personF: stop drinking
Some doctors think that you should drink a glass of water each morning. You should drink water before doing anything else.The temperature of the water should be similar to body temperature:not hot,not cold.Why should you drink this water?______(46).It helps clean out your kidneys.It prepares your stomach for digestion.______(47).After drinking water,the intestines can more easily take out nutrients from our food. And water helps us go to the bathroom more easily.Scientists suggest that people take in 1,600 milliliters of water each day.______(48).If you do,your kidneys will have to work much harder to eliminate it. It's better to drink some in morning and some in afternoon.______(49).And during meals,they think water dilutes the juices produced in our stomachs.This can interfere with normal digestion.Are you drinking enough water every day?Check the color of your urine.______(50).if your urine is very dark yellow,your probably need to drink more water. A little water each day could make you much healthier._________(47)A:If it is light yellow,you are probably drinking enoughB:Water can also help your intestines work betterC:Some people think it's better to drink between mealsD:Water helps your body in many waysE:But don't drink all of that water in one sitting F: Water is an essential element of life
WaterEarth is like a big blue marble.From high above the Earth and from the moon,the planet gleams and shines.The blue water in the oceans and seas of the Earth makes a dramatic image.The white clouds above the Earth add beauty to the picture.Water is the source of this beauty and the source of life on Earth.It is the reason people can live on this planet. Water is everywhere.(46)_______.It is in the soil,the ground that grows the food.Water is in rock deep under the ground, in natural holding areas一in storage.In a real sense,water keeps Earth alive.Nature has an unchanging amount of water. Nature has a perfect system for recycling water. (47)_____.It falls as rain.Then it goes to one of three places.It might sink slowly through the soil into the natural holding areas in the rock.(48)_______一by becoming vapor,or gas.It might run off into streams,rivers and oceans.By itself,nature can keep the balance and provide plenty of clean water for us.Nature recycles water.However,people cause problems for this natural recycling system.Nature's recycling system can work well(49)________.Some ways that people upset nature are easy to understand.For example, dirty sewage(污水沟系统)water from homes and factories must not mix with drinking water. People get sick from drinking contaminated water. Sometimes water from factories goes into streams and rivers.It enters into the groundwater. It can flow into lakes too.This kind of contamination from industry(waste water from factories) can be dangerous for people.If water contains poisons and chemicals,it is poison.(50)________;some poisons kill people as well as birds and animals.Without knowing,people can upset nature's recycling system.Lakes and rivers add beauty to the world. People enjoy water for entertainment purposes,too. People enjoy swimming and playing in the cool water of a lake in the summer. They like to ride on boats on rivers.Many people enjoy catching fish in the rivers.They fish for food and for sport.However,in some places,the water of the lakes and rivers is no longer safe.These rivers and lakes are contaminated.The fish are dying because of the chemicals from farms and factories.People cannot swim in the polluted water._________(49)A:Poison makes people sickB:It is in the air that people breatheC:We can not live without waterD:Water is used again and againE:only if people work with the system and not against it F: It might disappear into the air quickly
The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.A:polluted
A.lot of people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water.A:muddled B:polluted C:mixed D:troubled
In 2008,27 people were arrested becauseof the contaminated(有毒的)milk powder__A.incident
Even though medicine can take you back to health if you fall ill,______is recommended to avoid side effects.
The drinking water is contaminated with impurities.A:blackened
第三篇Look After Your VoiceOften speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in you mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow.Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat.Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.If you sense that your are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you need to see a doctor,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer. In the meantime,do not even talk in a low voice.What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a life- time.Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.What did Goethe say about skating and swimming?A:He said people could learn to skate when it was hot and swim when it was cold.B:He said people could learn to skate and swim when it was hot.C:He said people could learn to skate and swim when it was cold.D:He said people could learn to skate when it was cold and swim when it was hot.
Around the world more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports and activities.Of course,there have always been people who have looked for adventure--those who have climbed the highest mountains,explored(探险)unknown parts of the world or sailed in small boats across the greatest oceans.Now,however,there are people who seek(寻找)an immediate thrill(令人激动的事情)from a risky activity which may only last a few minutes or even seconds.
I?would consider bungee(蹦极)jumping to be a good example of such an aetwity.You jump?from a high place(perhaps a bridge or a hot air balloon)200 metres above the ground with an elas-tic(弹性的)rope tied to your ankles.You fall at up to 150 kilometres an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground.It is estimated that 2 million people around the world have now tried bungee jumping.Other activities which most people would say are as risky as bungee jumping involve(包括)jumping from tall buildings and diving into the sea from the top of high cliffs.
Why do people take part in such activities as these?Some psychologists(心理学家)suggestthat it is because life in modern societies has become safe and borin9.Not very long ago,people’s lives were constantly under threat.They had to go out and hunt for food,diseases could not easily be cured,and life was a continuous battle for survival.
Nowadays,according to many people,life offers little excitement.They live and work in?comparatively safe environments;they buy food in shops;and there are doctors and hospitals to look?after them if they become ill.The answer for some of these people is to seek danger in activities such?as bungee jumping.
In bungee jumping,you__________.A.jump as high as you can
B.slide down a rope to the ground
C.attach yourself to a rope and fall to the ground
D.fall towards the ground without a rope
Around the world more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports and activities.Of course,there have always been people who have looked for adventure--those who have climbed the highest mountains,explored(探险)unknown parts of the world or sailed in small boats across the greatest oceans.Now,however,there are people who seek(寻找)an immediate thrill(令人激动的事情)from a risky activity which may only last a few minutes or even seconds.
I?would consider bungee(蹦极)jumping to be a good example of such an aetwity.You jump?from a high place(perhaps a bridge or a hot air balloon)200 metres above the ground with an elas-tic(弹性的)rope tied to your ankles.You fall at up to 150 kilometres an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground.It is estimated that 2 million people around the world have now tried bungee jumping.Other activities which most people would say are as risky as bungee jumping involve(包括)jumping from tall buildings and diving into the sea from the top of high cliffs.
Why do people take part in such activities as these?Some psychologists(心理学家)suggestthat it is because life in modern societies has become safe and borin9.Not very long ago,people’s lives were constantly under threat.They had to go out and hunt for food,diseases could not easily be cured,and life was a continuous battle for survival.
Nowadays,according to many people,life offers little excitement.They live and work in?comparatively safe environments;they buy food in shops;and there are doctors and hospitals to look?after them if they become ill.The answer for some of these people is to seek danger in activities such?as bungee jumping.
People probably take part in dangerous sports nowadays because__________.A.they have a lot of free time
B.they can go to hospital if they are injured
C.their lives lack excitement
D.they no longer need to hunt for food
单选题Why do some people get sick after drinking the water from the river?A
Because the river is pollutedB
Because the river makes the earth more beautifulC
Because the river can only offer water to animalsD
Because there are too many animals and plants in the river
单选题According to the passage, what problem does Sao Paulo have?A
A lot of people don’t have jobs.B
Too many people live in the city centre.C
A lot of people are moving out of the city.D
Too many people travel into the city every day.
单选题The passage is primarily concerned with ______.A
the etiquette of the eighteenth centuryB
the ensuing romance between two people from different social classesC
the lesson that one can never be too carefulD
the resilience of the human spirit to rise after a fall and adapt to new surroundingsE
the workings of social networks and importance of befriending the upper class
单选题A lot of people visited the Taishan Mountian ______.A
13 hours after the earthquakeB
on May 18C
during the May Day holidayD
on April 16
To protect environment.B
To cool buildings.C
To change the climates.D
To provide drinking water.